Archaeologist Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities

By | October 20, 2023
Archaeologist Job Description
Archaeologists’ work reveal great information about people and places of old.

This post provides detailed information on the archaeologist job description, including the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements that you may be expected to meet to be hired for the archaeologist role by most recruiters/employers.

What Does an Archaeologist Do?

An archaeologist can be said to be an individual who carry out thorough study and research on past ways of life/cultures of diverse groups of people via their remains (this usually includes bones, artifacts, art etc).

The job description (i.e. the day-to-day activities/duties) of an archaeologist differs and depends on the scope of their work and area of specialization.

The role of an archaeologist basically involves field work which entails the meticulous digging for artifacts. The choice of a particular site for excavation or digging depends on the archaeologist’s research project and the climatic condition of that particular locality.

The nature of an archaeologist’s job is one that requires a lot of strength in a bid to be able to carry out physical activities like digging and moving from place to place within a particular period of time.

He/she in most cases works with or within a team of other archaeologists and they make use of various tools like pickaxes, brushes, and buckets, and in some cases bulldozers so as to carefully unearth artifacts.

Archaeologists engage in data collection procedures right before the commencement of digging for artifacts up until the entire research process has been completed.

These data have to do with the archaeological site and may include- pictures, maps, drawings/sketches, soil samples, and notes containing necessary observations that were made.

The Archaeologist makes sure that whatever artifact that was discovered during the excavation or digging exercise passes through a process of conservation within an archaeological lab.

He/she tries as much as possible to make sure that archaeological sites and remains are properly safe and preserved always.

After the collection of data and examination of findings, the archaeologist’s work description also entails drawing up conclusions based on this findings/evidence. These findings are now arranged appropriately and are presented through books and/or journal articles.

Archaeologist Job Description Example/Sample/Template

An archaeologist carries out a whole lot of functions before drawing up and putting out conclusions based on his/her archaeological research and/or findings.

The job description example below highlights the common duties, tasks, and responsibilities of individuals working as archaeologist:

  • Perform analysis and Interpretation of data and findings
  • Make use of aerial photography to determine and locate sites that are suitable for excavation and/or digging (for artifacts)
  • Carry out examination, documentation, and proper preservation of artifacts
  • Responsible for the planning and organization of surveys and excavations within a particular archaeological site
  • Write reports and articles about archaeological findings for publication
  • From time to time create virtual simulations of how artifacts or archaeological sites would have looked.

Requirements – Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge – for the Role of an Archaeologist

When hiring for the position of an archaeologist, most employers will expect applicants to meet the following requirements so as to qualify for a scheduled interview meeting:

  • Must possess excellent communication skills on all fronts
  • Must have good interpersonal skills and abilities
  • Must be willing to work as a member of a team or maybe even lead a team
  • Possession of excellent organizational abilities
  • Must possess excellent leadership qualities and abilities
  • Must be someone that pays keen attention to even the smallest of details
  • Possession of basic and relevant knowledge of data analysis and interpretation software
  • Must have basic knowledge of computer-based design and sketching software like CAD (Computer Aided Design)
  • Basic Knowledge of at least four modern languages like English, German, French, and Spanish
  • A minimum of a Bachelor’s degree in archaeology
  • A range of 2 to 5 years works experience as a certified archaeologist
  • A Master’s degree in the field of archaeology would serve as an advantage.


Any employer seeking to employ qualified archaeologists will need to publish a detailed description of the job to enable applicants assess themselves for suitability for the role, and to help get the best people to apply for the position.

To quickly and easily make an effective work description for the post, you will find the sample job description provided above very useful.

You will be able to paint a very clear picture of who is needed for this particular role and so increase your chances of getting the best candidates for the job.

Also, person’s that are interested in taking up a career in the field of archaeology will find this post beneficial in learning about the duties and responsibilities of archaeologists that they will be expected to perform when hired in future.

With this knowledge, you can properly assess your suitability for the archaeology career and be able to make informed decision on it.