Math Tutor Job Description, Key Duties, and Responsibilities
This post provides complete information on the job description of a math tutor to help you understand what they do.
It highlights the major duties, tasks, and responsibilities that commonly make up the math tutor work description in most organizations.
It also presents the major requirements you will be expected to meet to qualify for the math tutor position with most employers/recruiters.
Please, continue reading to improve your knowledge of the math tutor career:
What Does a Math Tutor Do?
Math tutors are specialists trained and certified to tutor students and members of an organization on both basic and advanced math skills.
They are like teachers but outside the four walls of a school building.
Math tutors provide guidance to students and tutees on the very basics and advanced dimensions of mathematics, helping them overcome the obstacles of dealing with math problems and the frustrations that usually arise from the inability to understand and successfully apply mathematics principles.
Their services are highly sought after at homes by parents or guardians who are not impressed by the performance of their children or ward in mathematics.
They are also hired by organizations to teach the staff basic or advanced mathematic skills necessary for their jobs.
Math tutors tend to design their working hours and mode of tutorials to the best of their abilities.
They identify the mathematical needs of their students and tutees with the view to helping them overcome their difficulties in mathematics.
Math tutors also help students overcome their phobia for mathematics, which is common among many students all around the world.
With their simplified way of teaching, they portray math to be as simple as other subjects.
The math tutor duties entails preparing lessons in a well-structured manner geared towards enabling students to learn mathematics in bits yet efficient enough to help them meet their mathematical needs.
The terms and conditions of payments for services offered by math tutors depend on their bargaining power and the nature of the tutorial.
This could include the number of days or hours given by the tutor and his/her experience and qualification.
Math tutors are expected to have some basic skills to be able to handle math sessions effectively and make the tutorial process an engaging and educative one.
Math Tutor Job Description Example/Sample/Template
Below is an example of a math tutor job description, consisting of the major duties, tasks, and responsibilities that they are commonly charged with:
- Tutors teach students in groups with aids from the library and other online resources
- Handle major topics in algebra, quadratic equation, simultaneous linear equation, etc. which average students might struggle with
- Develop tutorial materials in their simplest forms for easy assimilation by students or tutees
- Carry out evaluative functions to help ascertain areas of weaknesses of students and assist them overcome them
- Collaborate with other parties, such as parents and management team of a company to create a better learning time and environment
- Prepare the minds of students/tutees through regular reminder and awareness of forthcoming lessons
- Encourage, support, and challenge students to meet up with their academic/math targets
- Help get students prepared for tests and exams
- Note the performance of the students/tutees
- Organize meetings with parents and organizational leadership on the progress of the students and tutees respectively
- Finish up and hand over the necessary documents containing lessons and procedures involved in the tutorial
- Engage students in extracurricular activities needed for their general academic development
- Ensure that the learning environment is kept clean and conducive before, during, and after each session
- Develop teaching and learning course for the students or tutees, with strategic outlining of topics for learning.
- Assist in situations students find certain subjects difficult
- Teach students more formulas that are needed in mathematical operations
- Help students overcome the math phobia inherent in the minds of students and tutees
- Take Attendance
- Help put through the students on analytical thinking and problem solving skills
- Could also help students prepare for mathematical competitions.
Math Tutor Job Description for Resume
If you have worked before as a math tutor or are presently working as one and need to write a resume or CV, it will do your resume a lot of good to include the professional experience section in it.
With the professional or work experience section, you can clearly inform the recruiter/employer that you have been effective performing the role of a math tutor.
You do this by highlighting the duties and responsibilities that you have performed as a math tutor in the professional experience part of your resume or CV.
You can easily and quickly make the professional experience part of your resume by applying the math tutor job description sample provided above.
(Learn how to make an effective resume applying the Employer-focused Resume Writing Technique)
Math Tutor Requirements – Skills, Abilities, Knowledge for Career Success
If you are seeking the job of a math tutor, you will be expected to meet certain requirements before you will be considered for the role. These include:
- Education:
There are general qualifications to be possessed by a math tutor while there are some qualifications that might be expected based on the academic level of the tutee.
For example, organizations that are in need of tutors often stress on the need to have a tutor with a Bachelor’s degree in mathematics, while for students at lesser grades, certificate in any math related course could be accepted.
A Bachelor’s degree is always the basic certificate or qualification that can be accepted anywhere whether in an organization or in a private home setting.
• Skills:
Mathematics – math tutors are well grounded in many dimensions of mathematics like algebra, quadratic equations, and other major aspects of mathematics that an average student may struggle with.
Communication skills – math tutors are required to use excellent communications to relate information in their simplest forms void of ambiguity.
Time management – math tutors use good time management skills to deal with subject matters within the allotted time.
They do this by simplifying the session into bits and stages.
Computer skills – math tutors should be well skilled in the use of computer packages that have a lot to teach and help in the math field. These include SPSS, Excel etc.
Interpersonal skills – math tutors interact with students with different levels of understanding and retention abilities.
They present themselves to be friendly and give students the good feeling, which is necessary for quick learning.
Math tutors work regularly with the following tools:
Math tools (calculators, protractors, and compasses) and computer software tools (chatting software tools and email).
This post provides valuable information for individuals interested in the math tutor career.
They will be able to learn all they need to know about the duties and responsibilities of a math tutor, and so be able to make the best decisions about becoming a math tutor or not.
This post is also helpful to recruiters/employers who are looking to hire the best available math tutor.
They can create a great job description using the sample provided in this post to attract the best candidates for the available math tutor position.