Chief of Staff Job Description, Duties, and Responsibilities

By | October 17, 2023
Chief of Staff Job Description
Chiefs of staff also help presidents organize members of their staff for effective operations.

This post provides detailed information on the chief of staff job description, including the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements that you may be expected to fulfill to be hired for the chief of staff role.

What Does a Chief of Staff Do?

Chiefs of Staff, COS for short are officers who are responsible for helping Chief Executive Officers of organizations, members of various legislative houses, governors of states, and Presidents of nations organize their members of staff in order for such members of staff to be coordinated in the fulfillment of their organization’s set objectives.

To the leaders of these organizations, a Chief of Staff serves not just as their strategic consultant, but also as their trusted confidant and agent. Some organizations tag them as Heads of Staff.

Notwithstanding the nomenclature, the functions of a chief of staff are usually not fixed; they are rather fluid in the light of their organization’s changing needs or circumstances.

His/her job description entails organizing training needed for the achievement of the organization’s objectives for other members of staff.

He/she is required to provide pieces of advice to the Chief Executive Officer.

The Chief of Staff is often required to handle their boss’ communication responsibilities. He/she is also required to listen to the need of other members of staff and address the need effectively and efficiently.

His/her role also involves helping their boss determine what matters require their boss’ personal attention. He/she is responsible for organizing the Chief Executive Officer’s diary and fixing engagements for the CEO.

The Chief of Staff attends both internal and external meetings on behalf of and/or with the Chief Executive Officer. He/she prepares the Chief Executive Officer for meetings and/or engagements. He/she helps the Chief Executive Officer and/or organization meets deadlines.

He/she may be responsible for leading teams whose responsibilities cut across various functions in the organization, e.g. a team set up to achieve a particular project.

His/her work description also involves helping the Chief Executive Officer to research on best corporate practices and market trends for the organization’s products and services.

He/she manages the Chief Executive Officer’s top-level confidences and ensures these confidences are not exposed to any person without the CEO’s permission. He/she may be required to participate in the recruitment process for members of staff.

The Chief of Staff also ensures that the organization’s budget is followed by strictly and may be responsible for the development of staff handbook for the control of members of staff.

Chief of Staff Job Description Example/Sample/Template

The tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a Chief of Staff cut across a number of activities. The major aspects of these functions are highlighted in the job description example below:

  • Ensuring that the Chief Executive Officer’s time is maximally utilized
  • Representing the Chief Executive Officer at internal and external meetings/engagements that require the presence of the Chief Executive Officer
  • Helping the boss to free up schedules
  • Ensuring that members of staff comply with corporate and legal standards/regulations
  • Keeping track of the organization’s projects on behalf of the Chief Executive Officer
  • Reporting progress on various affairs of the organization, e.g., the perception of employees, status of various projects, etc. to the Chief Executive Officer
  • Ensuring that other members of staff are well motivated and inspired.

Requirements – Skills, Abilities, and Knowledge – for Chief of Staff Role

If you are seeking the job of a Chief of Staff and need to know what employers’ requirements are, they are highlighted below:

  • A Bachelor’s degree in Business Management or related field
  • Experience as a manager
  • Proven excellent oral and written communication skills
  • Proven experience and skills in leadership
  • Ability to listen empathetically
  • Time management skills
  • Proven excellent interpersonal skills
  • Ability to multitask effectively
  • Knowledge of the field in which he/she is serving as a Chief of Staff
  • Proven ability to keep top-level confidence
  • Ability to pay attention to details and to work based on available data and not guesswork
  • Ability to use Microsoft Office packages effectively
  • Experience as a project manager
  • Ability to be flexible both in relation to job-specification and schedules
  • Ability to solve problems with plum
  • Ability to show good business acumen.


Are you a hiring manager or an employer looking for unique ideas on how to write an impeccable job description for the role of the Chief of Staff to match your company’s needs?

If you are, then look no further, this job description sample for the Chief of Staff position will help you draft a perfect description with little customization that will match the objectives of your organization quickly without hassle.

Not only will you be able to get the most qualified candidates applying for the job on time, you will also be able to communicate your needs to the candidates of what is expected of the job.

Individuals interested in the Chief of Staff career will also find this post helpful in learning about the duties and responsibilities that characterize the position.