Cement Mason Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities

By | August 15, 2023
Cement Mason Job Description
Cement Masons are responsible for pouring concrete at construction site. Image source: drkit.

Cement Mason Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities

This post provides exhaustive information of the cement mason job description, to help you learn the work they do.

It presents the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities that commonly make up the cement mason work description.

It also presents the major requirements most recruiters may want you to meet if you are seeking to work as a cement mason.

Please, continue reading to learn more about the cement mason career:

What Does a Cement Mason Do?

A cement mason is responsible for pouring concrete at construction site and ensuring that the poured concrete is level, overseeing and ensuring the proper arrangement of concrete forms, rubbing cement on surfaces, making sure high spots are smooth, finishing corners efficiently by hand, and carrying out other masonry tasks as required.

In other words, a cement mason can be described as a crucial part of any construction or general contracting business, as he/she is responsible for pouring, measuring, and working with cement in all aspects of a project.

The cement mason job description entails smoothing and finishing surfaces which may include walls, floors, walks, sidewalks, roads, or curbs with the use of various hand and power tools.

It also involves carrying out several tasks such as assisting in the process of pouring foundations, carrying out the measurement and the laying out of sidewalks and driveways, and any necessary finishing and smoothing work.

Cement masons is responsible for marking and reinforcing areas where cement has been newly or recently added to ensure that such areas are dry and properly set.

He/she may also be responsible for liaising with the site manager or construction foreperson to get a correct and accurate idea of where cement should be applied or poured.

He/she is also expected to use blueprints and survey data to ensure that specific areas are carefully and effectively marked out.

The cement mason work description also entails utilizing wood reinforcement, twine, and stakes to finalize the area.

It also involves efficiently making use of tools such as specially designed blades and other relevant tools to achieve the necessary smoothness and pattern in the final set of a surface or material.

The role of a cement mason requires the individual to possess certain skills or attributes that are needed for efficiency on the job.

Some of these skills include physical strength, stamina, and profound knowledge of the measurement and pouring of cement and precision; the ability to work outdoors and good team working skills.

In terms of academic qualifications, individuals seeking to become a cement mason should possess a High School diploma, and most importantly the completion of an apprenticeship.

Several years of professional work experience and vocational or technical school training is also considered crucial by some employers for the cement mason position.

Cement Mason Salary: Moreover, the average annual salary of a cement mason is $58,958.

Cement Mason Job Description Example/Sample/Template

Here are major tasks, duties, and responsibilities that typically define the cement mason job description:

  • Examining the forms that hold concrete or cement and ensure that they are properly constructed
  • Setting and aligning forms that hold cement or concrete to the desired pitch and depth
  • Ensuring that cement is well-spread, smooth, and level with the use of necessary items such as edging tools, jointers, and straightedge
  • Mixing cement, sand, and water to produce concrete, grout, or slurry, with the use of hoe, trowel, and concrete-mixing machine
  • Ensuring that wood or plastic molds are properly set up
  • Hardening and sealing poured concrete with the use of chemicals
  • Monitoring construction operations by considering how factors such as wind, heat, or cold can affect the curing of the cement throughout the entire process
  • Application of necessary protection materials such as sealants and waterproofing to protect concrete
  • Overseeing and frequently monitoring the hardening process to ensure a durable, smooth, and uniform finish.

Cement Mason Job Description for Resume

If you have previously worked as a cement mason or are presently working in that position and are writing a new resume, it is important to add the professional experience section to it.

With the professional or work experience section in your resume, you will be able to express the duties and responsibilities you have performed or are performing in the role of a cement mason.

This can significantly strengthen your resume and cause the recruiter to grant you an interview, especially if the position you are applying for requires working experience as a cement mason.

Cement Mason Requirements – Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success

If you are seeking to work as a cement mason, here are major requirements you may be expected to fulfill by recruiters to be hired:

  • Physical strength and stamina, as the job of a cement mason require him/her to move effectively, make certain postures such as kneeling, bending, and reaching, and also handle equipment effectively
  • Profound knowledge of cement pouring and measurement
  • Good mathematical skills, as this is very important and needed to solve problems
  • Precision and good time management skills which enable cement masons to make accurate measurements, get adequate materials, and also complete projects within given deadlines
  • Good interpersonal skills which enable them to work effectively with a variety of team members
  • Problem-solving skills, as a cement mason is expected to identify complex problems and review relevant information to develop and evaluate options and implement solutions
  • At least 3 to 5 years of technical or vocational school training, or several years of relevant work experience
  • Completion of an apprenticeship.


If you are a recruiter or employer needing to hire for the cement mason role, you will need to make and publish a description of the position to let prospective employees know the kind of duties they will be expected to perform as a cement mason in your organization.

You can apply the cement mason job description sample provided above in making the perfect description of the vacant position for your organization.

This post is also helpful to individuals interested in the cement mason career; they will be able to learn all they need to know about the duties of a cement mason to decide if that’s the career path they want to follow.