Stock Broker Job Description Example

By | August 27, 2023
Stock Broker job description, duties, tasks, and responsibilities
Stock Brokers have the skills to monitor market trends and after logical reasoning deduce if the market is going bullish or bearish.

Stock Broker Job Description Example

What Does a Stock Broker Do?

Stock brokers work in the financial sector where their major responsibility is to guide investment decisions of individual clients and organizations.

The stock broker job description entails buying and selling of stocks on behalf of clients as well as manage clients’ investment portfolio.

Stock brokers work closely with clients to identify their buying powers and risk tolerance levels and develop strategies that will enable each client meet financial goals.

Their role also includes carrying out daily research to identify value of stocks, shares and bonds, as well as current market trends and news (both economic and political) that affects the stock market.

Stock brokers maintain contact with clients to keep them informed of current scenario in the stock market.

They are also responsible for managing information related to clients’ investment portfolio and utilize such information in providing advisory services to clients from time to time.

Other duties and responsibilities in their work description include identifying new clients; establishing accounts for them and following up to identify their investment needs.

To be employed by a financial services firm or succeed as a stock broker, you must be a graduate with a minimum qualification of bachelor’s degree in any finance related discipline.

In addition, you must be conversant with the working of the financial system in general and stock exchange market in particular.

A stock broker must be good at building strong relations with clients and potential clients.

He/she must also be a good communicator.

He/she must possess superb research skills and must be quick to decipher useful information from piles of data.

He/she must be logical in reasoning and should be able to make valid judgment based on available information.

See detailed summary of the functions of a stock broker and skills expected of him/her:

Stock Broker Job Description Example/Template

Below is a job description example for a stock broker, emphasizing the common duties, tasks, and responsibilities that you should expect to be assigned working in that role in most firms:

  • Assist clients in buying and selling of stock, shares, and bonds
  • Maintain close contact with clients and manage their investment portfolio
  • Identify the buying powers and risk tolerance level of clients
  • Design appropriate strategies that will help each client to meet financial goals
  • Conduct daily research to identify value of stocks, shares, and bonds
  • Identify current market trends and news that affect the stock market
  • Inform clients of current scenario and expectations in the stock market
  • Manage clients’ portfolio information
  • Provide advisory services to clients from time to time
  • Identify new clients; establish accounts for them and follow up to identify their investment needs
  • Hire and train graduates and professionals interested in pursuing career in stock brokering.

Stock Broker Resume Preparation

Are you seeking a job as a stock broker? If you are, then you will need to produce and send a resume to recruiters.

You will be expected to highlight your job experience as a stock broker in the resume if you have any.

To enable you create the work experience part of your resume, the sample job description above contains the appropriate information about the duties of a stock broker that you can adopt.

Requirements – Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities – for Stock Broker Role

Below are some of the skills, qualities and qualifications usually possessed by most successful stock brokers, and which employers for the position will usually require that applicants satisfy to be considered for the position:

  • Education: A Master’s degree in business finance, economics or related discipline is necessary to succeed as a stock broker. However, a fresh graduate with Bachelor’s degree in finance related discipline can start a career in stock brokering. In addition, he or she must have outstanding knowledge of the working of the financial system and stock market
  • Researching and reporting skills: To succeed as a stock broker, you must have superb research skills and ability to prepare financial reports. You must be able to surf the web daily and go through financial reports to gather important investment information
  • Communication skills: Strong communication skill is paramount to success in the field of stock brokering as clients demand regular update on the status of their investments. You must be able to communicate effectively through writing and electronic presentations
  • Computer skills: He/she must be proficient in computer spreadsheet applications. A good understanding of stock trading platforms is also necessary
  • Logical reasoning and judgment: A stock broker must be able to make valid judgment after logical reasoning. He/she must be able to monitor market trend and determine if the market is going bullish or bearish
  • Interpersonal skills: He/she must have the ability to build and sustain good relations with clients and potential investors. He/she must be able to deliver top-notch customer service to clients and make them believe in the security of their investments
  • Confidentiality: Managing clients’ investment requires high level of confidentiality, so, stock brokers are expected to keep clients’ investment portfolio information secure and away from unauthorized eyes.

Stock Broker Skills for Resume

The skills requirements for the job of a stock broker above can be applied when making your resume’s skills section, which shows employers the qualities you have that will enable you to give excellent performance as a stock broker.

To easily win the hearts of employers and get them to give you an interview for the position of stock broker, it is advised to get the above stated skills and highlight them in your resume.

This will quickly get hirers attention because they could see you have the right qualities that will enable you to excel as a stock broker.


When you are looking for the stock broker job, or are thinking of a career in that area, it will be necessary to have an idea of the job description for the role.

The duties and responsibilities provided in this post will increase your knowledge of what stock brokers do and so help you to prepare well for the career.

Also, the sample job description provided in this post can be used as a template by employers to make effective work description to assign tasks to their newly hired stock brokers.

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