Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test: 20 Important Facts and Practice Questions

By | July 16, 2023
Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test
Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Tests help to confirm candidates’ mechanical knowledge and comprehension.

The Ramsay mechanical aptitude test (Ramsay MAT-4) is a pre-employment aptitude examination for engineering and mechanical entry-level positions.

It is comparable to the Bennett mechanical comprehension test and others in that it assesses mechanical knowledge and comprehension.

This post discusses some facts about this test, as well as provides practice questions.

20 Facts about the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test

Here are important facts you need to know about the Ramsay mechanical aptitude test:

  1. Number of questions

The number of questions in a Ramsay mechanical aptitude test is usually between fifty and eighty, which makes it quite a long test. Some tests can be as long as 120 questions.

2. Grade

Only the top 20% to 30% of qualifying test takers will be invited to an interview. The highest-scoring prospects will be contacted first.

Employers usually only consider applicants who score in the top 20-30% of their class. This indicates that 70-80% of those who apply will be passed over for an interview.

3. Tests are not race specific

Although the number of tests administered to minorities may be misleading, it is best not to focus on race or ethnicity when preparing for an aptitude test. The best advice is straightforward: do your best and never give up.

Since passing scores are based on previous class performance, a high score is more likely for students who prepare with sample tests than those who don’t prepare at all.

4. Reading comprehension

The test is given in English. Reading comprehension is the first part of the test, and takes up about 20% of the test.

The employer may ask how well you can read.

However, the best advice for reading comprehension is to study.

For example, learn how to use a dictionary or look up words in a book like a guidebook or foreign language phrasebook.

Reading comprehension questions are not difficult when you know what to expect!

More Facts about the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test [5-8]

5. True-false questions

This part has about 20 true-false questions, varying in difficulty from very easy to moderately difficult.

Some have diagrams to aid in the interpretation of the questions.

If a question looks difficult, go ahead and answer it anyway. It is likely that you will be able to eliminate one or more incorrect answers.

6. Multiple-choice questions

The second part has about 25 multiple-choice questions, varying in difficulty from easy to very difficult.

The best way to prepare for this part of the test is to study sample tests and practice with a friend who is also preparing for the test.

Make sure you are familiar with all of the words used in the test before you take it!

7. Break

Some agencies will allow you to take a break for about 10 minutes after the reading comprehension part of the test.

8. Time limits

The time limit for the entire test is one hour, but this does not mean you must finish all of the test in an hour.

Each part has its own allotted time, so make sure that you do not spend too much time on any one part of the test.

You will have a little extra time at the end of each part to review your answers and make changes if you need to do so. If you finish early with either part, move on immediately to the next section.

More Facts about the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test [9-10]

9. Be familiar with the format of the test

Some agencies may use an additional part or parts beyond what is described here.

These questions may be on such things as carpentry, mechanical repair, motivation, or math. If a test has a question that is unusual or you don’t understand, ask the administrator for clarification.

You have the right to take as much time as you need to read and understand any part of the test.

10. Policies concerning food and drink

The food and drink policies include:

  • Remember to put any drinks down on a desk near you.
  • If possible, try to avoid caffeine before taking the test.
  • Caffeine can interfere with your ability to relax and think clearly. (It also keeps you awake.

Do not:

  • eat until after you complete the aptitude test. Eat before if necessary.
  • bring snacks into a testing room.
  • smoke or use chewing gum or other carbonated or acidic products during the test.
  • chew gum during the test.
  • carry your hair in a ponytail; this may interfere with the testing instruments’ ability to measure your head size.
  • apply moisturizers before taking the test.
  • drink liquids in excess of 3 ounces within three hours of testing.

More Facts about the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test [11-12]

11. Do not be nervous

Most people are surprised by how easy aptitude tests are. For example, many people are nervous about taking a driver’s test after they’ve driven for four years.

Yet they walk into the DMV and easily pass their road test by answering a few simple questions, a little driving, and checking the mirror three times, only people who have never taken tests before experience serious anxiety about them.

At this time, you should be thinking about how you can demonstrate your abilities to the employer.

12. Don’t rush through the test

When you take an aptitude test, you want to do your best and respond quickly. Because of that, some people mistakenly think they should rush through the test by marking any answer they can on each question.

This is a big mistake. Rushing will only cause you to make more mistakes and lose points. If you don’t understand a question or you need to refer back to something, don’t hesitate.

Take time. Read the test instructions again, look at sample questions, and then decide on an answer.

If you have time at the end, go back and look for your errors. Don’t assume that your first choice is always correct because it may not have been.

More Facts about the Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test [13-14]

13. Keep your answers simple

Aptitude tests are designed to measure your ability to solve problems quickly and accurately.

If you can give several of the correct answers, it does not mean that you have a high score.

In fact, if you give several correct answers for each question, the difficulty level of your test score will be lower than if you answered one right answer for each question.

Also, in an aptitude test that measures different areas separately, some questions may ask you to think in one area and then apply it in a different area where there is more information available.

Therefore, you should consider carefully how best to present your answers.

14. Don’t worry if you can’t answer every question

Some people in their reading and thinking difficulty are amazed that they answered several questions correctly.

They then immediately assume that they must have done well!

No matter how many questions you do not understand, remember this is a test of your abilities to read and think clearly.

If you simply can’t answer some of the questions correctly, just indicate that at the end of the test by circling an answer in the space provided (one box per question).

Then leave those questions blank. If a question is too difficult, skip it or circle it very lightly so that your score will not be reduced.

More Facts about the Aptitude Test [15-17]

15. Don’t use an old test

Recently released tests can be very different from those that are used by employers. Therefore, if you have taken a test using one of these newer tests, you should not use it for this test.

You might find that the questions in the newer tests are not as close to what is asked on the real test and may end up making major mistakes.

If you have taken a recent test, review the sample questions before taking the entire aptitude test.

Keep in mind that some tests have been revised from time to time since they were first written.

16. Don’t write anything on your answer sheet

Some people think that it is a good idea to keep a copy of their answers. However, this is very unprofessional and will only cause you to make more mistakes.

In addition, when you copy a scrap of paper from your answer sheet, it is easy for others to see exactly what answers you have chosen.

It may also be used against you as evidence of dishonesty. So make sure that no one sees your work on the answer sheet.

17. Don’t bring personal items into the testing room

Remember to keep books, cameras, or any other possessions that could trip someone or ruin something out of sight in a locker or other place where they cannot be seen during the test.

You can also ask the administrator to provide lockers for your use; however, these are not always available.

If you bring things into the testing room, they will be checked at the door when you enter and taken to your locker or placed on a desk near you.

More Facts about the Test [18-20]

18. Do not be afraid of making errors when taking tests

As long as you understand the test instructions and are able to read and think clearly, you can easily determine whether or not your answers are correct.

You will probably make a few errors, especially if your test score is high or because your test was a recent one.

However, you can still do well in the test.

Don’t worry if an occasional error slips in.

If it does, simply mark the question with an “X” without worrying about what others might think. Then look for it during review.

19. Possible range of questions

There are several different types of questions that might be included on a Ramsay mechanical aptitude test.

You might be asked to solve for speed; given a drawing and asked to solve for the length; given a diagram and be asked to figure out which part is larger or smaller than another, to draw lines from points in space to answer questions about dimensions, etc.

20. Difficulty level

The level of difficulty for the Ramsay mechanical aptitude test is pretty high.

There will be questions that you will not know the answer to and that you will not be able to figure out even after trying them for a few minutes.

Some of the questions involve solving complicated multistep problems and also require working with different formulas, concepts, etc., that might not relate to anything you know from school or work experience.

Ramsay Mechanical Aptitude Test Practice Questions

Here are sample Ramsay mechanical aptitude test practice questions you can work with:  

1. Which type of valve should be used when a precise, low flow is required? A. Check B. Needle C. Gate D. Both A and B.

2. What type of pump is used to maintain the level of a liquid in a tank by providing continuous suction? A. Air lift B. Butterfly C. Piston D. All of the above.

3. What is the standard pressure coefficient for an orifice? A. 1 B. 0 C. 0.5 D. 0.75.

4. Which of the following is not a force associated with centrifugal pumps? A. Centrifugal B. Gear C. Gravity D. Both A and B.

5. What is the most common type of pump? A. Positive suction B. Impulse C. Positive displacement D. All of the above.

6. Which would have greater hydraulic energy storage capacity? A. Tank A and Tank B combined B. Tank A alone C. Pump D tank A and tank B combined.

7. What is a differential? A. A pressure regulator used on centrifugal pumps B. A groove between two gears C. The distance in an inch or millimeter between gears D. All of the above.

More Practice Questions

8. What is the purpose of a safety relief valve? A. To limit pressure in the pump to a predetermined value B. To limit pressure in the pump to 0 PSIG and prevent over pressurization C. To protect the pump against severe shock by passing flow through it when it opens D. All of the above.

9. What is meant by “head” in hydraulics? A. The difference between supply and delivery pressures B . The pressure drop from source to load C. The pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of a pump D. The ratio of the size of the orifice to the size of the delivery pipe.

10. Consider pump P1 delivering water at 60 pounds per square inch (psi) at 100 feet per minute (fpm) to another pump P2 exhausting water at 30 psi at 10 fpm from a lower elevation. If P1 were suddenly disconnected, which of the following would happen? A. Both pumps would continue to run B .P2 would continue to run but with slightly less output C. Both pumps would stop running D .P1 would continue to run but with slightly less output.


The Ramsay mechanical aptitude test (Ramsay MAT -4) is a relatively reliable pre-employment aptitude test for mechanical engineers and the entry-level positions that follow in machine shops, etc.

It is not as good as a job simulation and therefore should be used to supplement other tests when selection is required.

Ramsay MAT-4 provides a common starting point for those interested in taking part on a test such as the Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT).

There are several advantages in using this test to help improve your performance on other more formal tests, such as the GMAT.

Some disadvantages include that it requires little preparation time, but others such as time commitment, resources, and length of time may detract from your efforts.

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