Medical Director Job Description Example

By | August 31, 2023
Medical Director job description, duties, tasks, and responsibilities
Medical Directors ensure their facilities provide quality service to patients. Image source:

Medical Director Job Description Example

What Does a Medical Director Do?

A medical director is an executive who is saddled with the responsibility of managing a medical establishment, ensuring that patients enjoy adequate medical care.

The medical director job description entails participating in the recruitment process for capable hands to work for the clinic.

He/she will review the credentials of prospective healthcare staff for employment, checking for competence and experience which are important qualities in achieving organizational goals.

As a member of the executive team, the director will assist in creating code of conducts for members of staff. This document contains the mode of operation, schedules, duties, and other expectations of staff members.

The role of the medical director also includes drafting organizational goals and targets, which are presented to staff to inform them of what is expected of them, and to put them in the right direction to achieving the hospital’s goal.

The director understands that the smooth operation of the clinic and the achievement of organizational goals, to a large extent, depend on the staff force. Therefore, they will put things in place to monitor and evaluate staff performance, checking for avoidable lapses, and taking measures to correcting them.

They will enforce appropriate sanctions to faulting members based on the magnitude of their offenses, and give rewards to hardworking members so as to motivate others to work harder.

For staff to put in their best on the job, the work environment has to be good and favorable to them, and that’s where the medical director comes in.

He/she will create conducive and flexible working atmosphere for staff comfort. This includes making provision for good salaries, allowances, and insurance.

They will also provide tools and equipment needed by the medical team to discharge their responsibilities.

The Director will ensure that the clinic’s facilities are up and running at all times, and will ensure damaged facilities are quickly repaired.

Medical Director Job Description Example

The major duties, tasks, and responsibilities of medical directors in most clinics and hospitals are given in the job description example shown below:

  • Facilitate healthy communication with clinic staff to listen to their work needs, suggestions, and complaints
  • Partake in making organizational decisions and implementation of policies that will foster better patient care; give good suggestions from experience and knowledge for the growth and development of the hospital
  • Ensure that clinic staff strictly adhere to local, state, and federal laws in administering treatment, to avoid sanctions and possible shutdown of the clinic
  • Outline treatment procedures and processes, such as information gathering, assessment, diagnosis, and consultation to patients’ relations
  • Review clinic performance records from time to time, checking for productivity and identifying the loopholes that are hindering high level performance, and taking measures to put things in order for better results
  • Liaise with external consultants in evaluating clinic performance and policies to have a more professional opinion void of sentiments, and implement recommendations and changes to enhance productivity
  • Settle disputes between staff and management, fostering a mutually beneficial solution for the overall interest of the organization
  • Inspect clinic facilities; facilitate quality improvement procedures; and replace worn-out facilities with new ones for better service provision to patients
  • Maintain good relationships with other healthcare organizations and regulatory bodies
  • Implement infection control procedures as part of organizational policies, and maintain good hygiene culture in the clinic
  • Ensure both staff and patients’ safety by taking safety precautions in human and mechanical operations
  • Create and implement health policies and schemes for members of staff as part of their welfare

Preparing a resume for the medical director’s job:

If you are looking for a job as medical director in a clinic, you will be expected to send a resume to the employer for them to be able to assess your application properly.

To write such resume, the sample job description provided above contains the right statements you need to compose the work history section of the resume, with some modifications to tally with your true experience in the industry.

Requirements – Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities – for Medical Director Job

Here are important skills, knowledge and abilities you will need to succeed working in a clinic as medical director:

  • Possession of Certified Medical Director qualification
  • Possession of good leadership skills to lead by example
  • Ability to motivate staff to put in their best in achieving organizational goals
  • Good decision making instincts
  • Ability to carry everybody along without undue favoritism
  • Creativity in developing effective working strategies

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