Audio Video Technician Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities

By | February 17, 2025
Audio Video Technician Job Description
Audio video technicians setup, operate, and maintain a wide range of audio and video equipment to ensure events, performances, and productions come through loud and clear.

This post provides detailed information on the audio video technician job description, including the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements you may be expected to fulfill to be hired for the audio video technician role by most recruiters/employers.

(You will be able to download the audio video technician job description template in pdf below.)

What Does An Audio Video Technician Do?

An audio video technician sets up and operates audiovisual equipment for events and productions.

According to the West Virginia University, audio and video equipment technicians, who are also known simply as audio video technicians, are responsible for setting up and operating audio and video equipment at concerts, news conferences, meetings and conventions, sports events, and presentations.

This equipment include microphones, video screens, sound speakers, projectors, sound and mixing boards, recording equipment, video monitors, connecting wires and cables.

Audio video technicians report to an audio visual manager or director of event technology within a performance venue, conference center, religious institution, sports stadium, TV studio, or any setting hosting presentations requiring microphones, speakers, mixing boards, cameras, projection screens and related gear.

The role requires an Associate’s degree in audio visual technology or related field, though some gain skills through tech school programs or on-the-job training.

Core duties that usually make up the audio video technician job description include installing cabling, programming signals, sound checking equipment, and operating audio and video boards.

They also include troubleshooting glitches and breaking down sets after events.

AV Techs collaborate closely with producers, directors and talent while monitoring feeds and adjusting mixes to meet production needs.

Their specialized technical abilities are essential for broadcasting, live streaming, video conferencing, theater performances, concerts and other events globally.

Employers favor candidates with creative problem-solving skills, physical stamina, manual dexterity, and expertise across AV, IT and production domains.

Unions like IATSE or IBEW regulate roles in larger venues and studios.

Audio Video Technician Job Description Example/Sample/Template

The audio video technician job description typically consists of the following duties, tasks, and responsibilities:

  • Set up speakers, amplifiers, microphones and connect to soundboards to prepare audio equipment for events
  • Connect screens, video projectors, cameras and lighting to video switchers and routers 
  • Run cabling neatly along stages and production areas to connect AV equipment
  • Program and calibrate equipment to ensure optimal audio and video quality 
  • Sound check mics, instruments and speakers to balance levels appropriately 
  • Adjust camera positions, focus and picture quality
  • Operate audio mixing boards to pipe in clear audio during productions
  • Manage recording equipment to create quality archived video of performances 
  • Ensure prompters, monitors and screens display slides and footage correctly 
  • Work closely with producers, directors and talent to meet production needs
  • Monitor feeds to rapidly address sound or video issues arising mid-event
  • Mix live sound feeds to broadcast, stream and amplify conferences, concerts etc.  
  • Collaborate with lighting technicians and IT staff on equipment interfaces
  • Update inventory database when gear is purchased, rented or deprecated
  • Clean and perform routine maintenance of AV components to reduce failures
  • Give clients and event volunteers tutorials on using basic equipment
  • Interpret technical riders and requests from touring acts and productions
  • Comply with union regulations in venues with organized labor contracts  
  • Test backup equipment and failover procedures regularly
  • Research emerging AV solutions and make budget recommendations
  • Secure transportation and storage of heavy, expensive AV gear
  • Create how-to guides and SOPs for most efficient equipment usage
  • Serve as the technical expert on what is achievable for various events
  • Ensure safe installation and dismantling of rigging and staging
  • Continuously develop expertise across audio, video and IT domains.

Download Audio Video Technician Job Description Template (pdf)

Audio Video Technician Job Description for Resume

If you have worked before as an audio video technician or are currently working in that position and making a new resume or CV, then you can apply the sample audio video technician job description provided above in crafting a compelling Professional Experience section for your resume.

You can highlight the major responsibilities and duties you have carried out or are presently performing as a audio video technician in your resume’s Professional Experience by utilizing the ones in the above audio video technician job description example.

This will show to the recruiter/employer that you have been successful performing the audio video technician role, which can greatly influence your chances of being hired for the new job that you are seeking, especially if it requires someone with some audio video technician work experience.

(Learn how to make an effective resume applying the Employer-focused Resume Writing Technique)

Audio Video Technician Requirements: Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success

Here are important skills, knowledge, and abilities to have to excel in the audio video technician career, which are also major requirements commonly set by recruiters/employers when hiring for the position:

  • Expertise setting up and operating audio equipment like mixers, mics, amplifiers, wiring etc.
  • Expertise setting up and operating video equipment like switchers, cameras, lighting, screens etc. 
  • Knowledge of video and audio signal flow and connection types
  • IT skills managing cables, network devices, software, and computer interfaces
  • Ability to visually inspect and test equipment to diagnose issues  
  • Skill repairing and maintaining AV components
  • Broadcasting skill operating studio editing equipment
  • Customer service skills to understand client audio visual needs
  • Communication and training abilities to give tutorials
  • Collaboration required to work with producers, talent and other technicians
  • Problem-solving to address equipment failures and production needs
  • Visualization to place mics, lighting etc. for best effect
  • Aesthetic judgment configuring camera shots, sound mixing etc. 
  • Mobility for transporting and placing heavy equipment
  • Manual dexterity for delicate wiring and installation
  • Physical stamina for long productions and standing
  • Attention to detail realizing optimal equipment configurations
  • Resourcefulness to work around missing rental gear 
  • Time efficiency skills to breakdown sets swiftly after wraps.  

Audio Video Technician Employment

The number of audio video technicians, also called audio visual technicians in employment in the United States is around 17,566, according to a 2022 employment survey report on Zippia.

The states with the highest number of jobs for audio video technicians according to the report include

  • California: 1,717
  • Florida: 1,146
  • Texas: 1,222
  • New York: 1,071
  • Illinois: 702.

Education, 5,270 and professional, 2,108 are part of the industries with the most audio visual technicians in employment.

Audio Video Technician Salary

Audio Video Technician Salary

The latest stats from the Bureau of Labor Statistics show the typical yearly salary for audio video techs across the country was about $57,710 in May 2022.

The top 5 highest paying states are:

California at the top with median earnings around $72,210, Washington State came in second at about $68,100, New York wasn’t far behind at around $66,570,  Massachusetts was pretty close too with $66,340 average pay, and rounding out the top 5 was District of Columbia, where audio video technicians made around $64,720 in 2022.

So, if you’re in this field and looking for the big bucks, you may want to head out West or to the Northeast.

Also, according to the BLS 2023 survey report, industries that pay the top salaries to audio video technicians include: other personal services ($106,820) and software publishers ($ 92,280).

Certifications and training can unlock higher earning power.


This in-depth guide has covered key details of the audio video technician job description, from operating complex equipment to ensuring flawless sound and visuals across live events and productions.

We explored vital technical skills, ranging from audio engineering to IT, as well as soft skills like collaboration, customer service, and creative problem solving. These allow AV techs to adapt on the fly when issues arise and balance diverse client production needs.

While physically demanding with long working hours, AV careers offer strong salary potential, averaging $50K annually.  

For those interested in getting hands-on experience with cutting-edge gear to power events seen or heard by millions, a behind-the-scenes audio video role could be very rewarding.

With live productions relying ever more on technology, skilled AV technicians will continue seeing high demand for their services coordinating flawless audio visual solutions.

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