Environmental Consultant Job Description, Duties and Responsibilities

By | June 7, 2024
Environmental Consultant Job Description
Environmental consultants are responsible for providing advisory services, guiding organizations and communities around the environmental landscape of ecological preservation, sustainability measures, and environmental regulations.

This post provides detailed information on the job description of an environmental consultant, including the duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements you will be expected to fulfill to be hired for the role of an environmental consultant.

What Does An Environmental Consultant Do?

The central work of environmental consultants is basically offering expert advice and practical solutions to clients looking to address environmental concerns.

According to Purdue University, environmental consultants are earth scientists whose work is to help in creating, analyzing, and ensuring that government policies met to protect the environment from industrial hazards are carried out.

They work hand in hand with a range of organizations from government agencies and non-profit to private companies, helping them plot a course through the complexity of ecological footprint, sustainable measures and environmental regulations.

The core duties that make up the environmental consultant job description include piloting environmental assessments and audits to spot potential risks and compliance issues.

It also involves developing and executing extensive environmental management plans and strategies.

Environmental consultants also assist with putting together impact statements and permit applications.

Providing technical advice and recommendations to clients on best practices and environmental regulations is also a key part of their duties.

Environmental consultants are also responsible for monitoring and reporting on environmental performance and compliance.

Working well with stakeholders, like the community groups and regulatory agencies to fix environmental concerns, are also part of the functions of an environmental consultant.

They stay up-to-date with latest in industry trends, environmental science and technologies.

Other duties performed include managing and overseeing environmental remediation and restoration projects.

They also offer testimony and support during legal proceedings related to environmental issues.

They usher environmental risk assessment and come up with adequate mitigation strategies.

They conduct training and educational programs in environmental topics.

They take part in the development of new environmental policies and regulations.

The environmental consultant usually reports to department heads, project managers, or senior leadership within the organization they serve.

At other times, they may work with environmental advocacy groups or government regulators serving as a middle man between the client and these external stakeholders.

Environmental consultants work in several industries, including environmental protection agencies, engineering and construction firms, renewable energy companies, manufacturing and industrial facilities, real estate and development companies, consulting firms specialized in environmental services and non profit environmental organizations.

An environmental consultant usually possesses a Bachelor’s or Master’s degree in a relevant field like environmental studies, environmental science or environmental engineering.

Many consultants also have additional certifications, such as the certified environmental practitioner (CEP) or the certified environmental scientist (CES) designation, which demonstrates their expertise and commitment to the profession.

Environmental consultants play a significant role in the global community.

As awareness about environmental issues continue to grow, the demand for professionals who can assist organizations steer the complexity of aligning with regulations, minimizing ecological footprint, and fostering sustainable practices has never been higher.

Environmental consultants hold a major role in assisting countries with a well developed environmental protection frameworks in meeting their environmental obligations.

In countries not as robust, these professionals provide advisory services to help shape and execute effective strategies than balance economic development and environmental responsibility.

Employers want to hire professionals who possess a combination of technical competence, excellent communication and impressive problem solving skills.

Employers look for things like in-depth knowledge of best practices, emerging technologies, and environmental regulations; competence in steering environmental assessments, audits and data analysis.

They also require solid critical thinking and problem solving aptitude to create novel solutions; excellent written and verbal communication prowess to effectively present findings and recommendations.

Employers also require adaptability to work in a diverse and cross-functional teams and project management skills to steer and manage complex environmental initiatives.

Some of the regulatory bodies for environmental consultants may vary by location but here are the main ones that provide guidance, certifications, and oversight:

These professional organizations and agencies play a key role in setting standards, offering accreditation, and ensuring the integrity of the environmental consultant profession.

Environmental Consultant Job Description Example/ Sample/ Template

The environmental consultant job description consists of the following duties, tasks, and responsibilities:

  • Overseeing environmental assessments and audits to spot potential risks and compliance issues and opportunities for improvement
  • Developing and executing extensive environmental management plans and strategies to help organizations minimize their ecological footprint.
  • Helping with creating environmental impact statements, permit applications and other regulatory documents
  • Offering technical advice and recommendations to clients on environmental regulations, best practices and emerging technologies.
  • Tracking and reporting on environmental performance, including data collection and analysis to make sure there is compliance and also for spotting areas for improvement
  • Working cooperatively with stakeholders like subject matter experts, community groups and regulatory agencies to address any concerns and reaching mutually beneficial solutions
  • Staying updated with advances in industry trends, environmental science and policies so you can provide clients with accurate and timely information
  • Running and managing environmental remediation and restoration projects like site cleanups,  wetland preservation and habitat restoration
  • Offering expert testimony and support in legal proceedings related to environmental issues, like environmental damage claims or compliance disputes
  • Providing training and educational programs on environmental topics to help organizations and individuals improve their grasp and adoption of sustainable practices
  • Helping with the execution of green building and sustainable design programs, including the assessment of materials selected, water conservation and energy efficiency
  • Taking part in the creation/development of new environmental policies, regulations and industry standards, leveraging one’s expertise to shape the regulatory landscape
  • Championing environmental risk assessments as well as developing mitigation strategies to assist clients proactively fix potential threats to their operations or the surrounding ecosystem
  • Working in tandem with cross-functional teams, like scientists, engineers and project managers, to ensure the successful implementation of complex environmental projects
  • Putting together comprehensive reports, presentations and other communication materials to effectively relate findings, recommendations and progress updates to clients and stakeholders.

Environmental Consultant Job Description for Resume

If you have worked before as an environmental consultant or currently working in that role and are making a new resume or CV, you can create a compelling Professional Experience section for your resume by applying the sample environmental consultant job description above.

You can express the duties and responsibilities that you performed or presently performing as an environmental consultant in your resume’s Professional Experience by utilizing the ones in the environmental consultant job description example provided above.

This will show that you have been successful carrying out the duties and responsibilities of an environmental consultant, which can greatly enhance your chances of being hired for the new position, especially if the new role that you are seeking requires someone with some environmental consultant work experience.

Environmental Consultant Requirements: Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success

A diverse set of skills, knowledge, and abilities possessed by an environmental consultant will make them effective at their job. Some of these competencies are:

  • Adeptness in environmental assessments and auditing methods
  • Adequately aware of environmental laws, regulations and compliance demands
  • Possess a solid grasp of environmental science, including hydrology, ecology, chemistry and the likes
  • Strong ability to perform data collection, analysis, and interpretation
  • Able to use environmental monitoring and testing equipment
  • Have a good understanding of environmental systems and sustainability best practices
  • Exceptional knowledge of risk assessment and mitigation strategies
  • Possess solid analytical and research skills to gather and evaluate relevant data
  • Expertise in developing novel and practical solutions for environmental challenges
  • Commitment to staying updated on everything environmental science, technology, and trends
  • Can interpret and apply environmental regulations to clients scenarios
  • Able to develop and execute a comprehensive project plans, budget, and timelines
  • Possess presentation and facilitation skills to lead training sessions, meetings, and workshops.

Environmental Consultant Employment

The number of people currently employed in the United States as environmental consultant is over 37,678, with the average age being 42, according to Zippia.

Men are in the majority of employed environmental consultants in the U.S. with 25, 998 employments, while women are 11,680.

States with the highest employments for environmental consultant in the U.S. include:

  • California, 1,391  
  • Indiana, 1,232     
  • Texas, 697 
  • New York, 687
  • Florida, 622

The industries with the highest employments for environmental consultants include professional (5,652 employments) and Government (4,898 employments).

Environmental Consultant Salary

The average salary for an environmental consultant in the United States is $74,913 per year, according to Zippia.

This is based on a survey of environmental consultant salaries, ranging from $56,000 at the 10th percentile to $98,000 at the 90th percentile.

The states that pay the highest salaries to environmental consultants in the U.S. include California, Texas, Alaska, Oregon, and Arizona.

Environmental Consultant Resources

Here are valuable resources to help you develop a successful career in environmental consulting:


Talon LPE The Talonlpe blog shares valuable information on public water supply systems and new PFAS regulations, environmental drilling, etc. SCS Engineers Various environmental issues are discussed here, including pollution, emission reduction, energy consumption, land remediation, waste management, and water/wastewater treatment. Resource Management Associates This blog discusses diverse environmental and sustainability topics, including compliance to pioneering sustainable practices.


Environmental Consulting Fundamentals: Investigation and Remediation This book unveils the basic building blocks of environmental consulting. Environmental Engineering: Prevention and Response to Water-, Food-, Soil-, and Air-borne Disease and Illness This book has proven to be the definitive reference for generations of sanitation and environmental engineers. Navigating Environmental Compliance: Air, Hazardous Waste, Storm Water, Hazardous Chemicals, and Oil Storage Inventories This book offers a great help to new environmental compliance professionals or those who wish to enter this dynamic field.


PPI PE Environmental Practice – Comprehensive Practice for the PE Environmental Exam This book offers the most comprehensive practice for the NCEES Environmental PE CBT exam.


The environmental consultant plays a critical role in assisting organizations and communities steer the complex landscape of environmental regulations, ecological preservation and sustainability practices.

They deploy their expertise in providing valuable guidance and practical solutions

If you are an environmental professional, or an employer that intends to create a well detailed job description, then this guide contains all you need to attract talented professionals to your roster.