Audio Engineering Technician Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities

By | July 9, 2024
Audio Engineering Technician Job Description
Audio engineering technicians use high-tech equipment to help produce the music we all enjoy on our phones, radios, TV shows, movies, and more.

This post provides detailed information on the audio engineering technician job description, including the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements you may be required to fulfill to be hired for the audio engineering technician role by most recruiters/employers.

What Does An Audio Engineering Technician Do?

An audio engineering technician operates audio equipment like soundboards and microphones to produce, edit, enhance, and reproduce sound recordings in music, broadcasting, film, television, and other media.

According to Onetonline, the work of an audio or sound engineering technician includes producing music, video, film, sound effects, voices, and other sound by assembling and operating equipment to record, synchronize, edit, and mix sound, or to  reproduce it.

Audio engineering technicians typically report to a lead audio engineer or producer and work in recording studios, live sound venues, movie sets, radio stations, and more.

Most positions require at least an Associate’s degree in Sound Engineering plus ongoing technical training with industry-standard hardware and software programs.

The audio engineering technician job description involves setting up gear, editing tracks, mixing sounds, synchronizing audio and video, and mastering final recordings.

Techs also troubleshoot problems and maintain equipment.

Given how globally influential American entertainment exports are, these roles hold significance internationally by shaping the sound quality of content we enjoy worldwide.

Employers hire candidates with musical knowledge, technical aptitude, creativity, manual dexterity, communication skills, and the ability to work under pressure. Key certifications and continued education demonstrate dedication.

Oversight bodies include SAE Institute standards, state boards, OSHA safety regulations, broadcasting associations, and entertainment industry labor unions.

Audio Engineering Technician Job Description Example/Sample/Template

The audio engineering technician job description usually consists of the following duties, tasks, and responsibilities:

  • Setting up mics, speakers, soundboards, monitors – all the gear – for live shows, studio recordings, remote stuff…whatever
  • Hooking up mics, instruments, speakers correctly with cables, adapters, splitters and all that so it flows nicely
  • Positioning mics in just the right spots to capture vocals, acoustic sounds, electronics, or ambient noise in the best way
  • Tuning all the equipment to nail volume, EQ, spatial effects, sound quality, balance, etc using advanced skills like compression and noise reduction
  • Making test recordings, checking everything sounds good, and tweaking things so the audio is flawless
  • Using mixing boards to blend together vocals, instruments, tracks, effects and other inputs into a polished, pro final mix
  • Employing volume controls and EQ to get that perfect blend, clarity, dynamics and expression in the mix
  • Editing recordings and dubbing to minimize unwanted sounds, adjust pitch/timing, and splice parts together
  • Inventing missing audio parts by digitally synthesizing/manipulating sounds with samplers, synthesizers and sequencer
  • Mastering the final mixes to prep them for distribution on CDs, MP3s, vinyl, streaming sites…whatever
  • Regularly checking gear, diagnosing issues, basic maintenance and organizing repairs to keep things running smooth
  • Working closely with artists, musicians, producers and directors to understand the sound they want and help them achieve their creative vision
  • Keeping up with emerging industry technology, techniques and innovations in gear, accessories and methods
  • Setting up and running recording equipment in sync with cameras and lighting during video and film shoots
  • Designing and manipulating sound effects or Foley effects to match on-screen movements in film production
  • Developing unique presets, customized multi-track templates, microphones setups, and effect chains tailored to particular artists or projects
  • Tracking engineering details including microphone types and placements, effects settings, channel routings etc. to allow future replication
  • Managing audio files, labeling recordings, and backing up digital data using cloud networks and storage systems
  • Troubleshooting malfunctioning equipment using diagnostic programs, testing signals, replacing parts, soldering, and following service manuals
  • Constructing specialized analog or digital audio devices combining components to serve unique functions when needed equipment doesn’t exist
  • Transporting delicate audio gear to off-site productions taking precautions and packing equipment properly to avoid damage
  • Reading schematics, blueprints, wiring diagrams and service manuals comprehending complex electronics and repair procedures
  • Adhering to safety protocols and industry best practices operating equipment to avoid injuries or dangerous failures
  • Training recording artists, musicians and assistants to properly apply equipment avoiding mistakes that could impact audio quality
  • Creating detailed equipment schedules, inventories, maintenance logs, and usage reports on all studio audio gear and related resources.

Audio Engineering Technician Job Description for Resume

If you have worked before as an audio engineering technician or are presently working in that role and are making a resume or CV for a new job, then you can create a compelling Professional Experience for the resume by applying the sample audio engineering technician job description provided above.

You can highlight the major duties and responsibilities you have performed as an audio engineering technician or currently carrying out in your resume’s Professional Experience by utilizing the ones in the above audio engineering technician job description example.

This will show to the recruiter/employer that you have been successful performing the duties of an audio engineering technician, which can enhance your chances of being hired for the new job that you are seeking, especially if it requires someone with some audio engineering technician work experience.

Audio Engineering Technician Requirements: Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success

To succeed as an audio engineering technician, the following skills, knowledge areas, and inherent abilities are vital. These are also usually required by recruiters/employers when hiring for the audio engineering technician position:

  • Expert-level hearing ability, sound perception, vocal recognition, and acoustic discernment
  • Technical aptitude with audio gear, electronics, IT, AV systems, and recording devices
  • Fluency with industry-standard production hardware and software programs 
  • Manual dexterity and fine-motor skills operating controls, connectors and delicate gear
  • Comprehension of sound wave physics, audio transmission science, musical scales, tuning, resonance, reverb types, microphone pickup patterns etc.
  • Math skills to calculate audio stuff like decibels, frequencies, compression ratios, etc. 
  • A creative ear for mixing sounds, blending tracks, and dialing in good aesthetics
  • Musical knowledge – pitch, rhythm, melody, harmony, tempo – all the basics
  • Solid listening and communication skills to understand what clients want
  • Collaborative abilities to work tightly with artists, musicians, producers, etc. 
  • Troubleshooting skills to efficiently fix tech problems when up against deadlines
  • Organization for complex cable setups, file structures, detailed notes, schedules 
  • Concentration to catch subtle detail while monitoring recordings 
  • Stress management to deal with high pressure and problem solving 
  • Ability to safely lift and transport heavy gear using proper mechanics.

It takes the right blend of technical skills, musicality, creative collaboration finesse, and hardcore attention to detail to thrive in this role.

Audio Engineering Technician Salary

According to the data, from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average annual salary for engineering technicians across the country was approximately $68,130 as of May 2022.

The top 5 highest-paying states are:

  • California – $94,370 average yearly. Impressive! 
  • New York – $85,530. Not too shabby.
  • Nevada – $83,120. Also solid.
  • Massachusetts – around $82,050.
  • And rounding out the top 5 is Washington D.C. at $81,240.


This post has helped to increase your understanding of the audio engineering technician job description and what it takes to excel in the career, including having in-depth knowledge of mixers and microphones, creative collaboration and problem solving skills, and ability to work under pressure.

If the idea of leading a symphony” every day at the intersection of music, technology, and innovation excites you, then perhaps it’s time to update your resume and prepare yourself for a journey into the harmonious realm of audio engineering.