This post presents in-depth information on the junior business analyst job description, to help you learn the duties, tasks, and responsibilities they typically perform.
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What Does a Junior Business Analyst Do?
A junior business analyst is a trained staff whose role is to assist the senior analyst and other subject matter professionals in gathering, validating, and documenting various system information and needs.
The job description of the junior business analyst is to carry out an in-depth evaluation and verification of the capabilities of systems, serving as a middle man between the end-users and software developers, to ensure that product information are properly disseminated.
He/she will participate in the system development life circle, and as such we be available to carryout instructions as directed by the lead analyst.
Once the requirements baseline is established, it’s the responsibility of the junior analyst to maintain and verify requirements specifications accordingly.
He/she works closely with the organization management in order to identify their customer needs and establish ways upon which customer needs can be met for their maximum benefit and satisfaction.
This comes in handy when the company seeks new strategies to render better services to their clients.
He/she carefully assesses and analyzes the business implications involved.
As an analyst, he/she is always on the move, sourcing, documenting, and preparing reports that can be used for improving services in the organization.
Also, he/she will serve as the intermediary between the employer and third-party vendors working for the company.
As a business expert, he/she makes it a priority to stay up to date with latest trends and developments in the business world as their knowledge of these makes them an authority in their field.
Junior Business Analyst Job Description Example/Sample/Template
The sample job description shown below highlights key duties, tasks, and responsibilities usually performed by business analysts in junior positions in many firms:
- Create and design specifications as requested by sales and account management unit.
- Liaise with consultants and managers to document business processes effectively.
- Ensure that various appropriate infrastructure elements, including documents, periodicals, manuals, policy documents, etc are kept up to date and are available.
- Create and develop functional requirements of systems to improve quality, performances, external interfaces, and constraints.
- Carryout analysis of requirements by checking for derived requirements that are logical to customers’ requests.
- Outline requirement specifications with the use of standard templates for both used cases and detailed software.
- Manage requirements and ensure they are stored in automated systems.
- Record, manipulate, and make reports on requirements stored in the rational tool suite.
- Supervise requirements traceability information and record requirements status in the course of the project.
- Monitor changes to baseline requirements with the use of effective application of change control processes and tools.
- Make contributions in the development of Test Plans and Test Scripts, and also perform test execution as required.
Junior Business Analyst Job Description for Resume
In preparing a resume for the post of junior business analyst, the job description example presented above can provide the needed information in making the employment history section and other parts of the resume.
Junior Business Analyst Requirements: Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success
The qualities, such as skills, knowledge, and abilities usually required from individuals vying for the business analyst junior position by employers include the following:
- Have the ability to plan, organize, and structure work.
- Highly skilled in Excel, Word, and other word processing software programs.
- Showcase good analytical and evaluative skills in tasks.
- Showcase good written and oral communication skills.
- Ability to multitask.
- Have good interpersonal skills.