Athletic Trainer Career

By | July 14, 2023
Athletic Trainer Career
Your quest to get into the athletic trainer career starts from obtaining a Bachelor’s degree in fields such as Exercise Science, Kinesiology, and Biology.

This post provides detailed information on the athletic trainer career, including how to become an athletic trainer, the various opportunities you can explore, and the challenges and benefits of the career.

Please, read on:

Athletic Trainer Career Opportunities

Here are career opportunities you can explore with athletic trainer background:

  1. Supervising Athletic Trainer 

A supervising athletic trainer is a lead trainer who directs the activities of three or more other trainers or a team of athletic trainers.

They are responsible for supervising, training, and evaluating their staff.

Supervising athletic trainers are also responsible for making assignments, determining competency levels, and providing direction for all clientele.

They examine progress reports to determine how the assignment was achieved.

2. Athletic Training Service Manager

The athletic training service manager is responsible for keeping all the work force up to date with state of the art knowledge.

It is also their responsibility to make both personal and professional decisions regarding their position.

3. Athletic Training Director 

The athletic training director is responsible for directing a team of athletic trainers in order to provide the best services possible.

It is also their duty to lead their staff in the creation of a personalized development plan for each patient or client.

4. Athletic Trainer Coordinator 

An athletic trainer coordinator acts as a liaison between his or her assigned staff members and the rest of the health care team, including physicians, physical therapists and dietitians.

Coordinators are responsible for managing the daily operations of an athletic training facility.

5. Athletic Trainer Manager 

The athletic trainer manager is responsible for supervising and coordinating all activities associated with the operation of an athletic training department.

6. Director of Rehabilitation Therapy Services

The director of rehabilitation therapy services is responsible for managing and developing the staff and activities of a rehabilitation department.

He or she acts as a liaison between his or her staff and other hospital departments, including other medical staff members and physicians.

More Athletic Trainer Career Opportunities

7. Rehabilitation Therapist Assistant 

Rehabilitation therapist assistants are responsible for providing therapeutic services to patients who have undergone surgery, physical trauma or disability.

They work under the direction of a physician to help restore function or mobility.

8. Physical Therapist Assistant 

A physical therapist assistant is a licensed professional who provides physical therapy to patients under the direct supervision of a physician.

He or she may develop and implement rehabilitation plans for patients.

Physical therapist assistants may also work on specific body parts and use therapeutic exercises to improve mobility and speed recovery time for a patient.

9. Physician Recruiter 

Physician recruiters are employed to acquire medical professionals who are needed within their facility, including physicians, nurses, and other allied health professionals.

They are responsible for training and guiding individuals who will be directly responsible for the care of patients.

10. Physician Assistant 

A physician assistant is a licensed professional who provides medical treatment to patients under the supervision of a physician.

He or she may diagnose illnesses, prescribe medications and procedures, perform minor surgeries, treat wounds, and provide physical therapy.

Challenges Faced by Athletic trainer on the Job

Athletic trainers face certain challenges in the performance of their job duties, these include:

  1. Long hours

Athletic trainers work long hours at their job, especially when they are supervising more than one athlete.

They are expected to be on call for any injury that may occur during their shift, which is known as a “call.”

They also have to be on the premises of the facility most of the time (such as before and after regular work hours, while they are working and while they are on vacation).

This is to monitor activities in the facility and provide care to any athlete or patient.

2. Endless injuries

As athletic trainers deal with endless injuries, they are commonly required to attend to many calls during their shift.

They have to manage patients and provide care for these injuries in order to make sure athletes live up to the expectations of their coaches or trainers.

3. Disapproval from parents/coaches

Many parents and coaches of athletes think that athletic trainers are not qualified enough to perform the tasks they need.

These include helping with symptoms of pain, treating sprains and strains, lessening effects of injury, and ensuring that athletes get well and recover quickly.

How to become an Athletic Trainer

If you are interested in becoming an athletic trainer, here are steps you can take to get into the career:

  1. Earn your Bachelor’s degree

Bachelor’s degrees in Exercise Science, Kinesiology, Biology, or a related discipline are common among athletic trainers.

What is most important is their understanding of human anatomy, movement, and biomechanics.

A passion for the game, whatever sport they chose, is also advantageous.

Why? Because a football player moves differently than a baseball player.

Each requires a distinct style of workout and post-injury therapy.

An athletic trainer must be aware of and comprehend these distinctions in order to get their players in the greatest shape possible.

2. Spend some time interning at a sports organization

Experience is important in any profession.

Students interested in becoming athletic trainers should seek out an internship with a sports team or organization, shadowing and assisting professional athletic trainers.

This vital experience allows students to observe firsthand what an athletic trainer’s day-to-day life is like.

Students can also learn the concerns that athletic trainers deal with on a regular basis, such as player injuries.

Furthermore, the contacts created during an internship might be extremely useful while looking for a career later on.

More tips on How to become an Athletic Trainer

3. Volunteer with your university’s athletic program

Students who wish to be athletic trainers should work for their school’s sports programs in addition to working with a sports team or organization.

They receive valuable experience by assisting sports trainers in the gym or exercise room, assisting on the field, or just keeping track of the status of injured players.

4. Obtain certification

An athletic trainer must be certified and have extensive experience in order to pursue a career in the profession.

Students must first earn a Master’s degree from a CAATE-accredited athletic training program before becoming certified.

CAATE, officially known as the Commission on Accreditation of Athletic Training Education, accredits athletic training programs at schools.

To obtain an athletic training license, students must first pass the Board of Certification (BOC) examination, and then complete continuing education requirements throughout their career to maintain certification.

Benefits of Athletic Trainer Career

There are different benefits associated with becoming an athletic trainer, these include:

  1. Career that supports people with disabilities

Training and supporting people who are less physically capable is a very rewarding career.

A career in this field can be best summarized with the words “giving the gift of health,” or to put it another way, helping those who may not have the same opportunities or access to resources as those who are more physically capable.

2. Career that helps others cope with illness

People sometimes experience limitations both physically and mentally. But there can be light at the end of such a difficult tunnel.

Athletes, however, need the additional support that comes with a sports trainer to ensure they perform to the best of their abilities.

An athletic trainer can help provide this support.

3. Salary and Benefits Package

Salaries in the professional athletic trainer field are generally competitive.

In fact, with so many benefits and pension plans available, those working in this field have a financial package that is probably second only to CEO or CFO positions in size.

4. Job security

Job security in this field does not come from an unlimited supply of jobs; it comes from the growth of goals for enhancing the games and lives of athletes.

Many athletic trainers have been with their organizations for 20 years or more.

5. Promotion

Promotion in the athletic trainer profession means a career with greater responsibility and goals that are increasingly challenging.

With the growth of sports specialization and professional athletics, there are more opportunities for advancement.

More Benefits of Athletic Trainer Career

6. Insurance and benefits packages

An athletic trainer benefits from a variety of insurance, pension, and benefit plans administered through the organization.

The most important is probably the Health, Dental, and Vision Insurance Plan.

This plan provides insurance coverage for all kinds of health issues as well as a lifetime limit on benefits.

7. Work environment

Employees in this profession have a high degree of job security and are generally given great latitude in their work area.

Athletic trainers usually can set their own hours and work flexible schedules that accommodate personal time and family needs.


Athletic trainers have to be aware of how the athlete moves in relation to their health and wellbeing.

This can include everything from giving them a more balanced exercise regime, specially designed to suit their requirements, to providing them with the correct dietary plans. This post has enhanced your knowledge of the athletic trainer career.