Procter & Gamble Hiring Process: Job Application, Interviews and Employment

By | August 15, 2023
Procter & Gamble Hiring Process
To gain an employment with Procter & Gamble, you will have to complete the company’s hiring process. Image source: marketingedge.

Procter & Gamble Hiring Process: Job Application, Interviews and Employment

The hiring process at Procter & Gamble involves various stages, including the job application and interview where you will be expected to successfully answer certain questions to be hired.

This post provides exhaustive information on the recruitment process at Procter & Gamble to help you learn what to do to successfully secure employment with the Company.

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Procter & Gamble Company Overview

Procter & Gamble Company (P&G) is an American multinational company which deals on consumer goods.

This company was founded by William Procter and James Gamble in the year 1837.

It has its headquarters situated at Cincinnati, Ohio, U.S. and has branches in many countries of the world which is one of the reasons why it is a household name worldwide.

P&G deals with a wide range of personal/consumer health, and personal care and hygiene products.

These products are classified into groups like groom, healthcare, fabric and home care; and baby, feminine and family care.

They also have some consumer goods customers fancy buying.

Procter & Gamble Hiring Process

Applying for a vacant position at Procter and Gamble, involves some key steps which must be taken.

This involves the application and assessment, which involves stages like Success Drivers Assessment (online), reasoning test online, and the reasoning test in person.

These stages come before you enter the interview stage.

1. Procter & Gamble Job Application

To find out about the available jobs in Procter & Gamble, you need to visit the official website of the company which is

Once your application is considered, the company will get back to you to let you know about the next steps involved in the recruitment process.

In assessing your eligibility, the company employs some parameters to help them get the best candidates.

These parameters include:

2. Success Drivers Assessment (Online)

This process involves findings about your background, experiences, interests and work-related attitudes.

These facts will help them know how compatible you are with the job you applied for in the company.

The following are associated with this process:

  • 24/7 online delivery access
  • Availability in over 20 languages
  • You are given enough time to answer questions usually about 30 minutes.

3. Reasoning Test (Online)

This process is geared towards ascertaining your cognitive skills. This is because the nature of your potential job requires high level cognitive skills.

Features of this process include:

  • 24/7 access
  • 15 questions to answer
  • About 2 minutes 30 seconds allowed to answer each question.
  • Approximately 30 minutes is given for the completion of this process
  • Available in more than 20 languages.

4. Reasoning Test (In Person)

This is potentially one of the last stages you undergo and is part of the interview process.

Here you have to complete pencil and paper test. The other three factors considered include your reasoning skills, numerical skills, logical abilities and your figural reasoning abilities.

5. Procter & Gamble Interview

The interview comes in two stages: the initial interview and the final interview.

The initial interview is the behavioral-based interview, which is basically done to know you better, what keeps you motivated, and your accomplishments so far in your career.

It is also at this stage that you get to know more about the company.

The session is an interactive one where you can participate in the discussion.

The final interview is based on your skillsets.

It is at this stage that the company looks deeply into your skills and abilities.

Apart from considering your skills, another thing your interviewer will do is to intimate you with the cultures and values of the company.

Possible Interview Questions at Procter & Gamble

There are questions you should expect when preparing for interview at Procter & Gamble.

Understand that for every question you are asked by the interviewer there is a key factor to judge your answer with.

So, let’s look at some questions you may be asked and how to answer them:

  1. Are there situations where you needed to apply different perspectives or approaches in order to get a problem solved? If yes, tell us about it.
  2. Give an account of a situation where you were able to solve a problem using limited resources at your disposal.
  3. Has there been a time you had a lot of jobs in your hands that you needed to prioritize the jobs? How did you go about it?
  4. How do you ensure the success of a difficult project?
  5. How do you handle a colleague who gets into a misunderstanding or conflict with you?
  6. How have you been able to lead a team in time past?
  7. How do you resolve a conflict with a client/customer?
  8. How would you persuade a colleague
  9. How would you make members of a team with conflicting views to work together?
  10. Tell us about a time you had to make a split-second decision and what was the outcome?

The questions above can be categorized into two: skill-based questions and situation-based questions.

For the skill-based questions, especially questions 1-3, you are required to highlight some of the skills you employed to solve a particular problem.

The rest of the questions are situation-based type which deals with your ability to handle problems in different scenarios employing different approaches.

Procter & Gamble Careers and Jobs

Careers in Procter and Gamble come in three categories: Internship opportunities, Recent Grad/Entry Level opportunities, and Experienced Professional opportunities.

These opportunities provide openings based on the city or country you are living in.

The internship opportunities are afforded to students through the collaboration of the company and other external stakeholders.

This is aimed at promoting hard work and excellence among students in preparation for life after school.

The entry-level opportunities are open to fresh graduates who may not have years of experience.

These opportunities allow them to acquire practical skills just like the internship opportunity, and yet make some good money while setting up their careers.

The last category which is the Experienced Professional opportunities is available for people with years of experience in business and other related fields.

These set of people can occupy some sensitive positions in the company due to their wealth of experience having worked with the company or a similar one over the years.

At each category, there are hundreds of opportunities made available in every country and city.

So, openings are dependent on where you reside in America, Africa, etc.

What to Expect Working with Procter

Working with Procter and Gamble could be a mixed bag having its pros and cons.

The pros of working for Procter & Gamble include great career possibilities, challenging practical work.

The cons however include lots of red tape; politics hold most projects back from success.

The pros and cons are not exaggerations; but having taken a good consideration of some online experiences of people who have at one time worked in the company, we are able to arrive at the pros and cons in this job.


To work with Procter & Gamble is quite an interesting idea. But first you have to be sure that you have the necessary skills and qualifications to compete with others vying for the same position as you.

As one of the household names in consumer production industry, it is necessary to know that the skills to work in this organization should be topnotch.

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