Reston, and Arlington.
The Nurse Practitioner salary in Virginia is averagely $126,493 per year.
A Nurse Practitioner in Virginia is a registered nurse who specializes in diagnosing and treating patients.
They are also able to provide medical care to patients independently with supervision.
This can include administering medications, making diagnoses, and providing instruction on how to self-manage a chronic condition.
Nurse Practitioner Salary in Virginia Cities
Here are Nurse Practitioners’ salaries across the cities of Virginia:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Virginia Beach | $86.76 | $116,790 |
2. | Chesapeake | $79.44 | $106,937 |
3. | Arlington | $104 | $140,622 |
4. | Norfolk | $88.39 | $118,985 |
5. | Richmond | $93.66 | $126,086 |
6. | Newport News | $85.06 | $114,504 |
7. | Alexandria | $96.44 | $129,823 |
8. | Hampton | $83.40 | $112,273 |
9. | Roanoke | $82.36 | $110,865 |
10. | Portsmouth | $78.28 | $105,383 |
11. | Suffolk | $83.70 | $112,674 |
12. | Chantilly | $98.29 | $132,312 |
13. | Centreville | $90.28 | $121,535 |
14. | Dale City | $83.23 | $112,039 |
15. | Reston | $106 | $142,787 |
16. | Harrisonburg | $79.38 | $106,858 |
17. | Leesburg | $89.85 | $120,957 |
18. | McLean | $108 | $145,051 |
19. | Tuckahoe | $87.53 | $117,830 |
20. | Charlottesville | $88.68 | $119,384 |
21. | Lake Ridge | $81.45 | $109,649 |
22. | Blacksburg | $81.70 | $109,977 |
23. | Ashburn | $96.88 | $130,418 |
24. | Burke | $83.93 | $112,985 |
25. | Manassas | $90.63 | $122,000 |
26. | Woodbridge | $86.60 | $116,571 |
27. | Annandale | $87.44 | $117,714 |
28. | Danville | $79.19 | $106,601 |
29. | Linton Hall | $104 | $140,115 |
30. | Fairfax | $96.13 | $129,401 |
10 Cities with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Virginia
Top 10 paying cities for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia include:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | McLean | $108 | $145,051 |
2. | Reston | $106 | $142,787 |
3. | Arlington | $104 | $140,622 |
4. | Linton Hall | $104 | $140,115 |
5. | Chantilly | $98.29 | $132,312 |
6. | Ashburn | $96.88 | $130,418 |
7. | Alexandria | $96.44 | $129,823 |
8. | Fairfax | $96.13 | $129,401 |
9. | Richmond | $93.66 | $126,086 |
10. | Manassas | $90.63 | $122,000 |
Skill-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Virginia
A Nurse Practitioner in Virginia with sought-after skills and certifications will be paid more money than those with just the usual ones. These skills include:
- Critical thinking
- Good communication skills
- Problem solving skills
- Computer skills
- Clinical judgment.
Experience-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Virginia
Experience can be a factor in how much a Nurse Practitioner earns in Virginia.
The Nurse Practitioners with ten years of experience or more earn an average of $138,019 per year, but the one with less than one year of experience makes up to $111,266 annually.
10 Companies with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Virginia
Top 10 paying companies for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia:
Company | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Woundtech | $882 | $1,187,234 |
2. | Supportive Care LLC | $330 | $444,893 |
3. | INNOVATIVE HEALTH | $215 | $289,930 |
4. | Carilion Clinic | $209 | $280,995 |
5. | QC Kinetix | $203 | $273,711 |
6. | Integrated Wound Care | $194 | $260,862 |
7. | AE Business Solutions | $169 | $227,101 |
8. | LifeStance Health | $155 | $208,729 |
9. | Landmark Recovery | $150 | $202,313 |
10. | Ideal Option | $123 | $165,070 |
10 Highest Paying Nurse Practitioners Jobs in Virginia
Some of the highest paying jobs for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia and their salaries include:
- Nurse Practitioner Consultant; $144,316
- Teen Travel Nurse Practitioner; $138,936
- PM&R Nurse Practitioner; $135,420
- Nurse Practitioner Anesthesiology; $124,593
- Family Nurse Practitioner; $99646
- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner; $119,417
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner; $133,813
- Geriatric Nurse Practitioner; $140,977
- Surgical Nurse Practitioner; $112,500
- Home Care Nurse Practitioner; $129,339.
More Benefits for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia
Nurse Practitioners get benefits from employers in Virginia, such as:
- Stocks
Some companies in Virginia offer stocks for their Nurse Practitioners. The companies may also match with the employees’ savings account.
- Dental Insurance
Dental insurance helps maintain a healthy mouth for the Nurse Practitioner, and prevent any disease or infections in their teeth and gums.
- Vision Insurance
This is an insurance provided by some companies to cover the glasses of their employees. It is helpful especially to those who are already near-sighted, but it may also help avoid future vision problems by maintaining good eye care.
- Life Insurance
This is insurance provided by some companies to help their Nurse Practitioners create plans that will provide for their retirement and sometimes also provide survivors’ benefits.
- Bonus
Some companies in Virginia also offer bonuses as a long-term inducement to employees, these include:
Pay increases – Benefits such as health insurance, etc. are also good benefits to receive from employers
Stock options – An option gives the employee the right to buy a certain amount of shares in a company at a future time.
What Related Job Titles to Nurse Practitioners Earn in Virginia
Earnings for related jobs to Nurse Practitioners in Virginia include:
- Chiropractor; $157,588
- Environment Toxicologist; $101,624
- Occupational Therapist; $93,767
- Physiotherapist; $94,757
- Certified Nurse Anesthetist; $224,601
Nurse Practitioners Salary and Job Outlook in Virginia
As of 2018, Virginia had nearly 4,900 Nurse Practitioners, and by 2028, the State is expected to have nearly 6,400 employed Nurse Practitioners.
The job outlook for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia is expected to grow by more than 30%, resulting in an additional 1,500 jobs.
Virginia, like many other States in the country, has a primary care provider shortage in both rural and urban areas.
Nurse Practitioners are a cost-effective way to fill gaps in patient care. Furthermore, with the expansion of Medicaid, more patients will have insurance coverage and will require the services of a healthcare provider.
How to Increase Your Pay as a Nurse Practitioner in Virginia
Nurse practitioners IN Virginia can increase their salaries by applying some strategies below:
- Volunteer for a community service organization
Some Nurse Practitioners get involved with volunteer organizations. This allows them to use their expertise in healthcare administration during their spare time and gives them a chance to interact with the public.
The experience will be the same as working at a hospital or office, while allowing the Nurse Practitioner to use their professional skills in a local organization.
- Attend a continuing education course
Many Nurse Practitioners attend continuing education courses to gain more experience and knowledge in the field. These are typically offered by online organizations.
During these classes, you will be able to learn from Nurse Practitioners and other professionals.
You can find these courses online by searching on a site like Udemy.
Work in a Medicare-enrolled hospital which will add hours to your paycheck, allowing you to earn more money as a Nurse Practitioner.
Most hospitals need Nurse Practitioners because of the large number of patients who have insurance coverage.
These insured patients will require medical services that other non-insured people cannot afford to pay for, such as ultrasounds and blood testing.
- Attend conferences and seminars
Attending conferences and seminars is another way of increasing the Nurse Practitioner’s salary.
These seminars and conferences bring in a lot of information and news about new treatments, higher patient survival rates, and management strategies.
A great example is the American Academy of Nurse Practitioners Annual Conference which offers opportunities to interact with fellow healthcare providers.
Employers sometimes help their nurses cover their expenses while they attend continuing education classes or seminars.
More Career Opportunities for Nurse Practitioners in Virginia
Nurse Practitioners may look for different career opportunities that will help them enhance their careers, such as:
- Work in Management
Some Nurse Practitioners have the skills and capabilities to be promoted to management positions as Director of Ambulatory Care, Clinical Services or Administrative Services.
Some companies prefer nurses who are able to deal with a wide range of issues and can both lead and develop effective strategies to provide excellent healthcare services to patients.
- Consulting
A Nurse Practitioner in Virginia can consult for a private practice, hospital, or a federal organization such as Department of Defense (DOD).
Nurses may also reach out to others for consultation by volunteering their time.
For example, a nurse may do consulting for a college medical school, women’s health clinic or an organization that cares for the homeless.
- Work in the US Government
Nurse Practitioners can work in places like the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention or Inspector General’s Office.
Working for a federal organization such as the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) gives access to a national network of providers and provides opportunities for career growth.
Furthermore, this gives Nurse Practitioners a great chance to be promoted to higher positions in their career.
There are also chances to work for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), where Nurse Practitioners may work with diseases that can spread from one state to another like Ebola, Zika Virus, and Influenza outbreaks.
Nurse Practitioners are an essential component in the healthcare industry. They help patients who require medical help and who can’t afford to see a doctor.
If you are a Nurse Practitioner looking to live and work in Virginia, this post has provided complete information on the salary you could be paid working in the State.
You can also increase your pay as a Nurse Practitioner in Virginia by following the ideas provided on this page.
Information sources: pharmacytechnicianguide.com, nursingprocess.org, glassdoor.com, indeed.com, bls.gov, beckershospitalreview.com, pharmapproach.com, payscale.com, and salary.com.