Maintenance Aptitude Test: 20 Important Facts and Practice Questions

By | July 16, 2023
Maintenance Aptitude Test
Maintenance aptitude tests help employers find the right candidates that will be effective in performing maintenance duties.

NCHM created the Maintenance Aptitude Test to help employers assess the particular skills and knowledge required to work as a maintenance technician in the housing business.

The test covers nine key areas to discover how much knowledge individuals have of them. We will provide key facts about this test including some practice questions.

20 Important Facts about Maintenance Aptitude Test

Here are some of the important facts about maintenance aptitude test you need to know:

  1. It covers nine areas

The maintenance aptitude test covers the following areas: Electrical, Plumbing, Building, Cement & Concrete, Roofing & Sheet Metal Work, Material Handling, Mechanical Power Transmission, HVAC Operation, and Refrigeration Mechanic.

2. It’s free to download from the National Center for Health Marketing (NCHM)

You can download the maintenance aptitude test from their website and use it at your own convenience as well as out of school- no need to pay anything. It’s also available in a number of languages like Spanish and Irish.

3. It’s a 150 question test

Many aptitude tests have as few as 40 questions, but NCHM knows that a long test means a long time to take it. The Maintenance aptitude test is made up of 150 questions. That gives you almost two minutes per question.

The test takes about 30 minutes, the same amount of time you may expect on the job.

4. It’s Free and can be used for all jobs in the housing industry

It’s free to use for all employees interested in any type of maintenance job in the housing industry, including: apartment maintenance workers, technicians, and managers.

5. It’s a must-have tool for employers

By knowing the maintenance aptitude test score, employers and educators can identify which candidates will be successful in the fast-paced and physically demanding working environment of maintenance work.

Employers can then choose candidates who they feel will be successful in training or on the job learning new skills to become maintenance technicians.

This knowledge can then be used to compare applicants on skill sets and performance, provide tips for incorporating cleanliness into the workplace, and identify opportunities for career development.

More Facts about Maintenance Aptitude Test [6-9]

6. It will help you get promoted faster

The aptitude test has a section on it that helps employers promote people based on their score.

If an employer knows that a good maintenance technician should have 70% in the mechanical power transmission area, then they can make sure those candidates who have achieved this level of success in the test are considered for promotion first.

This also gives prospective candidates a way to quantify their performance and knowledge as it relates to doing their job.

7. It can help you get your dream job in the housing industry

You can use this test to find out what kind of work you’re good at, and therefore what kinds of jobs you should be applying for. You’ll be able to better know the types of jobs and which ones you’d enjoy doing.

8. It’s easy to take the test

It’s easy and simple to take the test. You can do it at your own pace, or use it as a tool in an interview process.

You can also use this as a tool for convincing potential employers that you’re right for their maintenance job(s).

9. It’s very useful as an aptitude test

Just by looking at a list of questions, you can tell that this is a fairly comprehensive test that better measures what kind of things people know rather than how they memorize numbers or calculations.

More Facts about Maintenance Aptitude Test [10-14]

10. It’s a quick way to get the job you want

The maintenance aptitude test is quick and easy to take, meaning that you can pass it in a relatively short amount of time.

This means that you can use it as an opportunity to assess your skills critically, identify areas for improvement, and determine which specific values and principles that your personality best matches.

The time saved in taking other tests may also allow you to find another job more quickly.

11. Topics are varied across all of the employment careers

Since this is a general aptitude test, it should be able to be used regardless of the job at hand. The questions are not all the same, and they’re not limited to just one area.

12. It’s a valid test based on the most current research

The maintenance aptitude test was developed by NCHM using some of the most current and reliable sources available.

13. Has a good reputation with strong backing

NCHM is a highly respected organization with years of helping people get into and succeed in their careers.

NCHM has been recognized as an important source for information by senators, congressmen, and more; they were even invited to speak in front of members of Congress.

Several students have also used this test to help them get scholarships-worth $10,000 or more.

14. Your test score is confidential

Your test results are completely confidential, and you have the freedom to give or not give your scores to whomever you wish.

More Facts about the Aptitude Test [15-18]

15. It’s easy to understand

You can’t just take this test without understanding it. You need to know exactly what each question means before you can answer them.

The questions are very straightforward, and they make sense if you really think about them.

That being said, there are also sections that are more suited to those who may not be familiar with the maintenance industry and its terminology (like using HVAC when you’re talking about heating).

These sections can help people who don’t have much knowledge on the topics at all.

16. It’s a good route towards your career advancement

A high score on this test can give you the edge in getting your dream job. You can use this to prove that you have what it takes to succeed in maintenance work.

Every year, NCHM gives out scholarships worth up to $10,000 based on your test score-and they don’t even require that you register for it or pay for anything.

Registering for NCHM’s Maintenance Aptitude Test is voluntary and 100% free.

17. It’s easy to take the test with paper and pencil

The aptitude test is self-explanatory, so there’s no need for any computer skills or special equipment. You’ll just need paper and pencils.

18. It’s easy to avoid mistakes and get scoring right

You’ll learn how to avoid common mistakes that people who haven’t taken aptitude tests before make.

Some people don’t even read the questions and answer right away, and then they have to go back and try to correct their answers.

Additional Facts about the Aptitude Test [19-20]

19. Your results are good indicators of your potential

Your test score is a predictor of what you will be able to do in the future, meaning that it gives you an idea of your future performance and how successful you may be at a given job or task.

20. The test can show you other career opportunities

A good score on this test will give you plenty of opportunities to compare yourself with the average maintenance technician and use those results to help predict the best careers for you.

You’ll have a better idea of what jobs are available and which ones you could be interested in, and therefore which ones might be a good fit for your personality.

When it comes to choosing a career path, this knowledge is vital.

Maintenance Aptitude Test Practice Questions

Here are practice questions you can prepare with to improve your score in a maintenance aptitude test:

1. If two cogs with 30 teeth and 20 teeth respectively are turning together, how many revolutions would the smaller cog have turned if the larger cog had rotated 15 times?

A. 21 B. 22 C. 21.5 D. 22.5

2. According to the NCHM aptitude test, how many degrees are there in a right angle?

A. 90 B. 45 C. 270 D. 360 E. 180

3. Which of the following is NOT an element of a pneumatic wrench system?

A. Cylinder B. Hose C. Air gun D- Pressure regulator E- Connecting rod

4. The function of a shaft is to:

A. Bear. B. Rotate C. Cut D- Tooth E- Guide

5. The function of the drive shaft is to:

A. Bear B. Rotate C- Cut D- Guide E- Tooth

6. Which one of the following best describes the standard maintenance problem solving workflow?

A. Planning and Ordering B. Inspecting and Repairing C. Estimating D. Surveying and Designing E. Directed Research

7. Which one of the following best describes an air system?

A. Air that is pumped in from an air tank and then used in the process B. Air that is pumped in from an air tank and then used as a tool C. Air that is pumped in from an air tank and then used as a blower D. Air that is pumped in from an air tank E- Air that is pumped in from air tanks.

More Maintenance Aptitude Test Practice Questions

8. The purpose of a solenoid valve is to:

A. Control the flow of oil through a system B. Control the speed and direction of the oil delivery C. Steer the flow of oil based on external triggers and actions D. Regulate pressure E. show if there is a leak in the system.

9. Which one of the following is a function that a pneumatic tool performs?

A. Hitting B. Holding C. Pulling D. Pushing E. Digging.

10. One important reason that pneumatic tools are used is because they:

A. Do not make sparks or blow out dust B. Are quieter than other tools C. Are more efficient than other tools D. Prevent damage E. Work better than other tools.


The Maintenance Technician Aptitude Test is designed to gauge your problem solving skills as well as your aptitude for the industry and the job.

It is easy to take, and it’ll only take up about 30 minutes of your time.

The NCHM is not an agency that uses a different test for each individual; rather, they compile four or five different tests into one sample test so that you can get an idea of what kind of questions you may encounter on the real exam.

Also, they make their sample licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license, which means that you can give copies to prospective employers with no legal issues.

>> Learn how to make a great score in Aptitude Tests, including IBEW/NJATC electrical aptitude test, situational judgement test, Kenexa, trade apprenticeship, Exxonmobil, civil service, firefighter exam, FBI test, etc. ; prepare for the test with free but effective practice tests.


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Author: The JDRE Team

Reviewed by Innocent Ibhaluobe: Editor and Career Advisor at JobDescriptionandResumeExamples (JDRE). He has over 15 years of experience in career development, recruiting, resume writing, research, journalism, and human resources.