Best Jobs for Dyslexics

By | October 20, 2023
Jobs for Dyslexics
Dyslexics can work and succeed on various jobs.

Best Jobs for Dyslexics

Update: This article was first published in 2018, however, our editorial team has confirm that the various jobs presented here are still relevant today for dyslexic and beyond 2018.

If you are dyslexic thinking of what job you can get, this post will enlighten you on the areas you may seek employment. It also provides tips on making a successful workplace for dyslexia sufferers.

Dyslexia is a form of learning difficulty that affects primarily the skills that are involved in fluent and accurate word spelling and reading. This definition is according to the British Dyslexia Association.

Bearing this in mind, one may be tempted to conclude that individuals with this disability will not be useful for anything, not to talk of getting employment. Such idea is not correct anyway; there are certain jobs that individuals with such disability can actually engage in successfully.

These individuals can decide to search for a job for any of the reasons highlighted below:

  • Desire to do something different
  • Move to different part of the country
  • Change in health status
  • Change in individual’s marital status and
  • Redundancy.

Provably, individuals suffering from dyslexia are highly talented despite their obvious disabilities. Even if they are not talented when it comes to speech, they are talented in several other areas that they can put to use to get themselves gainfully employed.

Suffering from dyslexia does not mean the individual is unable to contribute anything to life; the sufferers actually have a lot to offer.

It is a well known fact that many of those who have made names for themselves globally had to struggle with dyslexia throughout their lifetime.

A dyslexia sufferer has talents and abilities deposited in him/her that can benefit Mother Earth a great deal.

Despite this health condition, affected individuals can still successfully gain employment and be useful to themselves and the society. Yes, they can still be the best they are set out to be.

This post will enlighten anyone suffering from dyslexia about jobs they can do that will help them live their lives to the fullest in 2018.

Available jobs for dyslexia sufferers

Diverse jobs are available for these individuals in varieties of fields, which are highlighted below:

  • Skilled trades
  • Accounting
  • Education
  • Commercial driving
  • Print and broadcast media
  • Manufacturing, assembly and industry
  • Medical/ healthcare
  • Technology and IT
  • Internet/Web development
  • Marketing and advertising

In actual fact, job opportunities are numerous for these individuals.


A dyslexia sufferer can actually work as an accountant in various fields. He/she can function as a technical accountant, senior account manager, management accountant, property client accountant, analyst hedge accountant, business analyst apprentice, cashier, and so on.

Since these individuals are highly intelligent despite their health condition, they are able to thrive in this employment. They perform better after being trained on how to manage this health condition. Proper management will see them handling numbers in the most professional manner imaginable.


It may sound surprising for a dyslexia sufferer to be an educator. If the individual goes through proper tutelage on how to perfectly manage this condition, he/she will never be held back by the speech and spelling challenges occasioned by the condition. It must also be noted that sufferers tend to get better as they grow older.

Consequently, they learn more and are able to adapt better to any intellectual calling, including the education sector.

Important factors for consideration

As hinted severally above, there is no job that a dyslexia sufferer cannot do. These individuals are generally good and they can catch up very fast.

Also, they are hardworking and highly creative. Their intelligence knows no bound too. However, their coworkers need to be understanding and this will enable him/her to cope with workplace challenges. Coworkers need to be supportive and good mangers of the situation.

How can coworkers be supportive? Points to note in this regard will be highlighted below:

  • Limited verbal communication: Dyslexia Coworkers should opt for note writing instead of verbal communication, which will help the dyslexia sufferer to get by and understand what needs to be done better at any particular time.
  • Color coding can help: Color coding can be employed on list for separating one line from the other. This comes in handy when dealing with names and phone numbers.
  • No distraction: As long as coworkers are willing to reduce noise and distraction around the dyslexia sufferer, such an individual will not have problem in adapting to and succeeding at the place of work. A dyslexia sufferer works better when kept away from open plan offices.
  • Training is helpful: It will not be a bad idea if coworkers go for dyslexia awareness training. Such training can also be done in-house to cut cost and encourage more attendance. The company can take up the initiative and organize such training for all members of staff.


Dyslexia may be a challenge, but it doesn’t prevent sufferers from succeeding in various job areas. This post helps you to understand this fact, and to pick the best job suitable for you and make a success of it.

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