Top 22 Nurse Resume Objective Examples

By | February 1, 2025
Nurse Resume Objective
Increase the effectiveness of your nurse resume by having a strong objective statement.

To be effective, your nurse resume objective should highlight your expertise, work history, career interest, and how and where you want to be placed in the organization.

Your personal goals and aspirations would go a long way to clarify what type of placement you are looking for in the nursing profession.

Nursing as a field, is quite wide and varied, and the types of job positions available are more numerous than can be addressed individually in this post.

However, no matter the position you are vying for, a strong objective statement in your resume reveals what you aim to bring to the job and the specific nursing position you are applying for.

Whatever nursing position you are seeking, the objective statement examples below will help you in writing a wining objective statement for your resume:

Top 22 Nurse Resume Objective Examples

1. Seeking a position as Registered Nurse in health care facility where top notch educational and training achievements can be put to use in addition to interpersonal skills, to provide quality healthcare to patients.

2. To work as a Nurse in position of administrator in a hospital, providing quality support to other professionals such as doctors and surgeons in giving high quality healthcare service to the public.

3. Dedicated Registered Nurse certified in mental health, desirous of obtaining position in a government healthcare facility.

4. To obtain a Registered Nurse position, which will create opportunities to expand practical experience at the same time provide quality healthcare and discharge duties effectively.

5. Applying for post of Registered Nurse in a private hospital where utilization of skills, knowledge and expertise in providing quality healthcare service to patients will be a personal daily goal to achieve.

6. Fresh but enthusiastic Registered Nurse graduate with calm disposition, great crisis management skills, proven knowledge and expertise in quality health care service seeking employment as a RN.

7. Registered Nurse seeking a position as school medical administrator, bringing exceptional interpersonal skills and knowledge, in addition to two years working experience in a hospital.

8. To obtain the position of Clinical Practice assistance in a health maintenance organization to utilize writing, research, and educational skills to produce significant results.

9. Nurse with educational qualities seeking a role in leadership positing at Clare Memorial Hospital, coming with solid team-playing and organizational skills, education and clear vision of objectives.

10. Experienced professional Nurse, bringing extensive clinical experience in the field of oncology, with self-motivation and willingness to work in poor district of the city.

More Nurse Resume Objective Examples [11-16]

11. Applying for the post of Registered Nurse, with good interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to confidently deal with all manner of people and levels of professionals in a health management organization.

12. Dedicated Nurse determined to put all effort in research and development of the health care system.

13. Registered Nurse with a degree in nursing, to care for patients in cardiology ward recovering from heart health conditions, and working with doctors to provide best care to patients.

14. Applying for the positing of a Nurse with credentials in gerontology as well as having diverse background in patient care, also bringing clinical competencies to the job.

15. Looking to get the position of a Nurse in a private practice, offering excellent clinical expertise in a health care facility that appreciates dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm for patient care.

16. Employment as a Legal Nurse Consultant with medico-legal field background, bringing pediatric surgical medical malpractice litigation expertise.

Additional Nurse Resume Objective Examples [17-22]

17. A well-educated and exposed Nurse in legal-medical processes seeking the job of a legal nurse consultant with a law firm; bringing wide experience in post-operative care of patients at ABC hospital.

18. Nurse with experience at emergency department of New York State Hospital emergency ward; ready to provide critical nursing services to patients, and to utilize expertise to enhance health care.

19. Possess a Bachelor’s degree in nursing, and training in behavioral health care, First Aid, patient care, and hygiene, seeking a Nurse position at XYZ hospital.

20. Seeking a Nurse position where experience in pediatric care from working in a pediatrician’s clinic for 5 years will provide great opportunities to care for children.

21. RN seeking a Nurse job at Saviors Old Peoples Home, taking care of elderly patients and giving quality health care to such people.

22. A Nurse with compassion and understanding of patient needs, with excellent patient care seeking to join a team of doctors and nurses in a child care organization.


If you really want to make your nurse resume effective, you must ensure it has a compelling objective statement.

Your objective statement should be able to show employers that you have the skills, expertise, and experience they are looking for in the nurse they seek to hire.

The above nursing resume objective statements provide various examples that you can apply in making yours and improving the power of your resume.

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