Team Leader Skills for Resume: 14 Qualities to Succeed as a Team Head

By | August 30, 2023
Team Leader skills for resume
Team Leaders need to have certain skills to be able to achieve top performance with their teams.

Everybody can’t be a leader; some have to be followers. People who become team leaders have some special skills that every employer lookout for, which are necessary to getting the job done.

These skills and qualities can also be used in making a resume for the team leader position.

The 14 most important skills and qualities needed to be successful as a team leader include the following:

1. Decision Making

As the leader of a team, the responsibility to make important decisions regarding the job lies on you. Your choices go a long way in affecting productivity either positively or negatively, so it’s important to develop decision making skills to be able to get things right most of the time.

2. Directional Skills

For workers to perform their duties, they need to have a clear direction of what exactly they are supposed to do. A team leader must be able to spell out working procedures to staff.

3. Motivational Skills

While workers are expected to take instructions from their leaders, it doesn’t mean it will translate to efficiency on their job.

To make workers put in their best willingly, and work at their highest potential, they need to have a positive attitude through motivation. Therefore, a leader must be able to motivate his/her team to getting the best from them.

4. Communication Skills

Effective communication is key in the execution of tasks in any organization. Instructions have to be properly passed across to workers by the leader of the team and their questions and inquiries have to be sufficiently entertained, to avoid confusion and misinterpretation.

5. Conflict Resolution

With many people working together, conflicts are likely to arise, which is not good for productivity, therefore, the leadership must be able to resolve issues between workers in the team and encourage healthy relationships between them.

6. Good Judgment

Work moves faster in an organization when there’s division of labor. The leader must be able to make use of their judgment to identify each worker’s strength, and assign tasks to them based on their strengths to promote specialization and division of labor for faster results.

7. Management Skills

An establishment is bound to hit rock-bottom when management is lagging behind. As a team leader, you must be able to coordinate activities in the organization, by prioritizing tasks, and monitoring performances.

8. Team Spirit

One person cannot get the job done all by themselves no matter how good they are. Since the input of every worker is important, the leader must be able to promote team spirit for them to work in harmony, to achieve production goals.

9. Human Relations

When workers don’t have good relationships, there’s bound to be hiccups in the course of work. Being able to relate with colleagues and team members is a must-have quality of a leader for things to move smoothly.

10. Discipline

The leadership of a team should have the ability to enforce discipline among workers when necessary to ensure the smooth running of the organization. In order to avoid lawlessness in the organization, appropriate sanctions have to be meted out to faulting workers.

11. Organizational Skills

The need for orderliness in an establishment cannot be over emphasized. This is because when things are in disarray, production is greatly reduced. The team head must make an effort to put things in the right places.

12. Listening Skills

One would ordinarily think that the leader of a team has to do all the talking, giving directions and instructions, but that’s not always the case. Sometimes, he/she has to pause and listen to suggestions and observations of their subordinates because nobody knows it all.

13. Creativity

Sometimes, it takes more than hard-work to get the job done. When old methods aren’t working, as a leader who desires results, you need to come up with strategic ways to getting around things, and this requires some creative skills.

14. Teaching Skills

As the head of a team, you will not only tell your team members what to do, but also show them how to do it. Having the ability to teach them the tricks and rudiments of the job will sharpen their skills and increase their productivity.

Team leaders are the driving force of any organizations. When they are vibrant and goal oriented workers thrive to emulate them. With the skills we have just discussed, you are well equipped to make things happen at work.

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