The software engineer salary in Minnesota is $94,773 yearly.
The post presents detailed information on the salary that a software engineer make in Minnesota and how to increase it, including the top cities and companies that pay the highest salaries to software engineers in the State of Minnesota.
Please, read on:
Minnesota is located in the Upper Midwest of the US, and it’s a State where software engineers enjoy relative ease of life.
With salary of $94,773, which is 49% above the National average and 8% lower, software engineers in Minnesota enjoy a yearly bonus of $4,000.
Minnesota is a State where the cost of living is affordable.
Software Engineer Salary across the State of Minnesota
Minnesota has some cities within the State that are good places to work and live in with higher salaries.
Cities like Rochester pays $104,260 as salary to software engineers, which is more than what some States pay.
Saint Paul and Minneapolis are cities that also stand out tall in salaries to software engineers.
The only drawback here is that salaries may not grow in these cities.
Highest Paying Cities for Software Engineers in Minnesota
The table below highlights the cities in the State of Minnesota where software engineers are paid the highest salaries:
City | Yearly Salary ($) |
Rochester | 104,260 |
Saint Paul | 103,117 |
Minneapolis | 100,407 |
Bloomington | 98,085 |
Plymouth | 94,088 |
Brooklyn Park | 92,440 |
Mapple Grove | 91,424 |
Woodbury | 90,846 |
St.Paul | 90,270 |
St. Cloud | 90,265 |
Software Engineer Salary Based on Skill in Minnesota
Skills play a vital part in a software engineer getting ahead and overall growth in terms of salary and career upward movement.
In the State of Minnesota the much needed skills a software engineer needs are listed below alongside how much is added to their yearly salary due to having the skills:
- Scala skilled engineers earn 24.30% in Minnesota, which translates to $23,029 as salary add on.
- Os kernel skilled engineers earn 17.55%, which is $16,632 yearly salary added on.
- Big Data skilled engineers earn 17.35%, which is $16,443 yearly salary added.
- Microservices skilled engineers earn 16.13%, which is $15,286 yearly added on.
- Machine Learning skilled engineers earn 11.91%, which is $11,097 yearly added on salary.
- Data Structures skilled engineers earn 10.99%, which adds up to $10,415 yearly.
Software Engineer Salary Based on Experience in Minnesota
In Minnesota, the software engineer’s salary is affected by the years of experience they have gathered.
Shown below is a list of salary earned by a software engineer based on the number of years of their experience on the job:
- – 1 year experience in Minnesota as a software engineer earns $89,005 added on to basic salary.
- 1 – 2 years of experience on the job earns $91,443 yearly salary.
- 3 – 5 years of experience on the job yields $95,000.
- 6 – 9 years earns $104,593 yearly salary.
- 10 years and above in Minnesota earns $119,827 working as a software engineer.
10 Highest Paying Companies for Software Engineers in Minnesota
Minnesota has many thriving and aspiring startups and large corporations scattered in various parts of the State.
Here are the top paying companies in Minnesota where software engineers earn high:
Companies | Salary Yearly ($) |
Citi | 184,513 |
Apple | 170,536 |
159,130 | |
Octo Consulting Group | 153,511 |
Capital One | 150,194 |
Oracle | 148,533 |
Juniper Networks | 147,692 |
Experian | 136,309 |
Amazon.com | 135,537 |
Cisco | 135,286 |
More Benefits for Software Engineers in Minnesota
Aside the benefits of yearly bonus and salary, there are other benefits software engineers enjoy in Minnesota and these benefits are sometimes converted to cash or long term incentives.
The list below shows some of the benefits enjoyed by software engineers in Minnesota:
- Health insurance. The software engineer in Minnesota gets a comprehensive health insurance scheme that the employing company contributes towards.
- Vision insurance. Minnesota software engineers are given vision insurance by their employers. The vision of software engineers is very important to their employers, so they go all out to help keep their vision healthy.
- Visa assistance program. Minnesota software engineers can sometimes be invited to programs outside the country. The employer helps the engineer in processing and getting the visa for the event.
- Stocks benefits. Software engineers in Minnesota may be given company stocks, which they can convert to cash after maturity.
- Food provision. Due to the long hours of work and the short breaks in between during birth and testing of applications, the software engineer in Minnesota is unable to cater for food during these periods. Companies usually provide foods at such times for their engineers in the State of Minnesota.
What Related Job Titles to Software Engineer Earn in Minnesota
Highlighted below are the related job titles to the software engineer and how much they earn in the State of Minnesota:
- Frontend developer in Minneapolis earns $125,152 yearly.
- Backend developer earns $104,720 yearly in Minnesota.
- Application developer earns $97,958 yearly.
- Developer in Minnesota earns $60,900 yearly.
Software Engineer Job and Salary Outlook in Minnesota
The Upper Midwest has a cost of living ratio that is high. As you move further North, Minnesota is one of the States within the Upper Midwest and it has a cost of living ratio of 101%, with salaries in the range of $94,773 yearly.
Between the highest paying city in the State, Rochester ($104,260) and the least paying city St. Cloud ($90,265), the difference in salary is 14%, which greatly highlights the limited growth for a potential salary increase in the State of Minnesota.
However, due to the affordable cost of living, Minnesota might be a good State to consider for software engineers since it pays 49% above National average.
How to Increase Your Salary as a Software Engineer in the State of Minnesota
Looking to increase your salary as a software engineer in Minnesota at the end of the year and you are finding it difficult in doing so, well here are ideas to help you achieve it:
- Skills. Improve on your skill set and see the effect it has on your salary as a software engineer in Minnesota. Shown earlier are how much software engineers earn in Minnesota with various skills.
- A good qualification. A good and sound qualification will propel the upward increase of the salary you desire in Minnesota. So get certified and increase your chances of getting a salary increase.
- Relocate. Some cities in Minnesota pay very high salaries, even higher than some States in the U.S. It will be to your advantage therefore if you relocate from your present city to a place paying higher.
- Work for higher paying companies. Some companies in Minnesota pay higher than others (see above). To help increase your salary, it would be best you work for any of the high paying listed companies.
- Network other professionals. Networking with other professionals in Minnesota can help you to land a higher paying software engineering job.
More Career Opportunities for Software Engineers in Minnesota
Software engineers in Minnesota can further advance their careers in some other industries. Listed below are some of these careers and how they earn yearly:
- Aerospace engineer in the State of Minnesota earns $116,000 yearly.
- Biomedical engineer earns in the State of Minnesota $113,000 yearly.
- Computer hardware engineer earns $105,000 in Minnesota.
- Nano systems engineer earns $101,000 yearly.
With a 101.2% cost of living and salary that is 49% above National average ($94,773 yearly), the State of Minnesota is a place to consider living in due to the low cost of living.
Minnesota is one of the States that is setting the pace for others in the region to follow. Its bestselling attribute is its affordable cost of living, which can be a good attraction to software engineers.
Information sources: fullstackacademy.com, bls.gov, payscale.com, insight.dice.com, glassdoor.com, indeed.com, hackreactor.com, and ziprecruiter.com.