Cubiks Logiks offer a collection of online tests designed for screening and selecting candidates, as well as identifying and developing existing talent.
As part of PSI Services, Cubiks Logiks tests are the psychometric test provider of choice for a lot of big companies and smaller industries.
Cubiks tests are divided into many types, with questions that are related to a specific skill set.
Each question pack can be utilized alone, or a combination that is specific to a particular career can be created.
The Logiks tests include abstract reasoning, in either an Advanced or Intermediate test, as well as verbal reasoning and numerical reasoning.
Employing organizations use the PAPI, or Personality and Preferences Index, to measure the way a candidate behaves at work.
Cubiks also has its own Situational Judgment Test (SJT) that was created for employers who want to assess a candidate for their skills in handling work situations, often for leadership roles.
Cubiks Logiks has other tests made for evaluating both candidates and personnel already in position.
20 Important Facts about Cubiks Logiks Tests
Here are important information, facts, and tips about the Cubiks Logiks tests to help you do great in the exam:
- What is the Cubiks Logiks Test?
Cubiks Logiks judges a candidate’s cognitive ability and aptitude for different employers and positions as a psychometric test.
The test offers two degrees namely, Logiks Intermediate and Logiks Advanced, and is divided into numerical, verbal, and abstract.
- Cubiks Logiks General (Intermediate)
Logiks Intermediate is a test that consists of three sections that have 4 minutes each. Each section of the test features a separate part of a candidate’s cognitive ability.
- Cubiks Logiks General (Advanced)
Cubiks Logiks (Advanced), which is similar to Cubiks Logiks (Intermediate), is a cognitive test that combines three categories of questions such as verbal, numerical, and abstract.
The test offers 20 minutes to complete 30 advanced questions. The questions on the Logiks General (Advanced) are less in number than the intermediate test, but the exercises are more difficult and longer.
- Which Employers Use Cubiks Tests?
The National Audit Office (NAO), an independent group that audits the government and parliamentary agencies, uses the Cubiks tests to measure candidates before an interview and as part of its graduate recruitment scheme.
KPMG uses Cubiks tests to screen potential job candidates, while Shell makes use of the Cubiks tests to develop employers in different roles and screen candidates during the recruitment process.
Other famous employers that use Cubiks tests include DHL, Audi, Arcadis, BMW, Deutsche Bank, Scania, NHS, and EY.
- Preparing for Cubiks Tests
For you to score higher on the Cubiks assessment tests, you need to practice in a significant way. You can find free Cubiks Logiks practice tests to work with in your preparation for the exam.
- How to Prepare for Cubiks Tests
There is no need to acquire a general knowledge of Cubiks tests in advance since the test batteries don’t require any formal training or knowledge.
Part of the preparation includes having a good night’s sleep and eating decently before taking the test.
Look for a calm space where you won’t be disturbed and give yourself plenty of time to complete the assessments if there are any problems like having issues with your internet connection.
Remember you will be judged on your abilities, natural personality, and knowledge during Cubiks tests.
- How to Pass Cubiks Tests
Here are vital points to remember if you actually desire to pass the cubiks tests:
- Ensure you are fully prepared
Getting prepared involves having everything within your reach that you may need during the test, such as a calculator, a pen and paper, and even a drink for refreshment.
Reduce distractions and noises as much as possible during the test to help keep you attentive so as to perform at your best.
- Practice
Practicing Cubiks tests will help you get prepared as you should be on that day, despite whether or not you have taken similar tests in the past.
That will help familiarize you with the question style and assessment structure and give you the confidence to answer the questions quickly and accurately.
The need for practice is to understand that some assessments might ask for a single answer while others like the PAPI could ask you to rank or rate more than one.
- Read the information provided
Read the instructions and the information provided very well before attempting the questions for you to be able to find the answers.
Reading the instructions thoroughly will ensure that you can answer using the right approach.
- Be fast, but don’t hurry
You must be conscious of the time it will take you to answer the questions. Some of the tests, like the Logiks, are timed.
If you discover a difficult question, leave it and come back to it later if you still have time left.
It’s a good idea to perform quickly through the Logiks questions, but be sure you are giving yourself adequate time to read and digest the information provided before answering.
- How are Cubiks Tests Scored?
Your score on the Logiks tests is automatically judged based on the total answers you get correctly, as well as the speed and accuracy you maintained when answering the questions.
You will be scored when measured against a group of other test-takers according to the percentiles created.
A percentile score of 60% implies that you scored higher than 60% of all the people that took the test with you.
For the PAPI N test, your answers will be matched up against other test-takers.
What this means is that the employer will use your answers to create a profile for you, according to your personality and preferences in a work scenario.
Your answers are not actually compared to others in the PAPI I test, but they are rather used to create a development and training strategy.
- Are Cubiks Tests Difficult?
Every psychometric assessment has to be challenging so it can have value as a recruitment tool.
Because of the structure of Cubiks tests and the method in which information is presented, the Cubiks tests are difficult and quite challenging.
This calls for serious practicing if you truly aspire for success.
It will be easier for you to focus on finding the correct answers once you have gotten used to the structure and language used in the questions.
- How long is a Cubiks Test?
The length of the Logiks General (Intermediate) test is 12 minutes, while the Advanced takes 20 minutes.
The Logiks Verbal Advanced and Numerical Advanced tests have the same 25 minutes duration, while the Abstract (Advanced) is 15 minutes long.
Although PAPI tests are untimed, they are typically 25 to 30 minutes long. But the PAPI I test takes about 30 to 35 minutes to complete.
- How is Cubiks Tests Taken?
The majority of Cubiks tests are administered online, making them possible to be completed almost anywhere.
Some employers carry out their online assessments at an assessment center. In that case, they will send you a link to the test so you can open and complete it.
- Cubiks Logiks Numerical Tests
A candidate’s ability to read and understand numerical data can be measured with Logiks numerical reasoning tests.
Candidates are expected to answer questions using the information provided.
Apart from an understanding of mathematical basics like graphs, tables, and percentages, no thorough knowledge is needed since the questions offer all the information required.
Multiple-choice answers are offered to candidates to choose from.
There are 20 questions that are expected to be answered within 20 minutes in the Logiks numerical test.
- Cubiks Logiks Verbal Tests
Each Logiks verbal test offers a text that the candidate must read and understand.
The candidate will have to answer based on a question that is asked about the information provided.
No prior knowledge is required in this test as all the information needed to answer the question correctly is supplied.
The answers are provided in multiple-choice, and there are 36 questions that must be completed in 25 minutes.
- Cubiks Logiks Abstract Tests
In the Logiks abstract reasoning test, patterns and images are used to judge a candidate’s ability to make logical decisions about what comes next.
There are 30 questions in this test that need to be completed in 15 minutes.
- Cubiks In-depth Personality Questionnaire (CIPQ)
The CIPQ is similar to PAPI N. You are required to rate statements and see what sentiments you agree with.
The test is shorter, usually 10 minutes long, and used alongside the PAPI to give you a deep understanding of a candidate’s personality and behavioral qualities.
- Cubiks PAPI Personality Assessments
This test measures how a candidate behaves and performs in a job-related environment.
Prospective employers use this test to understand a candidate’s personality and find out about their strengths and weaknesses.
Candidates are either assessed against other candidates or provide a baseline for Continuous Professional Development.
- Cubiks PAPI N
The Personality and Preferences Index Normative, known as PAPI N, is often used as a pre-employment screening process.
The candidates receive the questions as statements and they are required to rate them according to how much they agree or disagree.
There is no “right” or “wrong” answer, so candidates are expected to answer these questions based on how they think they behave at work.
The test is untimed but typically takes about 25 to 30 minutes to complete.
As part of a staffing process, employers match up your answers against another group to draw attention to the candidates that are most suitable for the role in terms of personality and work preferences.
- Cubiks PAPI I Tests
The Personality and Preferences Index Ipsative (PAPI I) test uses three statements about behavior to judge candidates’ preferences and personalities at work.
Candidates use these statements to choose the ones that are most like and least like their personality at work.
As with the PAPI N test, there is no “right” or “wrong” answer. PAPI I test is also untimed but often takes 30 to 35 minutes to complete.
The PAPI I test results are used to help form a development and training plan as part of the employee’s Continuous Professional Development, instead of being used to compare to others.
- Cubiks Situational Judgment Questionnaire (SJQ)
The Cubiks Situational Judgment test assesses your decision-making skills to see how suitable you are for a particular role.
The SJQ test is offered online, providing candidates with different scenarios that are likely to happen in the workplace.
Your job is to pick the response you believe you would pursue. The test looks the same as the general situational judgment tests.
- Cubiks Personality Questionnaire
This Cubiks personality questionnaire is used to determine whether a candidate’s personality qualities and proficiencies merge well with the employing organization.
There is no “right” or “wrong” answer in the Cubiks personality test. However, your preferences in the workplace are assessed and provide a suggestion of your competencies based on these preferences.
Cubiks Logiks Tests Practice Questions and Answers
Here are Cubiks Logiks tests practice questions and answers to help you prepare for the test and achieve a high score:
Question 1
Sample Numerical Ability Question
Today is the day Tessa’s exam presentations will take place in 45 days being Monday 11th August. What day is that?
A. Friday 26 September
B. Wednesday 25 September
C. Wednesday 24 September
D. Tuesday 24 September
E. Thursday 25 September
The correct answer is E. Thursday 25 September
First, you will have to notice that ‘today’ is 11 August. August has 31 days, so subtract 11 from 31 to have 20 days left in August.
Second, we have 45 days until the presentation, so there will be 25 additional days in September until the big day. Or the presentation will be on 25 September in other words.
The day can be gotten by working out how many weeks are contained in 45 days. Therefore, if you divide 45 by 7 you get 6.42 (or 6 weeks and 3 days).
If Monday is added to 1 week, it will still fall on a Monday. This means that if Monday is added to 6 weeks you will still get Monday. You then proceed to add Monday to 3 days to get Thursday.
Question 2
Answer: Spain. Even though it might have the least total, the amount of public sector investment is proportionately higher than the total investment.
Question 3
Apart from “A growing awareness of the importance of using energy sources that are less harmful to the environment”, all other reasons were mentioned in the given text.
Question 4
Answer: B. It is identical to the second block in the pattern, so would be the logical one to complete the pattern.
Question 5
The Cubiks SJT does not have a right or a wrong answer like the PAPI tests; it depends very much on your own problem-solving techniques.
The Cubiks Logiks tests are instinctive and offer an easy-to-understand interface for candidates, including questions on verbal, numerical, and abstract reasoning, at both Intermediate and Advanced levels.
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