19 Important Facts about Data Checking Tests you need to Know

By | July 17, 2023
Data Checking Tests
You may be required to take the data checking test if you are seeking a clerical or data input job.

This post provides exhaustive information, facts, and tips on data checking tests that you may be required to take and pass to be hired for a clerical or data input job.

It also provides data checking test practice questions and answers you can work with in your preparation for the test, to increase your chances of making a high score in it.

Please, read on:

A data checking test is used to assess how accurately and quickly errors can be identified in data.

The test is used to hire candidates for clerical and data input jobs, mostly where accuracy is required.

Data can be in the form of account numbers, names, or addresses that are either meaningless or fairly meaningful.

In this case, instead of reading the data the usual way, it’s very important to check the character.

Remember that there might be more than one error in any single piece of data.

These tests typically consist of a range of 20 to 40 questions and take 10 to 20 minutes to complete.

Even though it’s difficult, it’s equally vital to maintain your focus throughout the test’s duration.

You need to maintain a regular speed when answering these questions to achieve a very high score within the given time.

19 Important Facts about Data Checking Tests you need to Know

Here are important facts about data checking tests you need to know to effectively prepare for and pass the test:

  1. What is data checking test?

In the data checking test, you’ll be required to analyze a variety of given letters or numbers and choose the match from a list of potential answers.

The data checking test is good for assessing your attention to detail as it’s easy to trip up with errors when not many letters have been moved.

The numbers in this test are deliberately selected and shown in a manner that is hard to recognize the errors, deceiving you into picking the incorrect answer.

It’s very easy to miss information and choose the incorrect answer if you don’t pay close attention to a string when answering.

You will be given a large number of questions with a very small amount of time to answer them.

That is a very big challenge. But with practice, you can build up your analytical skills and improve your performance.

Try to go slower during the test to ensure that the questions you answer are gotten correctly.

Some systems might offer recommendations for how you can improve your score based on work rate and accuracy.

  1. What does a data checking test measure?

A lot of employers use the data checking test to measure your ability to quickly and accurately spot errors in data sets.

For jobs in finance, banking, and engineering, a data checking test is used during the online testing stage of applications to measure the above-mentioned skills.

Consistent practice will help you to improve these skills.

  1. Data checking test structure

The structure of a data checking test is straightforward. You will be offered a series of data sets and asked to choose the correct answer.

You will be presented with a few options for question types before starting the test, so as to give you time to practice and improve your skills.

  1. Data checking is sometimes referred to as error checking

Data checking is all about finding errors in a text, ledger, or invoice. The types of questions you will find on the data checking test are the same as the ones seen on the error checking test.

In a data checking test, you will be given two texts or records and asked to determine if they are 100 percent identical.

The difference among other things could be 0, a punctuation error, or a misspelled word.

Don’t waste your precious time checking whether calculations have been made correctly unless you are clearly instructed to do so.

You will be required to work quickly and still maintain accuracy. You will definitely work under a time limit.

  1. Similarity between data checking test and attention to detail

Data checking and attention to detail may look similar to some degree, although there is a clear difference between the two tests.

In data checking tests, you will be comparing more data but with a less strict time constraint, whereas attention to detail focuses on smaller text strings and will have a very tough time limit.

  1. What should you consider before investing in a data checking Prep pack?

Do you apply for a job and you are asked to take a data checking test? You will need to purchase a prep pack for your test.

But before going into such venture, there are a few things you should put into consideration. These include answering a few questions below:

  • Does the practice test pack have a free trial data checking test?

A good prep pack should let you test out the features absolutely free before buying and see what the real pack will look like.

  • How competitive is the price?

Are there different test packs so you can buy the ones you need and can afford?

  • Can you track your results?

A good prep pack should have an area where you can track your progress. In this area, you can save your completed tests to allow you to come back later for the questions to see your overall answers, which include your correct and incorrect answers.

  • Does the company have support and customer care?

When buying a test pack you may not know whether it will work for you or if you will need some support and backup.

You can then contact the company selling the pack if you have any questions. So, it’s necessary that you buy a test pack with an assurance for support and backup.

  1. What should I know about data checking tests?

Data checking tests are used by employers during their recruitment process to help offer a better general assessment of a candidate’s suitability for the job they are applying for.

The test is used to measure a candidate’s future performance and improve the retention of employees by making successful hiring decisions.

The online platform has become the most frequent place that employers use data checking tests.

The test no longer takes the form of paper and pen but has decided to use online testing due to the advantages of saving time and money.

Data checking tests are used more frequently and are typically the action taken as a way of following up on you after an employer has accepted your CV or initial job application form.

  1. Tips to help you score high on your data checking test

The most essential step to prepare for a data checking test is to research about the test.

You will increase your chances of performing well if you become familiar with the test’s formats.

You need to also prepare for the test to disclose your strengths and weaknesses so you can work on those areas during your preparation.

And it’s very important to find the publisher of the test you are about to take.

These tips will be effective and will be worth remembering before you take your data checking test.

  • Get more and more practice as much as you can
  • Read questions and instructions properly
  • Get prepared with a pen and paper during the online test
  • Don’t cheat
  • Work efficiently and fast
  • Stay calm and focused so as to not miss details.
  1. Why should I practice data checking tests?

Data checking tests are not too difficult but they are designed in an easy and unique way. The tests only become tricky if you are under extreme time limits.

Certain questions you should ask yourself include:

  • How many questions did I attempt during the test?
  • How many of the questions I attempted did I answer correctly?

It’s wrong to try just one practice test. Focus on how simple the questions are, and move on to the test day without further considerations.

You will trip up on that day because you need to have an experience of how limited the time of these questions is.

The real data checking test will focus on the time rather than the question. However, practice will get you in the right frame of mind and help you minimize errors.

  1. Who makes use of these questions and why do they use them?

The data checking test measures how well you can perceive mistakes when under pressure. So, for banks and other analytical careers, it’s found in employment entrance exams.

Data checking tests are speedy with high volume and are utilized in different IQ tests and set by employers during their recruitment stages.

Data checking tests are utilized by employers for applications in a variety of positions, including:

  • Business development and financial services
  • Public and private sector administrative staff
  • Engineering, construction, manufacturing, and transport staff
  • Hospitality and leisure
  • Call center operations
  • Commercial sales
  • Marketing
  • Education
  • Health.
  1. Are data checking tests aptitude tests?

Data checking tests are typically classified as aptitude tests in which your ability to easily detect errors in complex data sets will be assessed.

Through practice, you’ll be able to understand categories of data strings and errors and improve your data checking aptitudes.

Therefore, it’s questionable to call a data checking test an aptitude test, but rather see it as an ability test.

  1. Practicing data checking tests will make you perfect

You can improve your performance on the data checking test through practice. Remember that practice makes you perfect.

Making use of practice tests is the best way to prepare for a data checking test. With good practice, you’ll be able to complete your data checking test under timed conditions.

  1. Why do employers use data checking tests?

Many employers make use of data checking tests to ensure they are hiring a suitable candidate – one who is accurate and can identify errors quickly.

You might be required to take a data checking test in various stages of the hiring process. Your skills to spot numerical or written errors in a short period will be thoroughly assessed.

For this reason, these tests are mainly found in an application for jobs that require high attention to detail and focus on the available tasks, such as administrative, operational, sales, hospitality, education, marketing, and customer service.

  1. Common publishers of data checking tests

It’s important to be aware of the most common publishers when preparing for a data checking test.

This will help you to know beforehand what type that employer uses.

Saville Assessment, formerly known as Saville Consulting, and Talent Q, which was established by the co-founder of SHL tests, are the two common publishers of data checking tests.

  1. How to prepare for data checking tests

You don’t need to learn any new concepts to pass a data checking test, but it’s vital to improve your ability to spot errors as fast as possible.

It’s very important to get familiar with data checking tests before taking the real assessment.

This can be achieved by researching the test provider, which is the company you want to work for, and the skills required for the position.

Practice tests look exactly like the real exam; they are the best tool you can utilize to achieve a good result.

The more practice you perform, the more comfortable you’ll become with the test format.

Learn to practice with a timer, and take note of all your errors and the complexities you come across so you can concentrate on these areas.

There are a lot of materials out there that can get you ready for your data checking test, including simple steps you can take to prepare for the test.

Therefore, the best way to prepare is to practice as much as you can in an environment that looks similar to the one you will experience during the test.

  1. How are data checking tests scored?

You’ll be required to recognize variations in a sequence of data in order to pass the test.

The number of inaccuracies in the given time you are able to identify will make up your score.

  1. What does a data checking test contain?

A data checking test contains strings of data that could have errors in them, and you will be asked to quickly identify whether these data sets are identical or not.

Speed is an essential part of data checking tests that will have a great effect on your score as the number of correctly identified variations.

  1. Where will I take my data checking test?

You will typically take your data checking test online through a link that the recruiter will send you to have access to the test and a certain number of days to complete the test.

Occasionally, an employer will call a larger number of candidates to take the test in an assessment center.

  1. Data checking test tips

Utilizing these tips will give you insights into what you are going to encounter during your data checking test. These include:

  • Practice tests are vital
  • Practice under a test condition
  • Create a review timetable
  • Review the questions you get inaccurately
  • Read the instructions carefully
  • Don’t fret
  • Don’t request assistance from someone
  • Practice timing
  • Complete the test publisher practice questions
  • Take some time off.

Data Checking Test Practice Questions and Answers

Here are sample questions and answers you can use in your practice for a data checking test:

Question 1

Find the identical string to the ones given.



In this data checking test question, you need to carefully look at the sequences and decide which option matches the given string.

E is the correct answer.

Question 2

Are the two simplified invoices below 100 percent identical by comparison?

No, they are not 100 percent identical. The last car name in the first invoice on the list is spelled “Camero”, while it is spelled “Camaro” in the last.

A slight difference, but a difference anyway.


A data checking test looks the same as an error checking test, although they are slightly different.

A major difference is that in the data checking test you will have fewer data to work with.

So, a data checking test is an easy form of the error checking test in that you will have fewer items to check through.

In the data checking test, you could be offered a table that includes a lot of alpha-numeric strings and asked to compare them to the one string that you have available.

Your job is to spot the correct match from the table of strings.