Medical Assistant Skills for Resume: 12 Top Qualities to Succeed on the Job

By | August 31, 2023
Medical Assistants require certain skills to succeed on the job.
Medical Assistants require certain skills to succeed on the job. Image source:

Medical Assistant Skills for Resume: 12 Top Qualities to Succeed on the Job

If you desire to be successful as a medical assistant, there are certain skills and qualities you need to posses in order to excel on the job.

Employers are aware of these skills and always look out for them in prospective workers, which you should also use in your resume.

The top 12 skills and qualities needed by a medical assistant to achieve great success on the job include the following:

1. Communication Skills

Most jobs require communication between workers and clients, and that of a medical assistant is no exception. You must be able to not only pass across physician’s instructions to patients, but also listen attentively to their questions, inquiries, complaints, and other treatment needs.

2. Courtesy

The professional competence of a medical assistant is incomplete without courtesy. Treating patients is what brings in revenue in the establishment and pays the bills. So, it’s of outermost importance that you address them with courtesy, to make them feel welcome.

3. Customer Service

Wondering what you need that for? You may not be a front desk staff or a receptionist, but you certainly have to attend to the numerous customers who troop into the clinic to make inquiries about and get treated. In order for you to attend to their inquiries effectively, you need to have the knowledge of good customer service.

4. Empathy

For one who is attending to patients, who are suffering from one medical condition or the other, it’s imperative that you show some care and concern toward them. Although your primary responsibility is to be at their service, but it goes beyond that to get the job done properly. When you show a little concern, patients will be more relaxed and will feel safe in your hands.

5. Credibility

In order to work with the physician effectively, there has to be some level of professional trust. The medical assistant must earn the trust of the physician by working diligently, to get the job done.

6. Integrity

This is where the honor of a medical assistant comes to fore. Patients’ medical history and current data collected must be handled with care and respect. Such details are not to be used for purposes outside their treatment.

7. Tolerance

Humans are naturally difficult to deal with, let alone the ones under certain ‘troubling’ conditions. Patients sometimes lose their cool in an attempt to get attention. With paper works to prepare and patients to deal with, your tolerance level will be tested, so you need to have it under control.

8. Attentiveness

A medical assistant must be able to pay undivided attention to detail. This is important in receiving treatment instructions from the physician to administer to patients as any distractions could lead to casualties.

9. Agility

Moving around in the course of work is important to get the job done. A medical assistant requires some level of physical strength to be able to attend to clients and assist the physician without unnecessary weakness.

10. Record Keeping

Maintaining information of patients’ treatment in designated files is part of the medical assistant job description. To do this effectively, they need to have good knowledge of record keeping, to enter, arrange, and sort patients’ documents.

11. Organizational Skills

Dealing with many people, keeping records and preparing them for treatment can by quite rowdy sometimes. It takes an effort to be able to pull all these and still keep things in order in the clinic, and that requires some organizational skills.

12. Computer Skills

Being able to operate basic computer software programs like Microsoft Word, Excel, etc will be helpful in entering, keeping, and preparing patients records and clinic documents.

It’s one thing to have a job and it’s another thing to be good at it. With the above mentioned skills and qualities, your job as a medical assistant will be much easier than you can imagine, and you will meet every employer’s expectations.

You can also use these skills and qualities in your resume. See a sample of certified medical assistant resume here.

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