Solder Technician Job Description, Key Duties and Responsibilities

By | February 17, 2025
Solder Technician Job Description
Solder technicians work with molten solder materials to join or bond metal in electronic devices, circuit boards, aerospace equipment, and other metal products.

This post provides detailed information on the solder technician job description, including the key duties, tasks, and responsibilities they commonly perform.

It also highlights the major requirements that most recruiters/employers will want candidates to fulfill to be hired for the solder technician role.

(You will be able to download the solder technician job description template in pdf below.)

What Does a Solder Technician Do?

The prime task of a solder technician is to join metal parts by melting solder alloys.

The process includes preparing surfaces, applying flux, heating the two work pieces to the point where they produce solder and allowing the solder to flow and form a strong metallurgical bond.

According to Triad Electronic Technologies, one of the solder technician’s tasks is to follow the direction of the post lead and ensure that the right composition of alloy and flux is applied as instructed by the job documentation.

A solder technician uses various techniques when it comes to soldering, including reflow soldering, wave soldering, and last but not the least, hand soldering.

In most organizations, solder technicians report directly to the production supervisor, manufacturing engineers, or the head of electronics/soldering department.

When it comes to places where a solder technician can work, these professionals can work in different production industries, such as:

  • Electronics manufacturers
  • Aerospace/aviation corporations
  • Automotive plants
  • Telecom equipment manufacturers
  • Computer hardware production
  • Repair shops and service centers

While the educational demands are inclusive, most employers often ask the candidates to hold a High School diploma or GED, degree/certificate in Electronics Technology or related studies, IPC certification or certain vendor specific certifications to get employed.

The solder technician job description involves abiding by the schematics and reading the drawings/work instructions given and operating the soldering machines.

It also entails examining the joint done by soldering the connections to check for defects or bad quality.

Solder technicians also need to know how to desolder and check the connections for any fault using additional repair technique.

It’s essential to keep the tools, equipment, and other paraphernalia in a clean and workable state.

Besides, solder technicians also need to know the security measures that are to be applied while they are working with the molten solder and the chemicals.

Solder technicians are also responsible for training /teaching new hires or apprentices along with other co-workers.

They add valuable process and method enhancements based on quality analysis.

It is also their duty to take good care of the devices, tools and machines used for work and troubleshoot them when necessary.

Solder technicians are responsible for inventory management (solder and soldering equipment), inventory replacement, and maintenance of the different component used.

The job of a solder technician is crucial around the globe as electronic gadgets and machinery are manufactured worldwide, as different countries have robust electronics industries, including China, the United States, Japan, Germany, and South Korea.

Compliance from solder technicians is expected with the laws created by national and international organizations like:

Solder Technician Job Description Example/Sample/Template

The solder technician job description consists of the following duties, tasks, and responsibilities:

  • Operating various soldering machinery like the wave soldering machine, reflow oven and instruments like a hand soldering iron to the standard of work and safety procedure
  • Deciphering technical drawings and work instructions, work orders, ultrasound, and reference manuals to the specifics of soldering that each job requires
  • Cleaning, burring, and applying the flux or the necessary material for the surface to be soldered, and then compacting the solder to different kinds of circuit boards, including the wire-mounted boards and the printed circuit boards, for the electrical meters to be connected
  • Monitoring and controlling the parameters of the soldering like temperatures, dwell, solder flow to ensure proper joining of materials
  • Taking recording of each job completed, parts used, and all the necessary requirements of the product
  • Troubleshooting minor problems and suggesting any necessary improvements of the equipment
  • Handling the molten solders and chemicals that are required to clean out the boards completely
  • Training recruits and team members in the use of instruments and the standard procedures to follow while soldering
  • Checking and inspecting of raw materials and the finished goods
  • Carrying out first article inspection and confirming new processes in soldering
  • Restoring and repairing defects using desoldering, component substitutions, or touch-up soldering when necessary
  • Eliminating minor glitches and carryout general maintenance like cleaning or oiling of machine part.

Download Solder Technician Job Description Template (pdf)

Solder Technician Job Description for Resume

If you are making a new resume or CV as someone who has worked before as a solder technician, or are presently working in that role, then you can create a compelling Professional Experience section for your resume/CV by applying the sample solder technician job description provided above.

You can highlight the solder technician duties and responsibilities (from the job description example above) in your resume’s Professional Experience, to show that you have been successful performing the role.

This can greatly enhance the effectiveness of your resume in getting you an interview, especially if the new job that you are seeking requires someone with some solder technician work experience.     

(Learn how to make an effective resume applying the Employer-focused Resume Writing Technique)

Solder Technician Requirements: Abilities, Knowledge, and Skills for Career Success

Here are important requirements most recruiters/employers may want you to meet to be hired for the solder technician position that you are seeking:

  • Mastery of different soldering procedures, like consignment and also high temperature (wave, reflow, hand, etc.)
  • Understanding and experience operating soldering equipment and fixing them when they break down
  • Ability to read and comprehend technical drawings and also paintings and work guidelines
  • Understanding of circuits and electronic constituents and assemblies
  • Mastery of skinny welding resources, cleaners, and solder metals used
  • Experience inspecting and managing the product development and quality, as well as tweaking the soldering methods
  • Ability to pinpoint any fault and repair it through warping, asymmetric swelling, and shrinkage
  • Talented at using equipment with precision, such as  welding tools and devices used for measurement
  • Having awareness of metals to be welded and having a scientific background of relevant metals
  • Understanding electrical and electronic theory and the study of the quantity of heat required to perform a chemical reaction
  • Knowledge of various electronic related standards like IPC, ISO, and ANSI
  • Ability to work and manage hazardous materials
  • Understanding lean manufacturing and continuous development methodologies
  • Excellent hand-juggling skill and control of movements
  • Ability to handle any problems that arises in the workplace in no time
  • Ability to work independently and friendly with others
  • Ability to perform a wide variety of tasks that has been planned in order to reach corporate goals.

Solder Technician Employment

According to the 2022 employment data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there was a total employment of 431,800 for welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers in that year.

States with the highest number of employments for welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers included:

  • Texas, 52,820
  • California, 28,300
  • Ohio, 19,750
  • Wisconsin, 17,440
  • Illinois, 17,280.

The industries with the highest number of jobs for welders, cutters, solderers, and brazers included manufacturing and construction, with 280.400 and 51.700 employments respectively.

Solder Technician Salary

Based on data on Glassdoor, the salary of solder technicians in the United States varies across different locations.

The average salary for a soldering technician is $42,607 per year.

Solder Technician Resources

Here are resources you can access to build a successful career as a solder technician:

Professional Organizations:

Institute for Printed Circuits, IPCIPC is a global trade association committed to helping OEMs, EMS, PCB manufacturers and suppliers build electronics better. American Welding Society, AWSAWS is committed to advancing the science, technology, and application of welding and allied joining and cutting processes globally, including soldering, brazing, and thermal spraying. Edison Welding Institute, EWIEWI is committed to helping industry leaders to bring products to market more quickly and efficiently.


The Basic Soldering Guide Handbook: Learn to solder electronics successfully This is a great resource to learn all the basic aspects of electronics soldering by hand. Getting Started with Soldering: A Hands-On Guide to Making Electrical and Mechanical Connections This book guides readers through the fundamentals of soldering. Simple Soldering: A Beginner's Guide to Jewelry MakingThis book explores the craft of creating soldered metal jewelry.


This post has laid out a complete overview on the solder technician job description, highlighting their main responsibilities, duties, and tasks.

It also presented the skillset, education, and training background, not forgetting salary information and job prospects of solder technicians.

Employers can use this resource in making an effective job description for a solder technician, to attract desirable talents.

Candidates for the solder technician position can also find this post useful in planning their career trajectory.

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