The nurse practitioner salary in Pennsylvania is on the average $121,317 per year.
A nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania is a registered nurse who has received advanced training in one of many specialties in healthcare.
Usually, nurse practitioners are trained to diagnose illnesses, treat patients for acute or chronic illnesses, order and interpret lab tests and x-rays, prescribe medications, counsel on preventive care, perform health screenings and refer when necessary.
Nurse Practitioner Salary in Pennsylvania Cities
Here is salary information for nurse practitioners across cities in Pennsylvania:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Philadelphia | $95.92 | $129,128 |
2. | Pittsburgh | $91 | $122,495 |
3. | Allentown | $87.85 | $118,260 |
4. | Erie | $79.98 | $107,664 |
5. | Reading | $84.78 | $114,122 |
6. | Upper Darby | $81.64 | $109,896 |
7. | Scranton | $84.14 | $113,269 |
8. | Bensalem | $82.76 | $111,412 |
9. | Lower Merion | $78.79 | $106,061 |
10. | Lancaster | $82.91 | $111,608 |
11. | Bethlehem | $85.82 | $115,533 |
12. | Abington | $81.65 | $109,912 |
13. | Bristol | $82.22 | $110,688 |
14. | Mill Creek | $76.95 | $103,582 |
15. | Lower Paxton | $72.37 | $97,416 |
16. | Haverford | $84.14 | $113,262 |
17. | Harrisburg | $88.98 | $119,776 |
18. | Middletown | $83.44 | $112,324 |
19. | York | $83.38 | $112,247 |
20. | Media | $85.72 | $115,388 |
21. | State College | $81.11 | $109,182 |
22. | Doylestown | $84.19 | $113,329 |
23. | Wilkes-Barre | $80.34 | $108,146 |
24. | Hempfield | $76.68 | $103,230 |
25. | Manheim | $75.43 | $101,546 |
26. | Northampton | $80.04 | $107,753 |
27. | Cheltenham | $81.38 | $109,555 |
28. | Norristown | $83.71 | $112,685 |
29. | Chester | $84.07 | $113,168 |
30. | Falls | $83.53 | $112,439 |
10 Cities with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Pennsylvania
Salary information for top 10 paying cities for nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Philadelphia | $95.92 | $129,128 |
2. | Pittsburgh | $91 | $122,495 |
3. | Harrisburg | $88.98 | $119,776 |
4. | Allentown | $87.85 | $118,260 |
5. | Bethlehem | $85.82 | $115,533 |
6. | Media | $85.72 | $115,388 |
7. | Reading | $84.78 | $114,122 |
8. | Doylestown | $84.19 | $113,329 |
9. | Scranton | $84.14 | $113,269 |
10. | Haverford | $84.14 | $113,262 |
Skill-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Pennsylvania
A nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania with relevant skills and certifications will get paid more than those who don’t have them. These skills include:
- Administrative and management skills
- Medical and surgical skills
- Critical care skills
- Patient and family education skills
- Clinical research skills
Experience-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Pennsylvania
A nurse practitioner with more years of experience in Pennsylvania will also get paid more than others.
For example, a new nurse practitioner with less than one year of experience will get paid approximately $106,714 while a nurse practitioner with 10 years of experience or more will get paid around $132,441.
10 Companies with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Pennsylvania
Salary information for top 10 paying companies for nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania:
Company | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Woundtech | $882 | $1,187,234 |
2. | Supportive Care LLC | $326 | $438,197 |
3. | INNOVATIVE HEALTH | $215 | $289,930 |
4. | LifeStance Health | $163 | $220,074 |
5. | UCLA Health | $134 | $180,406 |
6. | Molina Healthcare | $117 | $156,846 |
7. | NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital | $112 | $150,702 |
8. | Northwell Health | $110 | $148,601 |
9. | Wound Care Plus, LLC | $109 | $146,965 |
10. | Elevance Health | $106 | $143,266 |
10 Highest Paying Nurse Practitioners Jobs in Pennsylvania
Some of the highest paying nurse practitioners jobs in Pennsylvania include:
- Nurse Practitioner Consultant; $121,255
- PM&R Nurse Practitioner; $119,350
- Teen Travel Nurse Practitioner; $116,450
- Neonatal Nurse Practitioner; $140,358
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner; $120,600
- Geriatric Nurse Practitioner; $139,534
- Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner; $102,564
- Surgical Nurse Practitioner; $120,500
- Home Care Nurse Practitioner; $122,599
- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner; $119,791.
More Benefits for Nurse Practitioners in Pennsylvania
Companies provide nurse practitioners benefits like:
- Bonus
Bonus is an incentive payment given by companies in Pennsylvania to their employees. It is given to the nurse practitioner for their performance.
- Stock Options
Companies in Pennsylvania provide stock options to their employees as a benefit. They can be used as an incentive or reward to contribute and get better performance from employee.
- Vacation
It is granted by companies to their employees as a benefit. A paid vacation time that has been fixed during the contract period, which is usually one week for every year of service provided by the employee at companies.
- Retirement Plan
In Pennsylvania, companies provide retirement plans to their employees to help them save money for later life.
Benefits are usually provided by companies and are based on the years of service provided by the employee.
- Insurance
Nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania may be provided insurance cover related to workers’ compensation, paid leave, and health insurance by employers.
This type of benefit is a standard health care coverage in Pennsylvania, but can be granted or denied within companies as a benefit.
What Related Job Titles to Nurse Practitioners Earn in Pennsylvania
Here are earnings of some occupations related to nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania:
- Clinical Research Associate; $90,727
- Speech-Language Pathologist; $87,490
- Audiologist; $94,853
- Social Worker (MSW); $67,748
- Occupational Therapy Assistant; $62,757.
Nurse Practitioner Salary and Job Outlook in Pennsylvania
The job forecast for nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania may be in the bottom half of the country, but it is still optimistic.
Pennsylvania now has 6,500 registered nurse practitioners, but by 2028, it is expected to have 8,220. This is an almost 26.5% increase.
The rising need for nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania can be ascribed to the state’s extensive rural areas.
48 of the state’s 67 counties are classified rural and require primary care physicians.
Furthermore, their aging population is increasing the demand for primary and chronic care.
How to increase your Pay as a Nurse Practitioner in Pennsylvania
Here are some ways you can increase your pay as a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania:
- Pursue a Master’s Degree
Pursue your master’s degree as a nurse practitioner. A masters level would improve your chances of finding a high paying job.
- Get Certification or Licensure
In order to work as a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania, you must be either certified or licensed.
Getting this certification gives you the status and credibility that are needed for you to get a higher pay at a healthcare facility.
- Choose your Specialty Wisely
Choosing a specialty is one of the most important things you can do to get paid more.
- Specialize in a High Demand Area
There are certain areas in healthcare that will push the demand up for professionals. If you want to get paid more as a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania, you need to move into a high demand area.
- Join a Professional Organization and Volunteer
Joining professional organizations and volunteering will enable you to network with other professionals in the industry.
Networking can lead to potential careers with higher salaries, benefits, and job openings than where you are right now.
More Career Opportunities for Nurse Practitioners in Pennsylvania
There are various ways for a nurse practitioner in Pennsylvania to improve their career prospects. Below are some of them:
- Work in Research and Development
You can work in a research and development department, where you will have to research and develop new procedures and treatments, or new technology.
- Work in Government Agencies
You can also work for the government, either local or federal. Working for the government can be a benefit since you will be granted clear lines of advancement and compensation.
- Work in Consultants and Advisory Boards
Another way you can improve your career is to work in consultancy or advisory boards, where you will help people solve their problems or issues.
- Work for Hospitals or Health Organizations
You can also work for the health organizations, such as hospitals, group practices, etc. Working for the health organizations provides an excellent opportunity to meet the people who are your potential clients and practice your skills in providing service.
- Own your Own Practice
If you have already acquired certifications and licensure, you can also consider opening your own practice. This will allow you to determine your own salary and even choose who will be hired to work with you.
Nurse practitioners in Pennsylvania have the potential to earn more salaries in the state.
Furthermore, the state of Pennsylvania also has many opportunities for nurse practitioners due to its large and expanding population.
In addition to that, Pennsylvania also has no mandatory overtime law, which means there can be possibility of working longer hours and even weekends.
Information sources: nursingprocess.org, indeed.com, glassdoor.com, salary.com, beckershospitalreview.com, pharmacytechnicianguide.com, payscale.com, pharmapproach.com and bls.gov.