Healthcare Workforce: Boosting Job Happiness and Keeping Talent

By | March 1, 2024
Healthcare Workforce
The Everee 2024 healthcare staffing report also found only around 25% of healthcare workers felt happier about their jobs vs the year before.

From the Everee 2024 healthcare staffing report, recent survey results paint a not-so-rosy picture in the healthcare industry.

Honestly, it’s pretty alarming – nearly 50% of healthcare workers said they’re likely to dip out of their current role within the next 12 months.

Sheesh! That stat alone shows major unhappiness is brewing among the dedicated souls caring for people every day. 

But it gets worse! The poll also found only around 25% of healthcare folks reported feeling happier about their jobs vs the year before.

Meanwhile, a massive 52% said their satisfaction stayed frozen in place.

So, a huge group might not be totally bummed, but they ain’t feeling the thrills either, ya dig?

Tackling job happiness and keeping talent aboard in the healthcare industry is vital, not just for the well-being of the workforce, but also for ensuring patients get solid care.

In this post, we’ll scoop out how healthcare bosses can cultivate a flexible and supportive workspace that sparks a sense of purpose and fulfillment for their devoted crews.

Understanding the Problem: When Job Satisfaction Get Flat

That 52% of healthcare workers in the Everee survey said their job happiness stayed flat as compared against the prior year is a bit worrisome.

This flatline phenomenon could stem from:

  • Burnout

Front-line workers often face heavy emotional and physical demands.

Prolonged exposure to stress and exhaustion can ignite serious burnout, majorly crushing job happiness.

  • Little or No Recognition

Healthcare professionals invest their utmost care and commitment in attending to patients’ well-being but often feel like their dedication goes unnoticed and unacknowledged.

When you don’t get that communication that your work matters or feel a sense of appreciation, it can leave you feeling demotivated and unhappy with your job.

  • Overstretched

The survey showed that nearly half of employees (42%) believe that staffing shortages make their daily tasks much harder.

When you’re overextended and lack the necessary tools and resources you need for the tasks at hand, the challenges just keep piling up.

It engenders frustration and makes you feel detached from you work.

When Enthusiasm Starts to Fade

The report for stagnant job satisfaction seems to apply to a good number of people, and a worrying 21% admitted to feeling way less content than they were the previous year.

Some potential reasons for this diminishing happiness include: 

  • Overload Zone

Staffing shortages mixed with the unique pandemic demands just dumped the strain on these healthcare workers.

Too much workload like that would invariably spark burnout and job happiness takes a huge dent.  

  • Unfair Pay

The Everee survey disclosed an astounding 72% feel they’re underpaid for their work.

When you are paid less than you deserve, it really dampen your motivation and how satisfied you feel.

  • Lack of Freedom

These workers usually work under rigid rules and demanding schedules, leaving little wriggle room to control their days.

That lack of autonomy can foster dwindling job satisfaction gradually.

Strategies for Boosting Happiness and Keeping Talent

Here are strategies leaders in the healthcare industry can utilize in achieving much happiness among their workforce:  

Promoting Flexibility and Freedom 

One key factor that excites healthcare workers from temporary to on-demand roles is the appeal of flexible schedules and autonomy.

The Everee 2024 survey unravels nearly 50% are open to this transition, underscoring the rising appeal of flexible work. 

Stakeholders can accommodate these wants by adding more flexibility into standard roles, like:

  • Self-Scheduling Options

By making workers have the option of choosing their schedules improves happiness and work-life balance.

It may involve letting staffs pick shifts or swap shifts with colleagues.

  • Compressing Workweeks

Another way is to enable longer shifts on fewer days, that way workers have more consecutive days off, allowing better work-life flow.

  • Flexible Hybrids

Trying out hybrid setups where workers can handle duties remotely or work flexible hours encourages autonomy & balance.

By injecting flexibility and freedom, healthcare spaces can build a supportive environment that speaks to the changing wants of their workforce.

Addressing Shortages 

The survey uncovered that 42% feel the strain of staffing gaps day-to-day.

Confronting shortages is essential not just for boosting happiness but maintaining high quality care.

Decision makers in healthcare companies can try these tactics: 

  • Cross-Training Crews

To enhance workforce flexibility and resilience organizations can cross-train employees in areas to support each other during periods or staff shortages.

Who wouldn’t enjoy acquiring skills?

  • Optimized Scheduling Tools

Employing scheduling tools and analytics can assist in forecasting staffing requirements and optimizing resource allocation thereby easing the burden on existing staff. Embrace technology!

  • Staffing Agency Partners

Establishing partnerships with staffing agencies will grant access to professionals who can fill staffing gaps during peak demand or absences. Collaboration is key!

By addressing shortages, leaders can alleviate stress on their workforce, leading to increased happiness and retention rates.

Improving Recognition and Support 

What is the impact of feeling undervalued and lacking support?

Leaders need to make an effort to acknowledge and commend their teams in order to boost job satisfaction and meaning.

Some great strategies to implement include:

  • Recognizing and supporting your staff by expressed ‘thank you’ to them for their hard work.
  • Implementing programs to acknowledge dedication and performance.

This action will boost morale and make the workforce feel appreciated. A little pat on the back work wonders!

  • Mentorship programs make crews feel supported in their development, increasing job satisfaction and retention. Having a mentor benefits us all!
  • Workshops for counseling, stress relief, wellness will help health workers deal with the emotional demands of the job and be better equipped to do a better job. Got to mind that head!

Leaders create an environment where dedicated pros feel valued and can thrive when they are prioritize, recognized and supported.

Fostering a Positive Organization Culture

Facility culture affects job satisfaction and retention rates greatly among health care human resources.

A positive and caring culture feed in belongingness, purpose and fulfilment.

This leads to workers becoming more involved in their work and committed to its growth.

A leader’s requirement to maintaining supported culture includes open dialogues between management and workers.

Workers should be allowed to make their concern and idea statements and discussion on the same platform and it should be regular.

This open, free flow of communication will ensure transparency and better co-operation build-up among all.

Sufficient time off and availability of proper resources that engender well being are two other areas that healthcare providers need to recognize here.

Health care workers have demanding jobs. And, the requirement of hospitals is 24/7.

So, one needs to create flexible schedules designed to assist working employees.

Provide paid time off. Maybe one should also make resources, such as time out or counseling services available.

Offer support and resources needed for maintaining mental and physical fitness.

Creating a positive work culture can help those who work there feel valued and committed to the same.

Investing in Development 

Healthcare changes regularly due to several factors. This evolution should give the workforce opportunities for growth.

Healthcare providers need to invest in the professional development of the workers.

They can offer continuous development and education to help labor learn about the new technologies/processes.

They can also help health workers pick up new skills that can make them happier and make them better at their jobs.

They can pay for tuition or courses. It shows dedication to growth-linking opportunities and an environment where workers can pursue advanced certificates or degrees. Keep learning!

Healthcare providers can offer new hires clear career pathways that can empower them, which in turn translates to happy patients.

By offering training, opportunities and clear career trajectory, these can help workers picture growth in that organization in the long term.

When a healthcare facility invests in the development and in an enabling environment, it ensures workforce growth and happiness and their careers, making them happier to stay longer on the job.


The healthcare industry is facing a crisis in retaining staff due to many factors that are detrimental to job experiences.

Organizations can improve retention by promoting autonomy, increasing educational opportunities, and fostering a culture that translates to happy and engaged staff.

This leads to empowered healthcare professionals who are able to deliver better care and greater career satisfaction, and ultimately better health outcomes for patients and providers.