Executive Administrative Assistant Resume Writing Tips and Example

By | February 4, 2025
executive administrative assistant resume
Searching for an executive administrative assistant resume? A good resume increases your chance of getting it.

Executive Administrative Assistant Resume Writing Tips and Example

Irrespective of the position you are applying for, if you cannot convince a hirer that you are qualified and capable of adding value to their organization, you will likely not be given an opportunity.

Applying for an executive administrative assistant position is no exception to this demand. This is where the importance of a good resume comes in.

Now, to create a resume that will appeal to any hirer, there are simple rules to keep, and tips to make your resume outstanding.

Creating a great executive administrative assistant resume, what to consider

The first rule is to find out about the hiring company and their demands from applicants for the executive administrative assistant position you seek.

You can obtain this information from the job description of the executive administrative assistant position that was advertised.

The second rule is to choose a resume format or layout that will allow you to present your skills and qualifications as an administrative assistant in an executive position in a clear and attractive manner.

The third rule is to create your resume in line with the job description provided by the hiring manager for the executive administrative assistant job.

The fourth rule is to make sure that your resume is concise, highlighted, and well-spaced. It is very important to include only skills and qualifications required by the employer as published in the job description of the position.

Now, let’s look at how to create each of the sections of an executive administrative assistant resume, pointing out the elements that make them effective on hirers:

Executive Administrative Assistant Resume Objective Section

This part of your executive administrative assistant resume must be made very concise. Usually, a sentence or two is used to highlight key skills while the remaining are reserved for the next section.

However, you must make sure that your resume objective is specifically directed at the hiring company and that it embodies skills and expertise relevant to the job and the company.

See good examples of resume objective statements for executive administrative assistant position.

Examples of Executive Administrative Assistant Objective Statement for Resume

  • To obtain the position of executive administrative assistant with Piety Inc., offering strong knowledge of office administrative procedures, proficiency in computer applications, and exceptional ability to multitask and adhere to instructions.
  • Seeking the position of executive administrative assistant with Don Gilz Inc. where strong background in office administration and outstanding numerical, analytical, and communication skills will be used to ensure smooth office operations.
    The executive administrative assistant objective statements above are specifically targeted at two imaginary companies with each one created to embody the demands of the specific hiring company for the position.

Please note that it is important to make your objective statement targeted to a particular company, it’s more effective this way.

Core Competence Section

When writing the core competence section of your executive administrative assistant resume, make sure that the sub-heading is highlighted and each point presented in bullet style.

This is important to make it easy for the hiring manager to quickly see the skills and expertise that you possess and are bringing to the job.

Job Experience Section

Some resume experts advocate spelling out your accomplishments and quantifying such accomplishments with rates, percentages, and monetary values.

However, most hiring managers only look at the position you held and functions performed as an administrative assistant for an executive, since such values could be false and often unverifiable.

Once your experience is in line with the executive administrative assistant position advertised by the hiring firm, an interview will help them find out your suitability for the job.

Education and Professional Qualification

This part of your resume should also be written in accordance with the academic demands of the executive administrative assistant position you are gunning for.

So, find out the educational qualifications that the employer requires for the position from the advertised job description and include it in your resume if you have them.

That’s it on how to write the various parts of the resume; and now, we will use the ideas learnt to make a complete resume for the executive administrative assistant job to increase your learning process:

Executive Administrative Assistant Resume Example/Sample/Template

Peter Jackson
88 Wakefield Street, Johnston, Rhode Island
Home: (+2) 878-6767, Cell: (+2)763-86778

Objective: To obtain the position of executive administrative assistant with Piety Inc., offering strong knowledge of office administrative procedures, proficiency in computer applications, and exceptional ability to multitask and adhere to instructions.

Core Competence

  • Strong background in office management and administration
  • Outstanding numerical, analytical and communication skills
  • Proficiency in MS office applications and clerical duties
  • Proven ability to multitask and organize appropriately
  • Dexterous in using office tools, such as photocopiers and fax machines
  • Proven knowledge of report and correspondence preparation
  • Strong ability to manage sensitive information in a confidential manner.

Professional Experience

JB Morgan Inc., Johnston, Rhode Island
Executive Administrative Assistant
2011 – Present

  • Provide administrative assistance to the CEO and other executives
  • Schedule meetings, maintain calendars, and coordinate business related travel plans for executives
  • Prepare reports and correspondence and take minutes of meetings
  • Answer telephone calls; obtain information or inquiries and reply emails and inquiries
  • Examine financial reports and invoices for errors and report to the appropriate desk when there is any discrepancy
  • Photocopy reports, as well as properly document sensitive office records.

Education and Professional Qualification

  • University of Rhode Island, Warwick, Rhode Island, Associate Degree in Office Management, 2009.

Please note that you can apply the resume example above as a template in making an executive administrative assistant resume each time you need to send one to employers.


The benefits of having a good resume cannot be overemphasized. It’s the document that speaks on your before, in your absence, to employers before you are given the opportunity to meet with them in an interview.

Your executive administrative assistant resume must be compelling to give the right impression about you to the hirer for them to consider you worthy for an interview.

Learning how to write a great resume is therefore something you have to give adequate attention to succeed in your job search.

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