Biologist Career

By | July 14, 2023
become a biological technician with a biology career.
You can also become a biological technician with a biology career, which involves performing laboratory tests and analyses on living organisms.

This post provides complete information on the biologist career, including how to get into it, the various opportunities available, and the benefits of being a biologist.

How to Become a Biologist

If you are interested in becoming a biologist, you can follow the steps below:

  1. First, obtain a Bachelor’s Degree

A Biology Bachelor’s Degree is the initial step towards a career as a biologist.

This is required for entry-level positions for careers such as Microbiology and Wildlife Biology.

Biology technicians must also have a Bachelor’s Degree. Majors in biology or a related field prepare graduates for professions in biology.

2. Identify a specialty

Within the vast discipline of biology, scientists may specialize their careers in one.

A biology Bachelor’s degree exposes students to a variety of biological disciplines, including genetics, molecular biology, zoology, and biochemistry.

Many biology degrees also involve laboratories or internships to assist students build job-ready skills.

3. Carry out an internship

Biology internships provide the practical experience required for careers in biology.

They work in laboratories as research assistants, zoos as wildlife biology interns, and as office assistants to seasoned biologists.

Internships provide biologists with career-focused training. Many biology departments offer undergraduates internship opportunities.

Biology students might look for a summer internship or learn about internship options at their institution.

4. Think about graduate school

Graduate degrees are required or preferred by several employers.

Biochemists, for example, frequently require a doctorate for research and development positions, while academic biologists typically hold a Ph.D. in Biology.

A Master’s Degree in Biology can enable biologists to specialize their expertise and develop in their careers.

Prospective students should study tuition expenses, online possibilities, and concentrations before pursuing graduate programs.

Biologist Career Advancement

There are different career paths that you can take if you’re a biologist, some of these include:

  • Laboratory Manager

A Laboratory Manager is a professional in the lab environment.

They direct and supervise the work of researchers and technicians working in laboratories or other research and testing facilities.

  • Environmental Consultant

Environmental consultants are hired by organizations or firms to consult on environmental issues.

They may be employed onsite or remotely such as via phone or email, depending on their expertise and specific job duties.

Environmental Consultants advise from a technical perspective whether a proposed action is legal, safe, and socially acceptable based on federal, state, local or international laws and regulations.

  • Environmental Program Officer

An Environmental Program Officer is employed by a government agency to create and manage an environmental program.

They may be employed at the federal, state, or local level. They design and implement policies to improve environmental conditions.

  • Research Technician

A Research Technician works in a laboratory with an environmental scientist or other research scientist to conduct research on various projects.

The technician may conduct experiments using lab technology such as microscopes, centrifuges, and other tools to collect data for researchers.

  • Biological Technician

A Biological Technician performs laboratory tests and analyses on living organisms to determine the quality of water and other resources.

They may monitor for harmful contaminants or chemicals and take samples for testing.

Biological Technicians usually work in laboratories, but may also sometimes be in the field doing fieldwork such as collecting samples of plants, soil, etc.

  • Aquatic Biologist

An Aquatic Biologist is a professional that works with animals in an aquatic environment.

They may be employed by government agencies, private organizations, non-profit organizations, or universities.

More Biologist Career Opportunities

  • Neurobiologist

A Neurobiologist is a professional who researches the nervous system and all of its subparts.

They may study how these functions interact with each other and how it works to send signals around the body to communicate.

Neurobiologists work in fields such as medicine and biomedical research.

  • Quality Control Specialist

A Quality Control Specialist is a person who manages quality control processes for an organization or company.

They are in charge of quality control as it relates to how products or services are produced.

Quality Control Specialist oversee the testing and inspection processes at their companies, helping ensure that the products or services meet quality standards.

  • Environmental Health Specialist

This is a type of a profession where you will be working for government agencies, institutions or corporations that deal with policies on public health and environment.

You can start by being an Environmental Health Technician, which is a career path you will be able to take if your passion lies in science and not just any science but microbiology.

  • Immunologist

An Immunologist is a person who studies, creates, and applies antibodies.

They are employed in scientific research or companies that work with immunology.

Immunologists perform experiments and tests on animals, plants or microorganisms.

They also work with people who have immune deficiencies.

Challenges faced by Biologist on the Job

Biologist face many different challenges on the job, some of these include:

  • Stress

Biologists are subject to the everyday stresses of their job.

They are prone to stress because they have a family to take care of, academic duties, as well as personal obligations.

Stress has psychological effect on the body and may cause insomnia, feelings of guilt or pain in certain areas of the body.

Working with others can also be one source for stress, as you will be dealing with other people’s problems as well as your own.

  • Working Conditions

Biologists are subject to different working conditions. These conditions can present a lot of stress on the job.

The work environment can be very demanding and stressful. There is usually a lot of pressure, deadlines and rules to follow by scientists or technicians under your supervision.

Working with numbers may also present some amount of stress to biologists.

Scientists have to memorize complicated formulas or set up complicated experiments, as well as doing it alone.

  • Time Commitment

Biologists have to work a lot of hours beyond regular business hours and sometimes even on weekends.

They have to be prepared to work when others are not usually available to complete their tasks and carry out their scientific duties.

Biologists also need to work with various members of their team or other biologist, so they will be required to travel a lot as well as be available on short notice.

Major Benefits of a Biologist Career

Here are some benefits of a career in biologist:

  • Advancement Opportunities

Biologists have the potential to advance within their careers, which can lead to a rewarding career path.

As an employee, you can seek promotion within your job, such as taking on additional responsibilities and duties or increasing your salary.

You may also look for new employment opportunities in laboratories and academic positions as you become more experienced.

  • Job Security

Biologist careers are secure due to their range of opportunities and the public’s interest in learning about the world around them.

In addition, biotech companies and pharmaceutical companies will always need biologists to help create new medicines or medicines with higher survival rates.

  • Competition

Biologist jobs are highly competitive; most cities do not produce enough biologists to fill all of the jobs available in that area.

So, when looking for a job, it may take some time to find one but eventually you will find one that suits your needs, interests and abilities.

  • Preserves the Environment

Biologists help protect and preserve the environment by educating people on how to live in a healthy, sustainable environment.

They should take care of the earth to ensure that future generations will be able to enjoy it as well.

Biologists can do this through conservation efforts or by trying to find alternative methods of energy production.

  • Salary Potential

The salary potential for biologists is very high. Biologists can make anywhere from $29,000 to $77,000 a year depending on their experience and the company they work for.

More Benefits for Biologist Career

  • Travel

Biologists travel extensively to conduct research, educate the public and conduct community service projects.

There is a great deal of diversity in the work that a biologist is likely to do, so you may be expected to venture into new neighborhoods, attend conferences and visit foreign countries.

  • Working in a Lab

The majority of biologists work in laboratories and research facilities.

They may be called upon to develop ways of countering an outbreak, discover new drugs or vaccines for diseases, or help to preserve the environment.

Some biologists work in public service labs where they may conduct tests on water supplies, environmental pollutants or disease-causing organisms.

Working directly with animals is a possibility for some biologists as well.


For scientists, a biologist career is a rewarding and exciting option. As an employee, you’ll have opportunities to study, conduct research, and develop new ideas.

You’ll also be able to provide valuable insight into biological systems.

The biologist is a unique position because of its combination of academic, managerial, technical training, experience and skills.

They work with the public and scientific community to protect animal populations and ecosystems.