US Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test: 20 Important Facts you need to Know

By | February 10, 2025
US Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test
You need to pass the US Navy ASVAB aptitude test to show that you have the right psychological aptitude to join the United States Navy.

The US Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test is purposely designed for those interested in joining the Navy. The test is the most essential assessment you will ever have to take as it covers everything such as job selection, serving in the area of your choice, and pay grade.

Determining if results are qualified for service and if candidates have the skills required for receiving training in a range of US Navy occupations is the key function of the ASVAB.

The US Navy uses the ASVAB for selecting officer candidates. Anyone who wants to join the U.S. Navy takes the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB).

Your score on the U.S. Navy ASVAB is used to evaluate your willingness to join the Navy, as well as to determine the kind of Navy jobs you are qualified for.

You will have to prepare by taking the U.S. Navy ASVAB prep test and learning the subject matter related to the kind of Navy profession you desire.

>> Make Top Score in ASVAB Assessment Tests.

20 Important Facts about US Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test you need to Know

Here are important facts concerning the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test that you need to know:

  1. What is a U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

The U.S. Navy ASVAB is a multiple-choice assessment test designed by the Department of Defense and used to measure a candidate’s psychological aptitude for enlistment in the United States Navy.

In a paper version at different Military Entrance Test (MET) locations around the nation or at colleges and high schools or at a Military Entrance Processing Station (MEPS), applicants may take the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test in a computerized version.

2. Understanding the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test is a mixture of nine subsections designed to carefully assess a test taker’s educational ability and technical competence.

Sections you will find on the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test are listed below:

  • General Science
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Word Knowledge
  • Mathematics Knowledge
  • Electronics Information
  • Auto and Shop Information
  • Mechanical Comprehension
  • Paragraph Comprehension
  • Assembling Objects.

3. How are the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test Scores determined?

The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test has five areas that determine how suitable you are for the Navy role you are applying for. These include:

  • General Science
  • Auto and Shop Information
  • Mechanical Comprehension
  • Electronics Information
  • Assembling Objects.

Achieving a high score will increase your chances of joining the Navy job and getting the bonus you want.

4. What is a passing score for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

In a report by, a passing score for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test is 35 out of 99 possible points.

Your score is determined by five areas of the test, including general science, auto and shop information, mechanical comprehension, electronics information, and assembling objects.

5. How many questions are on the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

The number of questions you will find on the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test depends on which version you are taking.

With little more questions on each one, the paper and pencil version has all of the same sections.

The paper and pencil U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test contains 225 questions that must be completed in 149 minutes, while the U.S. Navy CAT-ASVAB Aptitude Test consists of 145 questions to be completed in 154 minutes.

6. Is the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test difficult?

If you are concerned about the difficulty level of the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test, remember that the test isn’t assessing your IQ like any standardized test.

The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test is merely designed to measure your readiness for specific professions in the Navy.

It’s a tool that teaches you how to choose the right fields and potential jobs you already have a good aptitude for.

The CAT is designed to adapt to the test taker’s aptitude. In the true meaning of this statement, each question you answer correctly or incorrectly affects the next question that appears.

The computer usually offers you an easier question next when you are given a somewhat harder question and you get it wrong.

The computer generally offers you a more difficult question next when you are given a below-average question and you get it accurately.

You should take extra care with the first five questions at the start of each section. Before hitting the ‘confirm’ button, always double-check your answer.

Getting correct answers will lead you to more difficult questions and that’s a good sign and means that you are actually doing well.

Because of this reason, you should not be afraid of questions that are tough. However, if you meet easy questions don’t think that your score is diminishing.

As you can’t leave out questions, make your best guess where you find yourself spending too much on a question and move on.

7. The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test Prep

The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test prep administered online makes a significant difference in your score.

The computerized version of the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test prep is formally described as a Computer Adaptative Test (CAT).

In addition, there are a few basic principles about the CAT-ASVAB that will be ready to assist you to know as you start preparing.

8. How to study for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test

You must focus your attention on these sections: Word Knowledge, Mathematics Knowledge, Arithmetic Reasoning, and Paragraph Comprehension in order to study for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test.

Below are basic strategies to look up to on each section:

  • Word Knowledge

Look for context clues and create flashcards using word groups. Any clue that gives you a hint as to what the word might mean should be positive or negative.

Flashcards help you create the word you don’t know on one side and write a simple definition, as well as place the word in a group.

  • Paragraph Comprehension

Read the question first to know exactly what to look for as you read. And before reading the answer choices, write down your own answer.

Come up with your own answer if you can, and then eliminate the choices that don’t match your prediction.

Look for support for your choice directly in the passage. There must be proof to back up the accurate answer, if not it wouldn’t be a fair question.

  • Mathematics

For math questions, solve as many as you can. The answer options on the Arithmetic Reasoning section are nearly generally numbers, meaning that even if you don’t know how to solve you can still test out each one.

This will stop you from making careless mistakes on more challenging problems while testing four options isn’t as fast as solving for one option.

  • The Remaining Sections

You will need to buy the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test review book and read through the chapters that review the tested content since General Science, Electronics Information, Auto and Shop Information, and Mechanical Comprehension assess very specific information.

You’ll possibly need to do some memorization of essential facts, definitions, and formulas because this information might be wholly new to you.

You can  wait to address these sections until you feel confident in the first four described above, before working on one at a time.

No memorization is required for Assembling Objects, but you will want to practice a lot of problems to build your comfort level and ability to visualize.

9. How to pass the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test

Before you can pass the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test, you need to spend plenty of time on the test prep.

Buy study guides and read them thoroughly. After going through them you work on the practice questions. Ensure you take as many Navy ASVAB practice tests as you can.

You will quickly get knowledge of the sections that seem more difficult to you as you work through these problems.

Try your best to complete all the questions within the allotted time. Set a timer during your practice. Choose an answer for each question and don’t leave anyone blank.

10. The U.S. Navy Jobs and score requirements

You must get a good score on the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test in order to join the Navy as an enlisted member.

Ninety-nine (99) is the highest U.S. Navy ASVAB score. However, you must achieve a minimum of 31 Navy ASVAB scores even though score 26 is allowed in the same cases.

A Navy Enlisted Classification (NEC) is a code given to every Navy job. Each NEC has diverse Navy ASVAB score requirements.

11. What are the three different formats of the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

The three formats of the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test include:

  • The paper and pencil version

This version of the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test is used for enlistment purposes into the navy services and is offered at transportable exam test sites, or METs.

You can find test sites in many diverse cities, but a recruiter will have to refer you to take the test.

There are 225 questions on the MET test, which are required to be completed within a time frame of 149 minutes.

  • The Computer Adaptive Test  

Potential Navy recruits take this computer-based version of the test, which is administered at the Military Entrance Processing Stations (MEPS).

The CAT-ASVAB Aptitude Test is used as part of the military enlistment process and consists of 145 questions that must be completed in a time frame of 154 minutes.

  • The Student version

The Student ASVAB is used as part of career planning in colleges and high schools. The test looks like the MET test.

Your results will be sent back to your school if you are taking the Student ASVAB.

With a career counselor, you can use your results to make plans for your career choices.

In addition, you will be given access to the Find Your Interests inventory to help you explore various career paths, make a career choice, and learn more about your personality type.

12. The Importance of achieving the best possible score

Your U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test results are used to determine your job specialty if you want to join the Navy.

You should concentrate on achieving the best possible score for the exam to stand a better chance of getting into your preferred Navy unit.

Both your CAT and MET scores should be similar no matter which test’s format you take, although their formats are slightly different.

13. What should you bring to the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

You won’t be allowed to walk into the exam room with a calculating device. You will be given rough paper and No. 2 pencils.

You may need to bring your own writing materials if you would like to answer practice tests questions.

The paper and pencils provided for you are not allowed to be used before the test commences.

14. What does the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test measure?

The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test measures aptitudes in four domains including math, science and technical, verbal, and spatial. The U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test consists of the following:

  • General Science (GS) – This has to do with knowledge of physical and biological sciences (domain: science/technical).
  • Arithmetic Reasoning (AR) – This concerns the capacity to solve arithmetic word problems (domain: math).
  • Word Knowledge (WK) – This has to do with an aptitude to choose the accurate meaning of a word presented in context and to recognize the best synonym for a certain word (domain: verbal).
  • Paragraph Comprehension (PC) – The competence to get information from written passages (domain: verbal).
  • Mathematics Knowledge (MK) – This regards the understanding of high school mathematics (domain: math).
  • Electronics Information (EI) – This concerns the understanding of electricity and electronics (domain: science/technical).
  • Automotive Information (AI) – This is about the understanding of automobile technology (domain: science/technical).
  • Shop Information (SI) – This emphasizes the understanding of tools and shop terminology and practices (domain: science/technical).
  • Mechanical Comprehension (MC) – This concerns the understanding of mechanical and physical principles (domain: science/technical).
  • Assembling Object (AO) – This is about the aptitude to determine how an object will look when its components are put together (domain: spatial).

The Shop Information (SI) and Automotive Information (AI) tests are combined into one single score (labeled AS) but conducted as separate assessments in the computerized version of the test (CAT-ASVAB).

In the paper-and-pencil version of the test (P&P-ASVAB), the Shop Information (SI) and Automotive Information (AI) tests are combined into one test. 

15. How to prepare for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test

Before you can prepare for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test, you need to first give adequate time to study. Think of incorporating the following activities when planning your study schedule:

  • Take the U.S. Navy ASVAB practice test

This will help you get familiar with the format of the test and questions in each section, and allow you to practice working against the clock in order to improve your time management skills before the actual test.

Carefully concentrate on all sections of the test, and don’t try to spend more time on the sections you find easy. Don’t try to avoid the sections that seem difficult, either.

  • Get familiar with question format

You will feel more confident about taking the real test when you know what to expect in terms of the structure of the questions.

You will quickly learn how the questions are structured and how best to deal with them once you’ve completed just a few practice tests.

There are answers that are meant to distract you, although the test is in a multiple-choice type. These answers are inaccurate but look the same as the accurate answer.

Distracting answers are used to find out whether you take the question and potential answers carefully, so it’s necessary that you give attention to detail.

  • Discover the score you need for your chosen career path

Various sections of the test are related to diverse career paths in the Navy. After you have discovered which career paths you are interested in, try to know which scores are most vital to your selected job roles.

  • Consider the U.S. Navy ASVAB Study Guide

There are diverse U.S. Navy ASVAB study guides you can find on the internet to gain access to important tips, practice test questions, and instructions on how to excel in the test.

Select a study guide that is compatible with your individual style of learning and gives access to materials for learning, which you can find helpful.

  • Make a plan for study

It’s very important to make up a personalized plan for studying so as to track your progress once you have known your test date.

Part of the plan should include taking a U.S. Navy ASVAB practice test to know your current score. You may later begin to consider which areas you need to concentrate on.

You may need to improve your speed and accuracy or learn to read the questions thoroughly before answering them.

16. The U.S. Navy ASVAB preparation package

This preparation package offers a general practice test for all the subjects in the Navy ASVAB and will help you familiarize yourself with the questions and increase your score.

The package typically contains 60 tests with 900 questions and requires a one-time payment. The content includes detailed instructions and worked solutions for each question.

17. What happens if I don’t complete the U.S. Navy CAT-ASVAB Aptitude Test

The majority of people who take the U.S. Navy CAT-ASVAB test complete it as the time limits are not very hostile.

Nevertheless, the remaining unanswered questions are scored as if the test taker had answered them randomly if the test taker isn’t able to complete them on time.

This usually results in poorer scores as it’s not a perfect way to complete the test.

18. Where can I find my U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test?

It’s very important to keep the contact information of your nearest recruiting office as this will help you get your scores.  

Navy ASVAB scores are valid for up to two years before it needs resetting. Therefore, you will receive your current scores through the mail from most offices.

However, you can collect your scores from your local recruiting office if you can’t get yours by mail.

19. Can I take the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test more than once?

Yes, you can. But you must wait one full month to retake the test. However, you must wait an additional month to retake the test if you want to take it a third time.

You will have to wait six months to retake the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test if there are additional times after that.

20. How do I schedule my U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test and where can I take the test?

Students in many high schools are offered the opportunity to take the ASVAB as part of career exploration.

You will have to schedule a time to take the test if you chose not to take it in high school.

You can schedule an appointment with a local recruiter from the branch of the military you wish to join by contacting the Armed Forces Recruiting Officer in your area.

US Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test Practice Questions and Answers

You need to study these practice questions and answers before taking the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test.

Each question matches with one of the topics you can expect to find on the real Navy ASVAB test. These include:

General Science

General science assesses the aptitude to answer questions on a variety of science topics gotten from courses taught in most high schools.

The items of life science include botany, zoology, anatomy and physiology, and ecology.

Astronomy, geology, meteorology, and oceanography are the contents of the items of earth and space science; while force and motion mechanics, energy, fluids, atomic structure, and chemistry are measured by the items of physical science.

  1. NaCl is more commonly known as:
  • nickel chlorine
  • pepper
  • salt
  • sugar

The correct answer is salt.

Arithmetic Reasoning

The ability to solve basic arithmetic problems met in daily life is measured using arithmetic reasoning.

Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and choosing the correct order of operations when more than one step is necessary are required for one-step and multistep word problems.

The content of the items includes operations with whole numbers, operations with rational numbers, ratio and proportion, percentage and measurement, and interest.

One factor that assists in characterizing mathematics comprehension and that also measures logical thinking is Arithmetic reasoning.

2. How full is a gallon container if there are three quarts of gas in the container?

  • 50%
  • 60%
  • 75%
  • 80%

The correct answer is 75%

Word Knowledge

The competence to understand the meaning of words through synonyms is measured using word knowledge.

Words that have the same or nearly the same meaning as other words are called synonyms.

The test is an evaluation of just one section of reading comprehension since vocabulary is one of several factors that characterize reading comprehension.

3. What is the economic power of nations according to the paragraph? It is:

  • controlled by political and military success
  • the basis of their political success
  • limited to a few powerful nations
  • relatively unimportant

The correct answer is relatively unimportant

Electronics Information

Understanding of electrical currents, circuits, devices, and systems are tested using electronics information.

Parts of electronics information topics are electrical circuits, electrical and electronic systems, electrical currents, electrical tools, symbols, devices, and materials.

4. A generator’s rotor moves inside a circle of:

  • batteries
  • light bulbs
  • heating coils
  • magnets

The correct answer is magnets

Mechanical Comprehension

Recognizing the principles of mechanical devices, structural support, and properties of materials are assessed using mechanical comprehension.

Simple machines, compound machines, mechanical motion, and fluid dynamics are topics of mechanical comprehension.

5. When the handle of this corkscrew is pulled up, what simple machine magnifies effort?

  • a lever
  • a screw
  • a wheel
  • a wedge

The correct answer is a lever.


Dedicating time to answer a variety of Navy practice test online questions is an ideal way to prepare for the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test.

You’ll be penalized for leaving an answer blank when taking the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test. It’s best to make a calculated guess and then move on if you are not sure of a particular answer.

The majority of people take the U.S. Navy CAT-ASVAB where their individual strengths and weaknesses in areas such as science, math, and reading are tested.

Even your current knowledge of specific electronics, automotive, mechanical, and shop concepts will be tested during the U.S. Navy ASVAB Aptitude Test.

>> Make Top Score in ASVAB Assessment Tests.

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