The nurse practitioner salary in Kansas is about $97,870 annually and $47.05 hourly.
Nurse practitioners in Kansas directly work with patients, diagnosing and managing most of the common and chronic illnesses which patients suffer from.
Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kansas Cities
Here are salaries that nurse practitioners earn across the state of Kansas:
City | Salary (hourly) | Salary (Yearly) | |
1. | Andover | $53.34 | $110,958 |
2. | Arkansas City | $52.82 | $109,881 |
3. | Derby | $53.34 | $110,958 |
4. | Dodge City | $52.82 | $109,881 |
5. | El Dorado | $52.82 | $109,881 |
6. | Emporia | $51.27 | $106,642 |
7. | Garden City | $51.27 | $106,642 |
8. | Gardner | $53.59 | $111,477 |
9. | Hays | $52.82 | $109,881 |
10. | Hutchinson | $52.82 | $109,881 |
11. | Junction City | $51.27 | $106,642 |
12. | Kansas City | $54.41 | $113,191 |
13. | Lansing | $54.19 | $112,729 |
14. | Lawrence | $52.82 | $109,881 |
15. | Leavenworth | $53.59 | $111,477 |
16. | Leawood | $54.19 | $112,729 |
17. | Lenexa | $54.19 | $112,729 |
18. | Liberal | $50.38 | $104,808 |
19. | Manhattan | $51.27 | $106,642 |
20. | McPherson | $52.82 | $109,881 |
21. | Newton | $52.82 | $109,881 |
22. | Olathe | $54.19 | $112,729 |
23. | Ottawa | $51.27 | $106,642 |
24. | Overland Park | $54.19 | $112,729 |
25. | Pittsburg | $52.82 | $109,881 |
26. | Prairie Village | $54.19 | $112,729 |
27. | Salina | $52.82 | $109,881 |
28. | Shawnee | $54.22 | $112,787 |
29. | Topeka | $51.27 | $106,642 |
30. | Wichita | $53.59 | $111,477 |
31. | Winfield | $52.82 | $109,881 |
Cities with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kansas
In Kansas, the top cities that pay the greatest salaries to nurse practitioners include:
Skill-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kansas
In the field of nurse practitioners, skills will take you very far. They’ll make sure that you cannot be neglected by employers because they’ll be looking to hire and pay you very well
Nurse practitioners who possess skills like good customer relations and steady hands can be paid a whopping $145,000 yearly by employers. That’s a lot, isn’t it?
Experience-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kansas
When you’re experienced as a nurse practitioner in Kansas, you’ll command a very decent salary because you’ll be trusted by most employers, unlike a newbie.
When you have practiced for quite a while, you’ll likely to receive as much as $83,946 yearly as your salary while others with less experience or even no experience at all will have to make do with as little as $67,639 every year.
10 Companies with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in Kansas
These companies are sought-after by nurse practitioners because they pay the most:
Company | Salary (Yearly) | Salary (Hourly) | |
1 | Woundtech | $1,187,234 | $570.78 |
2 | MEDXM | $989,929 | $475.92 |
3. | INNOVATIVE HEALTH | $289,930 | $139.38 |
4. | Molina Healthcare | $153,034 | $73.57 |
5 | Dignity Health | $152,345 | $73.24 |
6 | NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital | $150,756 | $72.47 |
7 | Northwell Health | $149,516 | $71.88 |
8 | Anthem, Inc. | $143,275 | $68.88 |
9 | Advantmed | $141,187 | $67.87 |
10 | Ideal Option | $141,143 | $67.85 |
Highest Paying Jobs for Nurse Practitioners in Kansas
There are quite a number of high paying jobs in Kansas for nurse practitioners. They include:
- Emergency Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $197,500 yearly.
- Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $190,000 per year.
- Psychiatric Physician Assistant: Salary is about $182,000 yearly.
- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $177,000 yearly
- Physician Assistant: Salary is about $164,700 yearly.
- Mental Health Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $152,000 per year.
- Family Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $145,000 per year.
- Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $131,000 per annum.
- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $120,950 per annum.
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner: Salary is about $110,000 yearly.
More Benefits for Nurse Practitioners in Kansas
Here are some benefits and compensations due to nurse practitioners in Kansas:
- Health Insurance
Employers in Kansas help to pay for the medical care of their employee nurse practitioners when they’re sick.
- Long-term Care Insurance
Most employers in Kansas offer this incentive to their employee nurse practitioners in order to lure them to their companies as it’s a rare offering.
- Paid Further Trainings
Employers offer to pay for the training that the employee nurse practitioner would require to improve on themselves.
- Licensure Reimbursement
Employers in Kansas offer to reimburse the money spent by their employee nurse practitioners in getting or renewing their license.
What Related Job Titles to Nurse Practitioner Earn in Kansas
Other jobs that pay well in Kansas, related to that of a nurse practitioner include:
- Nuclear Medicine Technologists
They’re tasked with preparing and administering radioactive drugs to patients in specific, targeted areas of their bodies. Their salary is about $71,979 per year.
- Nurse Midwife
They provide a more affordable and personalized care to women about to give birth. Their average earning is $92,230 per year.
- Hearing Aid Specialist
Their job is to create impressions of the ears of their patients in order to customize hearing aids for them. They earn about $47,900 per annum.
- Health Technologist
They are known for their ability to handle a wide assortment of tasks in the medical sector. They earn about $44,480 on average, per annum.
Nurse Practitioner Salary and Job Outlook in Kansas
The job outlook in Kansas for nurse practitioners working in the state is projected to go up by 18.29% in the next ten years. This growth will cause an addition of about 450 new nurse practitioner job openings, increasing the number of total employed nurse practitioners from 2,460 to 2,910.
Due to this demand, salaries are expected to increase by 2% over the next ten years in the state.
How to Increase your Pay in Kansas as a Nurse Practitioner
To earn more as a nurse practitioner in Kansas, there are a few things that you may choose to do:
- Offer to put up medical write-ups for websites in exchange for a pay.
- Hold paid counseling sessions for patients and people seeking to gain medical knowledge.
- Get more certifications in your field.
- Work as a lecturer in a tertiary institution.
- Get a whole new job by the side.
More Career Opportunities for Nurse Practitioners in Kansas
More career opportunities open to nurse practitioners in Kansas, including:
- Family Nurse Practitioner
These are nurse practitioners that are tasked with the treatment of patients with different illnesses. They earn about $104,977 per annum on average.
- Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner:
They handle mental issues of patients in the hospital. They earn about $142,000 every year.
- Emergency Nurse Practitioner
They take care of issues that require urgent attention in the hospital. They earn about $115,400 per annum.
- Orthopedic Nurse Practitioner
They handle any issue with patients that deals with bones and joints. They earn about $100,530 every year.
If you’re looking to work in Kansas as a nurse practitioner, then this article would be of great help to you.
It has increased your knowledge of the salaries nurse practitioners earn in Kansas, including the cities and companies that pay the most in the State.
Information sources: bls.gov, salary.com, indeed.com, glassdoor.com, payscale.com, pharmacytechnicianguide.com, pharmapproach.com, and beckershospitalreview.com.