Career Compatibility Test: 20 important facts you need to Know

By | July 16, 2023
Career Compatibility Test
Career compatibility tests help reveal the job you are best suited for.

The career compatibility test helps you learn what kinds of work environments and occupations suit you best based on a characterization of your personality in terms of Holland Code personality types.

The results of this career test will give you a list of professions and occupations that are a good match for your personality. 

This article explores the facts about this test.

20 Important facts about Career Compatibility Test

Here are important facts you need to know about career compatibility test to help you succeed in it:

  1. It’s about compatibility

Career compatibility test is about compatibility. The test is about knowing what a kind of work environment and occupation suits you best.

2. If a job does not suit your personality, it won’t be the right career for you

The test only reveals careers and occupations that are compatible with your temperament based on Holland Codes personality types.

If career isn’t a good match, then it’s simply not the right one for you and there’s nothing to worry about.

The career compatibility test is never intended to suggest an occupation outside those chosen by the test because there is no way to know if these careers would suit someone else better than them – only compatibility can tell us that.

3. It reveals your strengths and weakness and wants to help you build upon them instead of hide them

Career compatibility test is not about matching one to a particular profession. It’s about matching temperament with temperament – and that’s the only way it can reveal what you are best suited for.

4. There are no wrong careers – just wrong work environments and occupations

The point of career compatibility test is not to tell you what job to go for; because there is no definite answer we’ll always be faced with an act of free judgment, which means there will always be a possibility we make mistakes.

The best possible thing after making a mistake is to find out that work environment that does not suit you.

More facts about Career Compatibility Test [5-6]

5. It is not a replacement for your own judgment but it is a supplement to it

The career compatibility test doesn’t tell you what to do at all – this is an area which falls under your own judgment and decision.

But the way to get the best of both worlds is to use this test as a supplement, like we can use our natural intuition or knowledge.

We can learn more about ourselves by studying our temperament down a deeper level of understanding and then get some ideas on what kind of job will suit us best based on those findings, but these ideas are nothing more than that – just an idea we got after learning some things about ourselves, and not something that’s definitive in any way.

6. It’s a comparison between your abilities and abilities

The point of career compatibility test is to show you how the traits of your temperament are expressed in specific labor fields and occupations.

So, it’s important that you understand that this test is not a replacement for your own judgment or decision but an additional source of information on which way to go.

The career compatibility test is purely a tool to aid your own decision making process. You should know that every field and profession has their own more direct equivalents within certain Holland Codes personality types classification.

More facts about Career Compatibility Test [7-9]

7. It’s not always true that you will discover a strong ‘match’ between your personality and a profession

The career compatibility test shows us what the areas of our temperament are most vital in terms of jobs and occupations.

We can’t help but have some of these aptitudes and skills, these will be visible if our temperament has a preference in the work environment and field that would fit us perfectly, even if it didn’t come out as strong in other fields – we just need to look hard enough to find that one field we’re really good at.

8. It’s not always true that you will discover a strong ‘dis-match’ between your personality and a profession

The career compatibility test sometimes shows us that our temperament may not be well suited for certain fields and occupations, even if we are good at them.

This is something that is inevitable, but it’s important not to think of these career areas as bad careers or jobs – they just aren’t right for us, period.

9. Why is the test anonymous?

An anonymous career compatibility test can’t be considered a diagnostic tool because there’s only one right way to administer it, and that is face to face.

The problem here is that the person doing the career compatibility test may need to know who they are dealing with in order to determine whether or not their assessment of the personality type classifications described within their profile is accurate.

The career compatibility test can’t be administered at a distance, and also no two people are completely alike; therefore results from one person cannot be compared directly with another.

Since this test does not represent an exact science, it is not suitable for use as a diagnostic tool.

More facts about the Compatibility Test [10]

10. Why career compatibility test called personality test

The career compatibility test can be called a personality test, but it’s not one in the strictest sense.

This test has no right or wrong answers, which is what makes it more of an assessment than a diagnostic tool.

The career compatibility test is to be used as an additional source of information that would help you in your decision making process when choosing careers and occupations.

The results of the career compatibility test are your guide on which direction to take when deciding on career goals and future professions you want to go into.

It is an additional source of information on which way to go.

More facts about the Test [11]

11. Is this test a replacement for the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator?

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator was created by Katharine Cook Briggs and Isabel Briggs Myers in the 1940s, and it measures how people perceive the world around them and make decisions.

This personality test is used mainly when it comes to personal growth, self-awareness and understanding others.

The career compatibility test was created by Dr. David W. Keirsey, who also developed the Keirsey Temperament Sorter personality test, in the 1970s as a measure on how people behave with co-workers and others in their environment. The Keirsey Temperament Sorter personality test is used mainly when it comes to understanding oneself, self-awareness and making decisions.

The most major distinction between the career compatibility test and the Myers Briggs is that the career compatibility exam does not question you which career you want to follow; instead, it just asks you about your present work environment.

The Myers Briggs, on the other hand, is more concerned with your future professions. Each type’s primary profession option serves a particular function.

The Myers Briggs personality test assesses your typical role in society. The Profession Compatibility Test determines the role you perform in your present work or career.

The above statement explains why the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator and Keirsey Temperament Sorter personality tests are not suitable as a replacement for the career compatibility test.

You can’t get any more “typical” than to determine your future career based on your current job and work setting. For now, the CCT has been used in 35 countries: Antigua and Barbuda, Argentina, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Barbados, Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Brunei Darussalam, Bulgaria, and Burkina Faso.

More facts about Career Compatibility Test [12]

12. What are some of the benefits of taking the career compatibility test?

There are many benefits for taking the career compatibility test. These include:

  • This test can be used as a career guidance tool.
  • It provides you with an insight into how you behave at work, and includes tips on how to work in a team or with others effectively. You will learn who you are, and why you do what you do in your job.
  • It describes various activities that help take your career to the next level.
  • For those seeking employment, it provides insights as to your strengths and weaknesses when applying for jobs or internships, and helps you identify job positions that match your personality type.
  • When working with children, the career compatibility test provides insights as to which types of activities children may excel at.
  • It is a great source of what career options are available for your type.
  • If you are in a position of leadership or management, it provides insights into how to handle people as a manager and leader.
  • It is also used by employers to hire employees that will fit in their company culture and align with its mission.

In addition, the career compatibility test can be used by anyone interested in understanding how they behave in their current job or role, and the strengths and weaknesses that comes with it.

This test can help students decide on college majors based on their personality type.

More facts about Career Compatibility Test [13-16]

13. Accuracy of the CCT

The career compatibility test is a very accurate tool because it measures your personality as it is expressed in your current job, career or work environment. It measures your type based on how you naturally behave with co-workers, peers and others in your environment whether you are at home, at school or at the workplace.

Myers Briggs Type Indicator is more of a book in which to read about yourself and what makes you unique when compared to other people of your type.

The career compatibility test is a more meaningful test because it measures your type as it is expressed in your current work environment.

14. By identifying the fit between manager and employee, it becomes easier to solve problems.

The value of perception and interpretation differs between managers and employees; therefore, when a new manager takes charge at a company, he or she often receives mixed signals from its workers that may not accurately reflect the true situation.

This lack of information will show up in terms of personality compatibility.

15. Predictive use

International studies that have used this method show a high level of being predicted; for example, one in four managers are identified as not compatible with their subordinates.

This means that approximately 80% of employees have the wrong boss or manager.

16. The Non-bias attribute

The assessment is non-biased. For example, information is analysed by asking the right questions and reacting to situations by comparing the answers to certain parameters or patterns that reveal behavior patterns and compatibility issues between two persons or groups.

It is therefore based on facts rather than opinions or interpretation of actions such as those often found in personality tests used in HR departments.

More facts about Career Compatibility Test [17-20]

17. Human resources professionals highlights its predictive value

Human resources professionals believe that the value of the test is its ability to predict how a person will be able to handle different situations involving relationship dynamics between an employee and their manager.

In essence, it’s about predicting who is likely to succeed or fail at their job.

18. The test comes in two forms

The career compatibility test comes in two forms: an online version and a paper based version.

19. The paper version

The paper version of the assessment is a detailed questionnaire, containing approximately 40 questions and takes about 20 minutes to complete.

20. The online version

The online career compatibility test is a 10-minute online exercise that consists of 9 sets (9 multiple choice questions).

Each set consists of ten pictures of co-workers who have been identified as compatible with you or incompatible with you, depending on your previous answers to the other questions that are asked in sets 1–8.

In essence, the picture which has the most eye contact matches your picture most closely.


The value of the career compatibility assessment is that it provides an objective, accurate, non-biased and fast test to assess the career compatibility between any two persons.

The results are used to improve decision-making processes in areas such as selecting new managers or employees, preventing conflict and improving team performance.

It has been said to be able to predict success or failure up to 90% of the time.

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Author: The JDRE Team

Reviewed by Innocent Ibhaluobe: Editor and Career Advisor at JobDescriptionandResumeExamples (JDRE). He has over 15 years of experience in career development, recruiting, resume writing, research, journalism, and human resources.