Accounting Clerk Education and Career Pathway

By | May 11, 2024
Accounting Clerk Education
To become an accounting clerk, individuals need to fulfill certain educational requirements.

This post provides detailed information on the accounting clerk educational requirements, including all you need to fulfill to become an accounting clerk and succeed in your career.

Why Choose Accounting Clerk Career?

There are many reasons why you might choose to pursue this career path. For example:

  1. You enjoy working with numbers and have a strong desire to learn more about them.
  2. You want to work in a fast-paced environment where your skills can be put to use immediately.
  3. You like being part of a team that works together toward common goals.
  4. You enjoy helping people solve problems.
  5. You are interested in learning new things every day.
  6. You enjoy learning new technology and how it can help you do your job better.
  7. You are looking for a career that offers a variety of opportunities.

Accounting Clerk Education Requirements

To qualify for the accounting clerk position, you must meet the following requirements:

  • High school diploma or equivalent
  • Have office administration experience for one year. 

Accounting Clerk Continuing Education

You may earn continuing education credits while pursuing this career. These courses are offered by local community colleges and vocational schools.

Courses are available at night or during the summer months. Some employers offer tuition reimbursement programs.

Accounting Clerk Certification/License

In addition to meeting the educational requirements listed above, you must also obtain certification from one of these organizations:

  • Certified Public Accountant (CPA)
  • Certified Internal Auditor (CIA)
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • Certified Fraud Examiner (CFE)
  • Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA).


If you wish to practice as an accountant after completing your training, you should become licensed to practice before beginning employment.

Licensing requirements vary by state. To find out what licensing requirements apply in your area, contact the State Board of Accountancy.

Accounting Clerk Career Opportunities

Here are career opportunities accounting clerks can explore, including both entry level positions and higher paying management positions:

  1. Payroll Clerk

The first step in the accounting clerk career path is to start off as a payroll clerk. After gaining experience in this field, you could move up to an assistant bookkeeper.

If you continue to develop your skills, you could eventually advance to a bookkeeping supervisor.

2. Assistant Bookkeeper

After becoming familiar with the payroll functions of the business, you can begin to assist the bookkeeper in preparing financial statements.

As you gain more experience, you could progress to a senior bookkeeper. Eventually, you may even be promoted to a manager.

3. Senior Bookkeeper

After working as a senior bookkeeper, you will be responsible for all aspects of accounting, including preparation of monthly financial reports, reconciliation of bank accounts, and processing of invoices.

You may also work on special projects such as audits and tax returns.

4. Manager

As you gain additional experience, you could be promoted to a manager where you would oversee multiple departments within the company.

Your responsibilities might include supervising staff members, reviewing employee performance, and making recommendations regarding personnel changes.

5. Controller

As you gain further experience, you could be considered for promotion to controller. This role requires extensive knowledge of accounting principles and procedures.

The controller prepares and reviews financial statements, manages cash flow, oversees inventory control, and ensures that all taxes are paid.

How to Advance your Accounting Clerk Career

There are many ways to advance your accounting clerk career. These include:

  1. Continuing Education

Continuing education classes are offered throughout the year at local community colleges and vocational institutions.

Classes are typically taught by professional accountants who have completed their own training.

Many companies offer tuition reimbursement programs.

2. Self-Study

You can learn about accounting principles through self-study. There are numerous books available which explain how accounting works.

In addition, there are online courses available from major universities.

3. Job Placement

You can use job placement services to help you find a position in your chosen field. Most large corporations hire professionals directly or through staffing agencies.

Smaller businesses often rely on word of mouth referrals.

4. Professional Associations

Membership in professional associations offers opportunities for networking and learning new skills.

Local chapters host regular meetings and seminars. Some organizations sponsor continuing education programs.

5. Certification

Many professions require certification. To become certified, you must pass a test demonstrating your proficiency in the subject area.

Once certified, you will receive credentials signifying your expertise.

How to find a Good Accounting Clerk School

The best way to choose an accounting clerk school is to ask friends and family members for suggestions. You should consider these factors when choosing a program:

  1. Program Location

Does the school offer distance learning? Is it located near public transportation? Are there any nearby restaurants?

2. Tuition Fees

How much does the school cost? Will you need to pay for textbooks, supplies, and other materials?

3. Accreditation

Is the school accredited by a reputable accrediting organization?

4. Faculty Experience

What qualifications do the faculty members have? Do they have relevant industry experience?

5. Reputation

Has the school been operating for long? Is it well liked by potential employers?

How to be Successful in your Accounting Clerk Career

To succeed in this career, you need to develop strong communication skills. It’s important that you know how to effectively present information to others.

You also need to be able to work well with people from different backgrounds. 

What Does an Accounting Clerk Do?

An accounting clerk helps prepare financial statements and reports. They may also supervise accounts payable clerks and bookkeepers.

Qualities of a Good Accounting Clerk

A good accounting clerk needs to possess the following qualities:

  1. Communication Skills

The ability to communicate clearly and concisely with clients, co-workers, and supervisors is essential.

An accounting clerk needs to be able to listen to and understand what others say. He/she needs to express ideas in clear terms.

2. Problem Solving Abilities

An accounting clerk needs to be creative and resourceful. He/she needs the ability to think critically and make decisions based on facts.

The accounting clerk must be able to analyze situations and come up with solutions.

3. Computer Literacy

An accounting clerk needs computer literacy. He/she needs knowledge of basic software applications, such as Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Access.

A high level of computer literacy is required because many accounting clerks work at computers.

4. Math Ability

An accounting clerk needs math ability. He/she needs mathematical skills, including problem solving, critical thinking, and reasoning.

5. Organizational Skills

An accounting clerk needs organizational skills. He/she needs good time management skills to keep track of multiple projects and deadlines.

He/she needs excellent writing skills to write reports and correspondence.

Accounting Clerk Salary

According to, the starting income for an accounting clerk ranges from $37,088 to $46,421 per year, with an average starting salary of $41,449.

Accounting Clerk Job Outlook

Overall employment of financial clerks is expected to fall by 2% between 2020 and 2030, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS).


Accounting clerks are responsible for preparing financial reports and records. This includes recording transactions, reconciling bank accounts, and keeping track of cash flow.

If you are interested in becoming an accounting clerk, this post has helped you understood the educational requirements you need to fulfill.

It also provided other information to help you become successful in your accounting clerk career.