Tag Archives: PwC CEO survey

Reinventing Your Workforce for Continuous Business Change

This post, based on the new PwC’s CEO survey, show the importance of CEOs reinventing their workforce to ensure continuous business change, which is necessary for business survival. In today’s era of rapid digital disruption, climate upheaval, and global volatility, business reinvention isn’t a one-time transformation. It has become a continuous cycle of adaptation companies must embrace to… Read More »

How CEOs can collaborate with Workforce for Business Reinvention

This report based on the new PwC’s CEO survey shows how CEOs can collaborate, engage, enable, and motivate their workforce to adapt to constant change and reinvent their businesses. We’ve all heard how the only constant thing is change. But for CEOs and business leaders today, change is happening faster and more extensively than ever before. As PwC’s… Read More »