The software engineer salary in West Virginia is $90,644 yearly.
West Virginia is located in the Southern regions of the United States, a region where salaries for software engineers are below the National average.
West Virginia pays her software engineers $90,644 yearly, with a bonus of $4,000, which is 19% lower than the National average.
The State has a cost of living ratio of 92.1%.
Software Engineer Salary in West Virginia Cities
The difference between the top paying city (Parkersburg) in West Virginia and the lowest paying (Weirton) is just 12%.
Parkersburg pays $87,436 which beats the State average by 2.1%, this may be due to the low cost of living which is attracting software engineers to the State.
Morgan town and Clarksburg also pay high.
Cities with Highest Software Engineer Salary in West Virginia
Shown below are cities that pay the highest salaries to software engineers in West Virginia:
City | Yearly Salary ($) |
Parkersburg | 89,346 |
Morgan Town | 85,344 |
Clarksburg | 83,161 |
Charleston | 82,978 |
Huntington | 81,530 |
Bluefield | 80,728 |
Wheeling | 80,423 |
Fairmont | 79,633 |
Beckley | 77,115 |
Weirton | 76,875 |
Skill-based Software Engineer Salary in West Virginia
The skills and there earning power highlighted below show how much a software engineer can add to their salaries with any of the skills in West Virginia:
- Software engineers with Scala skills in West Virginia earn 24.30%, which is $22,026 add on to salary.
- Os kernel skilled software engineers in West Virginia State earn 17.55%, which is $15,908 added to salary yearly.
- Big Data skilled software engineers in West Virginia earn 17.35% based on the skill, which adds up to $15,726 yearly on salary.
- Microservices skilled software engineers in West Virginia earn 16.13%, which is an addition to salary of $14,620.
- West Virginia State software engineers with Machine Learning skills earn 11.91%, which translate to $10,614 add on to salary.
- Data Structures skilled software engineers in West Virginia State earn 10.99% which is $9,961 added on salary yearly.
Experience-based Software Engineer Salary in West Virginia
The earning potential of software engineers in West Virginia State based on their years of experience on the job is highlighted below, the more the years of experience garnered, the higher the salary:
- 1 year experience on the job as software engineer in West Virginia earns a yearly salary of $96,632.
- 1 – 2 years of experience as a software engineer in West Virginia earns $78,732 yearly.
- 3 – 5 years of work experience as a software engineer in West Virginia earns $85,000 yearly.
- 6 – 9 years of experience as a software engineer in West Virginia earns $90,053 yearly.
- 10 years and older experience on the job as a software engineer in West Virginia earns $103,170 yearly.
10 Companies with Highest Software Engineer Salary in West Virginia
These are the top paying companies in the State of West Virginia for software engineers:
Company | Yearly Salary($) |
Apple | 169,027 |
158,727 | |
Octo Consulting Group | 153,511 |
Capital One | 153,074 |
Juniper Networks | 145,627 |
Oracle | 142,086 |
Experian | 135,925 |
Salesforce | 135,779 |
Cisco | 132,038 |
Wayfair | 132,367 |
More Benefits for Software Engineers in West Virginia
West Virginia State software engineers enjoy some benefits aside from the salary they get yearly. Some of these benefits come as cash while others come as incentives:
- Stock Options. Software engineers in West Virginia are given Stocks of the company they work for as benefits, these stocks are transferred into cash at maturity.
- Vision Insurance. The vision of the West Virginia State software engineer is very important. The fact that they stare continually at the glare of the computer makes their vision very important. They are therefore given a vision insurance to help with their vision.
- Gym Membership. Continual sitting and long hours of work can be stressful for the West Virginia State software engineer, so in other to relieve the stress, they are given membership cards of gyms within the city.
- Food Provided. Food is provided to the software engineers in West Virginia because of the long hours of work without break. They are given food to ease the burden of not taking breaks.
- Commuter Assistance. Everyday traffic can be stressful and sometimes depressing, software engineers in the State of West Virginia are given commuter aided assistance to help them get easily to and from work.
What Related Job Titles to Software Engineer Earn in West Virginia
Here are salaries earned by related jobs to software engineers in the State of West Virginia:
- Application Developers in West Virginia earn $97,210 yearly.
- Full Stack Developers in West Virginia earn $95,306 yearly.
- Frontend Developers in West Virginia earn $86,759 yearly.
- Backend Developers in West Virginia earn $82,009 yearly.
- Developers in West Virginia earn $81,485 yearly.
Software Engineer Salary and Job Outlook in West Virginia
Thinking of moving to a better city or State, West Virginia, has the right balance between cost of living and salary for software engineer, due to its location in the South, a region where cost of living is affordable.
West Virginia has a huge potential for growth.
How to increase your Salary as Software Engineer in West Virginia
Highlighted below are some of the ways to increase your salary in West Virginia State as a software engineer:
- Relocate. In West Virginia State as a software engineer, moving from one city to another where the salary is high, can aid in salary increase. See the table above for the cities that pay the highest salaries to software engineers in West Virginia.
- Get good skills. See the salary attached for software engineers with top skills in the State of West Virginia. You can increase your salary by getting good skills in addition to your qualifications.
- Get a better degree. Getting certified with a higher degree will help you stand tall in your quest to increase your salary in West Virginia as a software engineer.
- Work for high paying companies. See the list of companies that pay the highest salaries to software engineers in West Virginia. It will be better if the software engineer wishing to increase their salary work in one of these companies.
More Career Opportunities for Software Engineer in West Virginia
Highlighted below are some career opportunities similar to software engineering that software engineers can also explore in the State of West Virginia, with the salaries they earn:
- Robotics engineers in West Virginia earn $98,000 yearly.
- Aerospace engineers in West Virginia earn $91,000 yearly.
- Electrical engineers in West Virginia earn $89,000 yearly.
- Distance learning coordinators earn $86,000 yearly.
- Information security analysts in West Virginia earn $82,000 yearly.
- Sales engineers in West Virginia earn $76,000 yearly.
West Virginia is a good State to work and live in for software engineers. It is located in a region where high salaries are hard to come by, but has the advantage of been affordable (92.1%), something to look forward to when considering a change.
Salaries are low ($90,644) but cost of living in the South are affordable.
Information sources: bls.gov, payscale.com, indeed.com, insight.dice.com, hackreactor.com, ziprecruiter.com, fullstackacademy.com, and glassdoor.com.