The software engineer salary in Vermont is $92,195 yearly.
The State of Vermont is located in the Northeast of the U.S., a region noted for high salaries, and high rate of living standards.
Ranked 35th with 116.0% as cost of living, Vermont is an expensive State to work and live in.
Salaries for software engineers in Vermont are within the region of $92,195 yearly, with a bonus of $4000, it is 9% higher than National average.
Software Engineer Salary in Vermont Cities
Rutland, St. Albans and Essex are amongst the cities in Vermont where software engineers earn very high salaries, $107,188 (Rutland) and $90,894 (Bellows Falls) yearly.
There is a 24% difference between the top paying city (Rutland) and the least paying city (Bellows Falls). The cost of living is also high.
Software engineers in Vermont cities are comfortably happy given the amount of salary they collect, which if critically looked at is higher than some States’ salary put together.
Cities with Highest Software Engineer Salary in Vermont
The table below shows the cities where software engineers earn the highest salaries in the State of Vermont:
Cities | Salary Yearly ($) |
Rutland | 107,188 |
St. Albans | 103,352 |
Essex junction | 92,660 |
Newport | 92,583 |
Winooski | 92,086 |
South Burlington | 91,043 |
Montpellier | 90,894 |
Burlington | 90,013 |
Barre | 88,761 |
Bellows Falls | 88,584 |
Skill-based Software Engineer Salary in Vermont
Software engineers in the State of Vermont, with the much in demand skills earn higher than their counterparts without such skills; below highlighted are the earning potentials of the highest paying software engineering skills in the State of Vermont:
- Scala skilled software engineers in Vermont earn 24.30%, which amount to $22,449 added to salary yearly.
- Os kernel skilled software engineers in Vermont earn 17.55%, which is $16,180 yearly add on salary.
- Big Data skilled software engineers in Vermont earn 17.35% with the skill, which is $15,996 add on to yearly salary.
- Software engineers with Microservices Skill in Vermont earn 16.13%, which translate to $14,871 add on to salary yearly.
- Machine learning skilled software engineers in Vermont earn 11.71%, which is $10,796 add on to salary yearly.
- Data structures skilled software engineers in Vermont earn 10.99%, which translates to yearly add on to salary of $10,132.
Experience-based Software Engineer Salary in Vermont
The number of years garnered on the job by a software engineer in Vermont most often than not will determine their yearly earning.
So, the higher the number of working experience as a software engineer in Vermont, the higher will be the salary.
Stated below is the earning potential of software engineers in Vermont according to their years of experience on the job:
- 1 years on the job as a software engineer in Vermont earns $81,167 as yearly salary.
- 1 – 2 years as a software engineer in Vermont earns $83,391 yearly.
- 3 – 5 years as a software engineer in Vermont earns $90,000 yearly.
- 6 – 9 years on the job as a software engineer in Vermont can earn you $125,454 yearly.
- 10 years and above in Vermont as a software engineer will earn $143,728 yearly salary.
10 Companies with Highest Software Engineer Salary in Vermont
The table below shows the 10 highest paying companies in the State of Vermont for software engineers and how much salaries they earn:
Company | Salary Yearly ($) |
Apple | 169,027 |
158,727 | |
Octo Consulting Group | 153,511 |
Capital One | 153,074 |
Juniper Network | 145,627 |
Oracle | 142,086 |
Experian | 135,367 |
Salesforce | 135,038 |
Cisco | 132,779 |
Wayfair | 132,367 |
More Benefits for Software Engineer in Vermont
Software engineers in Vermont get additional benefits attached to their annual salaries; this can come as long term or immediate benefits, listed below are some of these benefits:
- Stock Options. Vermont software engineers get stock options as part of their benefits. These can later be turned to cash.
- Food Provided. Food provision is another benefit Vermont software engineers enjoy as part of their benefits. They get food provided to them due to long hours of work without a break.
- Visa Assistance. The Vermont software engineer gets visa assistance if the need arises to attend conferences and seminars outside the Country.
- Gym Membership. Fatigue and weight issues may set in for the Vermont Software engineer, in other to help them overcome this; they are given membership of gyms where they burn off excess fat.
- Health Insurance. The health of the software engineer in Vermont is very important to the company that employed them, so they help in contributing to the health insurance scheme provided.
- Vision Insurance. The vision of the Vermont software engineer is vital to his/her work, they are therefore provided with vision insurance by their employers to guide against any form of issues with their vision.
What Related Job Titles to Software Engineer Earn in Vermont
Here are the salaries that related job titles to software engineer earn in Vermont:
- Backend Developer earns $113,345 as yearly salary.
- Full Stack Developer earns $112,516.
- Frontend Developer earns $105,168.
- Developer earns $95,978 yearly.
- Application Developer earns $94,400.
Software Engineer Salary and Job Outlook in Vermont
The salary outlook for the Vermont software engineer is looking upward ($101,247 yearly) with a potential for rapid increase from its current range.
Even with high cost of living 128.1%, Vermont is still a major hub in the Northeast region for software engineering jobs.
How to increase your Salary as Software Engineer in Vermont
Here are ideas you can apply to increase your salary as a software engineer in the State of Vermont:
- Get a high paying company to work for. Some companies pay higher than others in Vermont, as shown in the table above. So, to increase your software engineer salary, you can target working for any of the highest paying companies.
- Relocate to bigger cities. Moving from one city to another can sometimes be a heavy task; however, it can be an option to take when you are considering increasing your salary. The big cities have the big companies, which you can target for employment.
- Get good skills. Skills play a very crucial role in helping a software engineer get some form of pay rise in Vermont. If you have the much needed Skills, you can earn a higher salary in Vermont.
More Career Opportunities for Software Engineers in Vermont
Software engineers in Vermont can move into other related careers, and these opportunities come with either a higher pay or the same as in the software engineering career.
Highlighted below are some of the career opportunities open to software engineers in Vermont and how much salary they earn:
- Mechanical engineers in Vermont earn $87,000 yearly.
- Biomedical engineers’ salary in Vermont is $86,000 yearly.
- Operations research analysts in Vermont earn $81,000 salary yearly.
- Computer network architects in Vermont earn $79,000 yearly salary.
Information Sources: indeed.com, bls.gov, insight.dice.com, payscale.com, hackreactor.com, ziprecriter.com, fullstackacademy.com, and glassdoor.com.