The nurse practitioner salary in North Dakota is averagely $118,353 yearly.
A nurse practitioner in North Dakota is a health care professional who can diagnose and treat illnesses, who are not necessarily doctors.
There are many great perks to being a nurse practitioner in North Dakota besides getting paid well and other benefits.
Nurse Practitioner Salary in North Dakota Cities
Here is salary information for nurse practitioners across cities in North Dakota:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Fargo | $86.34 | $116,224 |
2. | Bismarck | $87.71 | $118,067 |
3. | Grand Forks | $82.30 | $110,794 |
4. | Minot | $84.84 | $114,206 |
5. | West Fargo | $81.92 | $110,282 |
6. | Williston | $89.87 | $120,974 |
7. | Dickinson | $87.51 | $117,800 |
8. | Mandan | $82.96 | $111,680 |
9. | Jamestown | $83.64 | $112,598 |
10. | Bowman | $87.47 | $117,743 |
11. | Devils Lake | $80.48 | $108,338 |
12. | Watford City | $88.07 | $118,556 |
13. | Valley City | $81.36 | $109,519 |
14. | Minot AFB | $85.44 | $115,013 |
15. | Lincoln | $83.87 | $112,906 |
16. | Grafton | $83.42 | $112,302 |
17. | Beulah | $87.31 | $117,528 |
18. | Horace | $83.34 | $112,190 |
19. | Grand Forks AFB | $82.53 | $111,103 |
20. | Casselton | $81.90 | $110,254 |
21. | Stanley | $86.31 | $116,187 |
22. | New Town | $92.90 | $125,064 |
23. | Rugby | $85.01 | $114,435 |
24. | Hazen | $88.74 | $119,457 |
25. | Belcourt | $98.59 | $132,720 |
26. | Oakes | $91.18 | $122,749 |
27. | Bottineau | $83.77 | $112,766 |
28. | Carrington | $82.67 | $111,292 |
29. | Langdon | $92.37 | $124,340 |
30. | Mayville | $82.69 | $111,316 |
10 Cities with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in North Dakota
Salary information for nurse practitioners in top 10 paying cities in North Dakota:
City | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Belcourt | $98.59 | $132,720 |
2. | New Town | $92.90 | $125,064 |
3. | Langdon | $92.37 | $124,340 |
4. | Oakes | $91.18 | $122,749 |
5. | Williston | $89.87 | $120,974 |
6. | Hazen | $88.74 | $119,457 |
7. | Watford City | $88.07 | $118,556 |
8. | Bismarck | $87.71 | $118,067 |
9. | Dickinson | $87.51 | $117,800 |
10. | Bowman | $87.47 | $117,743 |
Skill-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in North Dakota
A nurse practitioner in North Dakota with industry relevant skills and certifications will earn more than their counterparts that don’t have them.
Some of these skills include:
- Healthcare Administration
- Communication skills
- Computer Skills
- Critical Thinking
- Exercise Physiology.
Experience-based Nurse Practitioner Salary in North Dakota
Experience obviously plays a major factor; the more experience you have, the more you are paid as a nurse practitioner in North Dakota.
An entry-level nurse practitioner in North Dakota with less than one year experience will earn $104,106 while the more experienced ones with 10 or more years of experience can make $129,204.
10 Companies with Highest Nurse Practitioner Salary in North Dakota
Salary information for nurse practitioners in top 10 paying companies in North Dakota:
Company | Hourly Salary | Annual Salary | |
1. | Woundtech | $882 | $1,187,234 |
2. | ACC HealthCare | $291 | $391,905 |
3. | INNOVATIVE HEALTH | $215 | $289,930 |
4. | UCLA Health | $134 | $180,406 |
5. | Molina Healthcare | $114 | $153,899 |
6. | NewYork-Presbyterian Hospital | $112 | $150,756 |
7. | Northwell Health | $111 | $148,801 |
8. | Dignity Health | $109 | $147,008 |
9. | Wound Care Plus, LLC | $109 | $146,965 |
10. | Elevance Health | $106 | $143,257 |
10 Highest Paying Nurse Practitioner Jobs in North Dakota
Here is a list of the highest paying nurse practitioner jobs in North Dakota:
- Home Care Nurse Practitioner; $109,437.
- PM&R Nurse Practitioner; $139,979.
- General Practitioner; $137,746.
- Nurse Practitioner Anesthesiology; $131,022.
- Neonatal Nurse Practitioner; $129,597.
- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner; $110,992.
- Surgical Nurse Practitioner; $104,684.
- Aesthetic Nurse Practitioner; $101,047.
- Family Nurse Practitioner; $108,550.
- Acute Care Nurse Practitioner; $108,344.
More Benefits for Nurse Practitioners in North Dakota
Additional benefits that employers provide nurse practitioners in North Dakota include:
- Stock Options
Public company employers usually offer stock options to their nurse practitioner employees in North Dakota; a stock option grants the employee the right to purchase company stock in the future at an agreed price.
- Employee Stock Purchase Plans
The employer will provide an employee Stock Purchase Plan which allows the employee to purchase company stock at a discount.
The discount will be directly proportional to the number of years the employee has been with the business.
- Profit Sharing Plans
A profit sharing plan is a type of retirement plan that is funded by the employer and set aside for all eligible employees.
It allows businesses to match or contribute their employees’ contributions up to a certain percentage.
- Tax Deferred Annuities & Retirement Plans
An employer will provide a company retirement plan which allows workers to invest their money into that particular plan and doesn’t have to pay taxes on the money.
What Related Job Titles to Nurse Practitioner Earn in North Dakota
Here are job titles related to nurse practitioner and the salaries they earn in North Dakota:
- Physical Therapist; $89,000.
- Medical Technologist; $68,819.
- Nuclear Medicine Technologist; $91,276.
- Radiographer; $62,106.
- Forensic Toxicologist; $71,400.
Nurse Practitioner Job and Salary Outlook in North Dakota
North Dakota has one of the smallest nurse practitioner numbers in the country, although increase is projected.
With just around 500 nurse practitioners in the state now, the number is predicted to grow by 31.4 percent over the next 10 years, which will create more than 150 new jobs.
Based on the existing population, it is reasonable to say that North Dakota is a very rural state. This is one of the causes behind the anticipated growth.
Hospitals, clinics, and government organizations are seeking to reach out to rural patient groups in order to improve access to treatment.
Furthermore, North Dakota has a large senior population that needs long-term care.
How to increase your Pay as a Nurse Practitioner in North Dakota
To increase your pay as a nurse practitioner in the state of North Dakota, you can try out these ideas:
- Education
You will have to look at the education and experience factors.
You can always get in-service training or formal education.
You can take courses on business management and/or health care administration.
2. Pick Higher Paying Specialties
Another way to increase your pay as a nurse practitioner in North Dakota is by getting specialized training in areas like:
- Advanced Wound Care
- Geriatrics
- Infectious Diseases
- Medical Education & Teaching.
3. Take Higher Paying Jobs
The salary for a nurse practitioner can vary depending on the employer.
For example, if you are a general nurse practitioner, you could work with a private practice or public health department where you could make significantly more money.
4. Start your own Business
Another valuable idea you can use to increase your salary as a nurse practitioner in North Dakota is to start your own business and set up a small practice.
You can also get a contract with an employer who will sponsor you as an independent contractor.
More Career Opportunities for Nurse Practitioners in North Dakota
If you want suggestions on how to advance your career as a nurse practitioner in North Dakota, then try out these ideas:
- Join the Chamber of Commerce
The North Dakota Chamber of Commerce can provide you with networking opportunities and help in job search.
They will help you look beyond your hospital or clinic to see what deals are available to the public; they will also help you find out where you could start a small business.
- Find Mentors and Advisors
The best way to advance your career as a nurse practitioner without making those first step errors is by finding someone who has already done what you want to do.
Find a mentor or an advisor who could help you in the process. You can even go for a coach, to guarantee that you follow your plan and don’t get stuck.
- Network with People in the Field
Do you know anyone working on similar jobs? Start networking with them, find out what they are doing and how they are doing it and use their experience to your advantage.
- Volunteer at Community Events, Hospitals and Clinics
Engaging in volunteering work helps you practice your skills and offers many benefits.
For example, you can learn from your volunteering work and it could help you decide what to study in college; and it could even save you money since it is subsidized by the government.
This post has provided in-depth information on the salaries of nurse practitioners in North Dakota, to help individuals interested in living and working in the state as a nurse practitioner to make the right decision.
Information sources: indeed.com, bls.gov, glassdoor.com, beckershospitalreview.com, payscale.com, pharmapproach.com, pharmacytechnicianguide.com nursingprocess.org and salary.com.