This post provides complete information on the job description of a dermatologist nurse practitioner, to help you learn the tasks, duties, and responsibilities they commonly perform.
What Does a Dermatology Nurse Practitioner Do?
The dermatologist nurse practitioner is a health care professional who evaluates patient health needs, creates and implements health care plans, and maintains accurate medical records.
The job description of a dermatologist nurse practitioner includes administering care to sick, injured or disabled patients and also uses their expertise to give patients advice on health maintenance, skin maintenance and disease prevention or provide case management.
Dermatologist nurse practitioners’ role also involves receiving new patients to the clinic, and offering long time patient treatment.
In some cases, they direct patients with less serious dermatological needs to meet with a physician.
They inculcate the model of working collaboratively with a provider who is in charge of their clients’ follow-up care.
Dermatology Nurse Practitioner Job Description Example/Sample/Template
The key duties, tasks and responsibilities of the dermatology nurse practitioner are stated in the job description example below.
- Monitor, and report development or changes in clients’ health conditions and also maintain accurate records of patients’ medical history
- Seek the opinion of other healthcare team members to evaluate, create and implement patient health care treatment and plans
- Give families and individuals instructions on health topics such as health education, disease prevention, and create health improvement plans
- Instruct and supervise junior and less-skilled nursing or healthcare personnel in the course of duty
- Modify patient treatment plans in line with patients’ conditions and response to treatment and evaluate all aspects of patient health, including diet, hygiene and physical activity
- Get patients ready for treatments and assist with laboratory examinations and also arrange rooms, sterilize instruments and equipment used in the clinic
- Receive and interpret diagnostic tests to determine and evaluate patient’s condition
- Evaluate the health needs of individuals, families, or communities, including evaluations of individuals’ home and work environments, to spot possible health or safety problems
- Administer health care, first aid, immunizations, and assistance in rehabilitation in areas including schools, hospitals, and other industries
- Diagnose and treat numerous dermatology problems such as acne vulgaris, atopic dermatitis, psoriasis contact dermatitis, tinea pedis/cruiz/corpis, onychomycosis, photo damaged skin, actinic keratosis and seborrheic keratosis amongst others.
- Carryout different dermatology procedures such as cryo-surgery to actinic keratosis, verrucea vulgaris, shave biopsy, simple wound closure, and punch biopsy amongst others
- Direct clients and patients with complicated issues to more specialized health centers or hospitals for proper treatment .
- Supervise programs of infection control, and consult specific experts about needed precautions to avert the infections
- Make provision for or train junior workers in the clinic to sharpen their skills
- Work with other health care professionals in research works in the nursing dermatology field
- Carryout administrative functions which include taking responsibilities in budgeting, planning, and other long-range goals
- Carryout physical examination and analysis, make diagnoses, and treat patients based on findings.
The job description sample given above can be used in preparing a resume for applying to a vacant nurse practitioner position in a dermatology unit.
Dermatology Nurse Practitioner Requirements: Skills, Knowledge, and Abilities for Career Success
The skills, knowledge, and qualities that employers usually want applicants for the post of dermatology nurse practitioner to have include the following:
- Have a recognized license to work as a registered nurse
- Be recognized by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) or American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)
- Ability to show care to patients by understanding their situation and making efforts to make them comfortable
- Exhibit good human relations skills to interact freely with patients and earn their friendship.
- Showcase patience in dealing with patients’ situations.