Software Engineer Salary in Arizona and How to Earn More

By | July 18, 2023
Software Engineer Salary in Arizona
Arizona still offers good prospect to software engineers in the United States.

The software engineer salary in Arizona is between $96,642 and $100,000 yearly.

The State of Arizona is ranked low on the all time States where software engineers thrive.

With an annual salary of $96,642 – $100,000 yearly and its engineers grossing $48.34 per hour, Arizona is one of the most sought out states for software engineers in the U.S.

Software Engineer Salary across Cities in Arizona State

Across the State of Arizona things are on the upscale as competition is ripe and the right people for the job are in constant movement to its major cities where software companies abound.

The state capital is thriving in upward development with good infrastructures to back it up; a good place to relocate to if you can afford the cost of living.

Highest Paying Cities for Software Engineers in Arizona State

Arizona has some cities that are well developed for the software engineer to thrive, such cities are where the big companies can be found in numbers and such draw people to their place.

Below are 10 of such cities alongside how much software engineers gross annually:

        CityYearly Salary ($)
Prescott valley98,989
Best paying cities for software engineers in Arizona.

Software Engineer Salary Based on Skill in Arizona State

Skills are what make a professional stand out and software engineers are not different from the rest.

Aside from having a good education, some skills stand out from the rest and earn the most:

  • Scala: top earning skill with a +24.30% earnings yearly, grossing $23,484 more
  • Deep Learning: earns +23.39% yearly, with $22,517 added on
  • Os.Kernels: earns +17.56% yearly, with $16970 as added on
  • Big Data: earns +17.35 yearly, making it $16,767 as add on
  • Microservices: earns +16.13 yearly, with add on it nets $15,588
  • Machine Learning: earns +11.71% yearly, averages $11,316
  • Data Structures: earns +10.99% yearly, takes home $10,316 as add on.

Software Engineer Salary Based on Experience in Arizona State

Whatever professional career one embarks upon, experience is key to getting more job recognition and salary upgrade.

The software engineering profession is not an exception, below is a breakdown of how software engineers earn in Arizona according to their years of working on the job.

Less than 1 year; earns in the range of $85,211 as salary yearly

I – 2 years on the job earns $87,546 yearly.

3 – 5 years (the middle years) earns $90,000.

6 – 9 years on the job earns 100,135 yearly.

10 plus years earns $114,720.

The longer you spend on a particular profession with the right skills and education, the higher your earning power will become.

10 Highest Paying Companies for Software Engineer in Arizona State

Like in all States, certain companies pay relatively higher than their counterparts on the same job type, and these companies attract the best hands to their fold.

Listed below are some of the highest paying companies for software engineers in Arizona and the salary they pay annually:

   CompanySalary Yearly ($)
Juniper Networks144,419
Best paying companies for software engineers in Arizona.

More Benefits for Software Engineers in the State of Arizona

As a software engineer, certain benefits are attached to the job, we have cases of software engineers who at the end of the year take home close to a $1M as added incentives (California), which make the job much more interesting and exciting for its professionals.

The three basic benefits attached to software engineer earnings are basic salary, cash bonus, and long term incentives.

These benefits are the primary ones in the industry in Arizona, but there are other attractive benefits which are listed below:

  • Visa sponsorship: the engineer is helped here in securing and obtaining a lot visa program to either work or move to the company involved outside the country, this comes in the form of a yearly incentive.
  • Relocation assistance: we all know the stress involved in relocating from one point to the other within the same city, now think about out of state or even the country, this benefit is also added yearly.
  • Health savings: keeping healthy is part of everyone’s dream and having a good health savings scheme is paramount in achieving that, software engineers get good health saving programs funded yearly by their employers.
  • Food provision: sometimes the job requires little or no break and this can lead to other forms of stress, so the company provides food at such times.
  • Gym membership: too much sitting, standing, and even bending can sometimes take its toil on the human body, so to help relieve that some companies give their staff membership to gyms where they can exercise and get off stress.

What Related Job Titles to Software Engineer Earn in Arizona State

Some job related to software engineers in Arizona earn a slightly higher pay than software engineers, here is a breakdown of their salary across board:

  • Backend Developer takes home $101,415 yearly.
  • Full stack Developer earns $99,345 yearly.
  • Frontend Developer earns $98,595 yearly.
  • Application Developer takes home $95,815 yearly.
  • Software Developer earns $94,725 salary yearly.
  • Developer earns $57,092.

Software Engineer Job and Salary Outlook in Arizona State

The State of Arizona has the capacity to move from its  position to either number 1 or 2 on the scale.

With good strategic plans, software engineers across the state have shown tremendous satisfaction (63%) on their job and many are not inclined to move.

And with annual salaries going towards the 120k to 130k mark, things are on the bright side.

How to Increase your Salary as a Software Engineer in Arizona State

Software engineers in the State of Arizona may likely not want to move to another State in a bid to make more money, considering its top status ranking.

However, if you are looking to increase your salary as a software engineer in Arizona, here are ways to achieve the goal:

  • Getting more education. To be highly sought after as a software engineer in Arizona, you need to improve on your education and get more certified in the core areas needed for the upward leap.
  • Move to a bigger city or State: If you leave in a small town or city in Arizona, you can start thinking of moving to a bigger city where your chances of getting hired will be high.
  • Seek employment with the big paying companies: Yes, working in big corporations pays well and making the leap towards such big companies will help a lot.
  • Get more skills under your profile: Nothing beats good set of skills and getting more with the one you have already is a morale booster in your quest for higher pay and much earning power.

More Career Opportunities for Software Engineers in Arizona State

The State of Arizona offers different career opportunities for her software engineers to work in either in related or diverse fields.

Software engineers in Arizona earn less than computer and information scientists but higher than robotics engineers, with salaries hovering between $42,000 and $100,000 yearly.

Below are some of the careers:

  • Computer and information scientists earn a yearly salary of $118,000.
  • Computer hardware engineers earn $115,000 yearly as salary.
  • Computer network architects take home yearly $109,000.
  • Solution architects earn $100,000 yearly.
  • Information security analyst earn $98,00 yearly.


The State of Arizona is amongst the low paying states for software engineers, it has the lowest annual salary and the job market is not too or very active due to this fact.

However, on the bright side other factors play a major role, like skill and educational levels; such earn as high as $143,553 and as low as $41,347, with the top players grossing home in the range of $123,685(90%).

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