The job description of the family support worker, consists of several duties and responsibilities that relate to providing counseling cum guidance to families in need.
The need may be counseling or financial in nature, or some other necessity.
For families needing assistance, the family support worker may provide information as to how to enroll in healthcare programs or obtain food stamps.
These individuals typically go through a comprehensive training to perform their duties effectively.
In some cases, someone working in this job will organize events or activities in order to raise money for those in adversity, such as the loss of a job or people displaced due to fire or natural disasters.
He/she may work seasonally with the local authority to distribute toys to children, food to the needy at Christmas or help low-income families in need of affordable housing.
They may often times be responsible for finding volunteers within the community who work with outreach programs that orientate families in times of need.
Some support workers specialization is strictly in community services that benefit children.
Some family counselors would take children to events like ball game or simply spend time with one-on-one with a child.
Family support workers may also intervene in times of family disputes or crisis. In case of divorce which may be very difficult for a child, they may provide resources for family or group therapy.
These workers may also talk with the family’s clergy or the child’s teachers.
Someone willing to work as a family support worker would be required to have experience in counseling and to have a bachelor’s degree.
Some prior social service experience would also be very helpful. They must also be experienced in dealing with issues faced by low-income and homeless families.
Family support workers also extend their services beyond helping individual families; they also work to encourage and provide education to the community at large.
These workers, as part of the human services program may sponsor events to benefit various causes or enlist volunteers in the community.
Family Support Worker Job Description Sample/Example/Template
The job description of the family support worker consists of the following key duties, tasks, and responsibilities:
- Assist to develop and maintain client program and records documentation according to contract and standards
- Provide education, appropriate modeling techniques and several other supportive services as outlined in service plan
- Assist Case Manager, Social Worker or Counselor in family assessment and in providing case management services
- Arrange for transportation of clients to counseling, medical appointments, shopping, etc.
- Monitor quality of care by working in accordance with contract requirements for contacting clients by letter, by phone, and/or by conducting residential/home visits
- Co-facilitate or facilitate educational classes such as behavior management, independent living skills, parenting skills, household management, anger management and pregnancy/pre-natal care etc.
- Co-lead and/or lead parent/child play groups
- Supervise children when parents are not around
- Attend weekly client staff meetings
- Provide on call support as scheduled or required
- Participate in the community quality improvement process.
Family Support Worker Requirements: Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities for Career Success
Here are commonly required skills, abilities, and qualities that a family support worker should possess:
- High School Diploma
- Must be able to accurately report the functioning of families and individuals
- Effective parenting skills
- Excellent listening skills
- Must be able to make home visits as required
- Must be able to work flexible hours
- Must be able to handle life threatening situations and emergencies effectively
- Must be able to act decisively when necessary for client protection
- Must be able to perform all job-related essential functions.
You can also read, #2. Family Support Worker Job Description Sample