Top 15 Accounts Payable Accountant Skills to Excel in your Career

By | January 30, 2025
Accounts Payable Accountant Skills
To be effective in your accounts payable accountant duties, you need to have certain skills.

This post provides some of the most important skills and qualities an accounts payable accountant needs to have to be effective in their job and career.

However, before we dive into them, let’s get to know what an accounts payable accountant does:

Accounts Payable Accountant Duties

The role of an accounts payable accountant involves the verification, reconciliation, and management of all invoices related issues in the company.

These invoices are in relationship to the money owed the partners and suppliers of the company.

Therefore, one can say that an accounts payable accountant is a professional accountant of a company whose duty is to record the debts and other cash outflow of the organization and prepare receipts for each transaction made by the organization in this regard.

Top 15 Accounts Payable Accountant Skills

Here are our top 15 accounts payable accountant skills and qualities to develop to be effective in your role:

  1. Problem Analysis

This is more like when you are considering the issue of being able to carry out some meaningful analysis of the problems that are brought to your table.

For sure, you may have a handful of problems to deal with all the time, which you know you cannot run away from.

Considering that one of the things that predictably will be going through your mind is definitely how to get around those problems and the best possible ways to make sure you bring lasting solutions to problems that will be brought to you to handle.

The first step towards getting out of this dilemma is to develop an analytical culture.

Developing an analytical culture entails having the culture of first analyzing problems before determining how and when to solve those problems.

So, you should consider upgrading this skill to an acceptable level.

2. Information Management

Accounting deals a lot with information especially financial information.

These are contained in the reports and financial forecasts, which is done by the accounting department.

These documents contain the financial activities of the organization.

As part of accounts payable department, you should have some documents or information that relates to the financial affairs of the organization.

If you do, then what is required of you is to handle the information with care and utmost intelligence.

When you have information at your disposal, you should be discretional in your handling of such information, especially when it contains some basic information about some other people and classified data about the organization’s financial activities.

3. Problem Solving Skills

The problems you are to solve as an accounts payable accountant should be accounting related.

In other words, it should be something that has to do with your job description.

When this happens, you must have defended your job well.

After this, you can look forward to performing some secondary functions in the organization, such as participating in open presentations in the organization when the need arises and giving your own bit of advice when solicited for.

Some problems you might be required to attend may not really be the difficult ones but some issues that may arise and need someone in your capacity to deal with.

In all, you should be skilled enough to handle whatever challenge that is thrown at you.

4. Communication Skills

When it comes to being effective in your job as an accountant of any level or organization, one thing you cannot think of doing without is excellent communication skills as this will help you to relay information and also build a good relationship with others in the workplace.

Communication is necessary for an accountant for some reasons and this is why as an accounts payable accountant, you should be acquainted with the various forms of communication, which include the written and oral forms of communication.

The oral form of communication is necessary for your day to day relay of information and relationship building with people in the workplace, while the written forms of communication which comes in the form of reports and other financial documents are for official purposes.

5. Confidentiality

The secrecy of the organization where you work as the accounts payable accountant should be of utmost priority to you as long as you remain in this job.

This is because, if the information which you have at your disposal is not kept safe, then you are putting the organization into a great danger.

When you are dealing with the financial secrecy of the organization, you should be careful how you handle some financial documents of the organization as you may not know who this information might end up with and what that person can do with it.

So, you have to be careful how you handle the financial documents of the organization and who you allow to know some financial details of the organization for financial safety purposes.

The safety of those documents should be of utmost importance to you always.

6. Attention to Details

One way to test your level of focus and concentration is when it comes to management of details.

This is one way the organization or the hierarchy of the organization can ascertain your level of carefulness and ability to correct mistakes.

The essence of this skill is not just to make you have the ability to avoid errors or mistakes but also to help you spot and correct errors where and when necessary.

This is certainly an important skill to have as an accounts payable accountant.

In your job, the most important document and information you have at your disposal are the financial reports and other financial documents.

Before you relay the contents of the documents/reports ensure that you’ve gone through them over and over again to do away with any form of error you can spot.

7. Judgment

To make judgments in this job capacity is one thing you should be able to do.

Whether you are ready for it or not, you will always find yourself in a position to make some decisions, which could be critical or not all that critical, but the point is that decision making is an integral part of your job.

Within your capacity, you should be able to ensure that you don’t overlook scenarios or instances where you should make decisions.

Most of these decisions are all indicated in your job description as they pertain to your daily activities.

When making some decisions, you should bear in mind what direction the organization is moving and how those decisions could either help the course of the organization or militate against it.

You should be sensitive and sensible/rational in your decision making.

8. Organization/Prioritization

When you have a lot of things to accomplish within a relatively short period of time, it could be tiring, frustrating and energy sapping.

But the thing is this, that fatigue and mental exertion could be reduced if you are able to engage in meaningful organization and prioritization.

To organize your job entails having the ability to outline your tasks with a good plan on how to take on each and every one of them.

When you write down your daily programs, it helps you do the jobs smoothly without wastage of energy.

Another way this is done is through prioritization.

It is not enough to note down all the activities but you have to take cognizance of their relative importance and start with those with high relevance.

This will help you beat deadlines and manage your job well, which is a good way to make your job light and avoid unnecessary stress and confusion.

9. Team Work

Nothing makes your job easier like working with a group of likeminded people as a team.

Many have succeeded in their various careers courtesy of the type of people they were able to work with, both inside and outside the organization.

The strength and mental capacity of the people you work with in your organization will go a long way to determining the level of success you can enjoy in your job.

This is because you may not be able to go above the team you have with you.

But as much as you have a lot to gain from people, you should also think of what you can contribute to the team.

The team that we are looking at in this scenario is your fellow employees in the organization.

You have to be active and proactive in your relationship with them in the organization.

10. Professional Integrity

    As someone working in this capacity, there is a level of expectation people inside and outside the organization have about you.

    There is an opinion of what a typical accounts payable accountant should do and what they should not do.

    This is because by reason of the high regards accrued to your job, it is expected that you do not neglect these expectations and become inconsistent with your way of doing things inside and outside the organization.

    Consistency is the thing you need to work on daily basis in the organization.

    There is no doubt that your job comes with some sort of pressure, however that should not be reason enough for you to allow a drop in your standard and professionalism.

    11. Ability to Meet Deadlines

      In the modern job market, one of the most important skills that can make your resume appealing to any employer or potential employer is if you are able to convince the employer or potential employer about your level of competence in terms of meeting deadlines.

      Companies lose a lot of money when they are not able to meet up with deadlines given by clients and other stakeholders of the organization.

      This can be traced to the incompetence of some of the staff of the organization, who are not able to put in a shift to deliver the job.

      So, because of that, many organizations are on the manhunt for people who are well skilled in their job and fast enough to beat deadlines.

      This will no doubt help you excel in your job and even position yourself for better appointments in the organization.

      12. Advisory Functions

        Many organizations that have succeeded where others failed have one thing in common and that is allowing people to make contributions.

        In other words, the owner of the organization is open to workable ideas regardless of where the idea is coming from.

        If you are privileged to find yourself in such an organization, your stock will rise if you are able to come up with realistic and workable ideas, which can either help the organization out of some difficult situations or help improve the standard of the organization.

        But charity they say begins from home, meaning that before you could launch out to the organization at large, you should start exercising your advisory skill in the department where you work.

        This is the first place you should think of making your ideas count.

        13. Collaboration

          As much as this looks more like team work, yet it is different in application.

          Collaborative skill is a necessary skill to have and use in this job as its importance cannot be overestimated, neither can it be underestimate.

          Collaboration is needed in this job more than you can imagine.

          Here’s how collaboration works:

          As an accountant in the accounts payable department, you have reports probably which you prepared, but want to ensure that what you have is what is obtainable in the accounting departments.

          So, you work hand in hand with the top personnel in the department to ensure that there is harmony in all financial reports.

          When you collaborate with people in other departments, it helps you maintain your integrity and also avoid mistakes, maybe due to oversight.

          For example, when crosschecking the reports you have with that of the accounting department, you will be able to spot out some errors in your own report.

          14. Multitasking

            One of the fears/nightmare of every employee is the prospect of being asked to do many things within a relatively short time.

            This can bring with it some pressure and unpleasant scenarios.

            It is a dreaded situation and something you might not really like.

            But this is 21st century and versatility is one key skill that can help you stay put in your job.

            Whether it is something you fancy doing or not, the onus is on you to handle different jobs simultaneously or risk losing out to someone capable of doing what you hate doing.

            When you are able to come to terms with this fact, the next thing that will be going through your mind is how best to reinvent yourself to meet the demands of being able to handle more responsibilities when the need arises.

            That is what you have to sort out yourself.

            15. Good Work Ethics

              There are always rules and regulations that guide the conduct of every employee in every organization.

              Those rules are meant to ensure that workers in the workplace are well behaved and carry out their respective jobs as demanded by the employer.

              But that is to an extent. When you are working in an organization, though the rules and regulations are there, but you should be able to comport and conduct yourself even if the rules are not there.

              For example, being punctual to work should not be because of fear of punishment but should be done out of sheer professionalism.

              Professionalism is what you should consider as one of the most important aspects of your job.

              Be sure that whatever you do is not against the tenets of your job and the organization where you work else you may put yourself in a negative spotlight by the organization.

              Accounts Payable Accountant Skills for Resume

              If you are making a resume or CV for the accounts payable accountant role, you can apply the skills and qualities presented above in creating the core competence part of the resume.

              This will prove to the hiring manager that you have the skills to effectively perform the tasks of the accounts payable accountant.


              The post helps you know the important skills you should have if you really desire to make your career a successful one as an accounts payable accountant.

              These skills suit the demands of the 21st century accounts payable accountant job description and are capable of helping you land your dream job if you highlight them in your resume or CV.

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