How to Become a Certified Barbecue Expert and Skills to Develop

By | August 28, 2023
How to become a barbecue expert
Becoming a barbecue expert will enable you to master the art of producing a great tasty steak on BBQ.

How to Become a Certified Barbecue Expert and Skills to Develop

If you fancy the waft of smoke, and the scent of smoking steak, and want to become a barbecue expert, there are certainly a few steps you can follow to become that pitmaster which you desire.

This post shows you all you need to know to become a barbecue expert, including the training and skills you need to develop to be the best barbecue expert around; it also shows you the roles and duties of the job you should expect to perform.

Who is a Barbecue Expert?

A barbecue expert is someone who has not only mastered the art of creating a great tasty steak on BBQ, but is capable of using any pit or grills to do so, and qualified to offer expert advice on Barbecuing.

A good barbecue expert takes on any aspect of the cooking and makes it seem effortless, and is able to instruct others in the same technique; from preparing the pit, to the fuel, to the rub, the appropriate temperature, prep techniques, and sauce making, and bringing them all together to make a great tasty barbecue in the end.

The major defining trait of a barbecue expert is consistency, and if you are not consistent in producing the desired results, then you are not an expert yet.

Generally, this takes a lot of time and effort, a lot of love and passion for the grill.

Educational Requirements and Certifications to Become a Barbecue Expert

You can have a diploma as a certified pitmaster by taking a one-day five hour course offered by some BBQ restaurants which are taught by experts who love barbecuing.

The course is obtained at the payment of a specified fee. The class teaches techniques for authentic cooking of meat over the barbecue, both as a theory and in practical.

Some other training providers may include along preparation of meat, coleslaw, baked beans or corned bread to go with it.

Knowledge of the basic tools and equipment used are taught in the process, and the differences between grilling, barbecuing, smoking and cooking is explained with classes held to teach these techniques and methods.

Additional qualification can be gotten by taking classes as a Certified BBQ judge (CBJ), the most prominent institution providing the training is the Kansas City Barbecue Society (KCBS).

It is also important to join barbecue associations in your locality, to have an opportunity to participate in fairs and learn from experienced pitasters.

Duties, Roles, and Responsibilities of a Barbecue Expert

The duty of a barbecue expert is not only in having the ability to make great tasty meat and instruct others on how to do so, a number of others may go further to develop skills to advice on methods of cleaning, maintaining, and repairing of BBQ equipment.

Among the items they may offer such advices on include:

  • Cleaning of BBQ with advice on the tools and supplies required and probably in what quantity to use
  • Routine Maintenance of working parts like grills, flavor bars, burners, ignitors, gas hoses, drip pans, and warming racks
  • Replacement of worn out parts.

Other forms of advice may include:

  • Teaching on mastering of essential tools
  • Advice on stocking a griller’s pantry
  • Knife skills and common techniques
  • Skills on various grill setups
  • And different fuel types; like charcoal, or wood.

Becoming skilled as an expert in barbecue may not be difficult until certain procedures are paid attention to and mastered over a period of time. Such procedures Includes:

  • Sourcing for fuel: Wood for smoking is preferable to charcoal by a number of experts, although caution has to be applied with regards to continuous exposure of the steak. Only use good wood to smoke for a maximum period of four hours. The right quality of wood should be cut and smoked, not twigs or thin wood
  • Sourcing the right ingredient: The quality of the stake matters a lot. The BBQ expert should be able to know the right place to obtain the right ingredients, at the required quantity
  • Storing Meat: It is usually advised that meat be cooled to the last minute. The expert has to understand the procedures for storage and how to avoid bad meat
  • Controlling the temperature: Controlling the temperature is also important; not cooking the steak too soon, or too late or even too hot that it burns up or too cool that it doesn’t cook
  • Endorse the sauce: The rubs can add flavor to the steak. Care has to be taken, not to use sauces in a way that they overpower everything
  • Building a menu: having your meal go with other items, all grilled to perfection
  • Finally, understanding when the meal is ready; not undercooked or even overcooked; soft and bouncy, not falling off the bone.

Barbecue Expert Skills

The skills and qualities to develop to become an expert in barbecue may include:

  • The ability to pay attention to details
  • Love and passion for the grill
  • Patience, especially when instructing or giving advice.