15 Business Manager Skills to be best on the Job

By | August 26, 2023
Business manager skills and qualities
Business managers need to develop certain skills to be best on the job.

15 Business Manager Skills to be best on the Job

The job of a business manager is quite challenging, but with certain skills and qualities you will be able to effectively carry out the responsibilities of the job and succeed in your career.

This post shows the major skills and qualities you need to have as a business manager to be best on your job and achieve departmental goals for yourself and employees under your supervision.

But first, let’s find out what this role entails:

Who is a Business Manager?

A business manager is someone who oversees and supervises a business project. He/she works with a motivated team and overcomes issues such as limited resources and time.

Business managers perform various duties which include assisting companies to reach goals and objectives, departmental supervision, analyzing data, and making business decisions. See more duties and responsibilities of a business manager.

They specialize in a variety of areas such as finance, accounting, auditing, tax and budgeting; purchasing, personnel, sales, and marketing, and managing business transactions for individuals and cooperation.

15 Business Manager Skills and Qualities to be Good on the Job

1. Team Dynamics Skills. This is the number one step to helping your employees become highly effective workers. You may take the bold step of reproving them once in a while to correct mistakes, but you need to fight for balance in personalities and viewpoints, and also in skill sets.

2. Effective Communication. For you to work productively with your team, you need strong communication skills. This includes the ability to listen attentively and say what is appropriate at the right time, and also help you figure out areas of difficulty and weakness.

3. Motivation. The ability to motivate your team, lead and drive them to produce their best work can best be achieved with a professional charisma. The trust and respect your employees have for you determine their willingness to go beyond their assigned tasks for you and help the company meet its business objectives.

4. Problem Solving Skills. Business managers must possess problem-solving skills to be able to identify and confront certain challenges in the marketplace. For instance, for a marketing manager to solve the problem of a top competitor lowering their prices, he/she may need to lower his/her company’s own prices just a little higher than the competitor’s. So a business manager must be able to solve problems that may occur during business hours.

5. Leadership Skills. Every business manager is also a leader with the ability to inspire and delegate responsibilities. Qualities of a good leader include flexibility, honesty, conflict resolution abilities, and creative thinking; and your employees have to see these leadership qualities in you.

6. Organizational Skills. Business managers must be organized in order to divide various projects into tasks, select the right employees to complete them, delegate work, and meet deadlines. Proper amount of time needs to be allocated for each task or project. If the manager is not properly organized, he/she won’t know how long it’s going to take to complete those projects, and this will negatively affect his/her professional dignity.

7. Good Time Management Skills. Business managers must be able to manage their time and that of their team efficiently, and to prioritize work so that projects are completed to deadlines. For them to maintain their professionalism, they need the ability to complete tasks to deadline.

8. Collaboration Skills. Business management is not a one-man  affair, but a type that involves collaboration with multiple parties from inside and outside the organization. It requires collaborative efforts capable of building relationships, managing conflicts, influencing, and navigating through office activities.

9. Project Management and Planning Skills. Business management involves managing a range of projects, such as making policies and setting up a website. Resources such as time, money, and staff are to be effectively managed for better results.

10. Negotiation Skills. Good negotiation skills are basic business management abilities required for running a successful business. Every manager must negotiate with different characters, including customers, competitors, suppliers, business associates, employees, and other managers and leaders. A good negotiation skill will help business managers overcome certain barriers that may come their way.

11. Decision Making. A good business manager must be able to evaluate several options, make effective decisions and take appropriate action. With good judgment and decision-making ability, managers of business should know when the time is right to implement decisions.

12. Relationship Building. Business managers need to cultivate and maintain good relationships with customers, colleagues, and  partners. Social media and email may help them keep in touch, but they must keep those contacts going.

13. Computer Skills. With computer skills, business managers can complete their work faster, spread information, and coordinate meetings. They need intermediate skills with word processing, spreadsheets, and presentation software. Database management skills can also be needed for keeping records of customers: when they make a purchase, what they buy, and the amounts they spend.

14. Delegation Skills. Delegation is a skill that is required for efficient business management. It helps managers to assign work to the right people and not trying to do everything by themselves. It is a risk trusting others to handle certain duties, but a team with the right skills, training, and motivation can get any work done aright.

15. Desire to Learn. Business managers should develop the desire to learn, whether it is formal education, professional training, or opinions of coworkers on the job. Whichever way you do it, all you need is to develop the interest in learning new ideas, concepts, and strategies to acquire new knowledge.

Business Manager Skills for Resume

If you are writing a resume for a business manager job, you can write the skills or core competence section of the resume by applying the above skills and qualities.

You will be able to convince the recruiter that you have the right business manager skills and qualities for the  position by making a great core competence section for your resume.


If you are a business manager or someone aspiring to be one someday and you desire to be effective on the job, and to provide the best service to your company, then you need to develop the skills and qualities provided above

Did you find the above skills and qualities useful in becoming a good business manager? Please share your thought about this post in the comment box below. You can also share additional skills that have improved your effectiveness as a business manager.